Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Economic Downturn Effects on I.T Projects in Singapore Case Study - 1

The Economic Downturn Effects on I.T Projects in Singapore - Case Study Example Beginning November 2008, global demand and investments in trade had been paralyzed and in turn had an adverse impact on several economic sectors in Singapore such as wholesale, retail, transport, and storage sectors. For instance, the manufacturing sector is estimated to have contracted by 3.7% in 2008 and is a bit better than the 5.8% contraction for the year 2007 (Bradley 2009). The services and construction sectors also registered a slower rate of growth by as much as 5.3% (the figures were an incredible 17.3% in 2007) (Bradley 2009). Laying a primary emphasis on mitigating job losses, the government of Singapore responded to the crisis by adopting several measures. Amongst them, one of the most significant initiatives implemented included a job-retraining program aimed at improving the professional skills of workers and to reduce the burden on businesses by paying for related expenses incurred over job training. In several other cases, the government also closed down several proj ects or instructed business to do so if it felt that they were to resource intensive or hampering the reversal of the crisis (include author). A broad review of related literature and news reports (include authors) suggests that the IT industry was generally favored and supported by the government during this period of economic recession and restructuring. For example, a tender to provide passive fiber grid for the next generation of the national broadband network in Singapore was awarded in September 2008. Decisions like these clearly indicate a high level of trust and commitment on the part of the Singapore government to support the IT sector and use of IT services despite and signifies the relevance of IT as an instrument for emerging out of the crisis. Further, a passive ICT infrastructure was to be implemented in Singapore by Netcom OpenNet to deliver speeds of 1Gbps and beyond. The government committed itself towards extending a grant of S$750 million to the contracted company so as to support the network implementation (James 2009) in the hope of opening up several opportunities along the way for many other I.T proj ects.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical and Legal Issues on the Internet Essay Example for Free

Ethical and Legal Issues on the Internet Essay Plagiarism is probably the main concern when it comes to blogging and academic assignments. Should it be our responsibility to minimize plagiarism, yes it is. Academic Integrity helps keep higher learnings foundation strong. That is why it is very important to minimize or even try to eliminate plagiarism. Academic integrity surely includes issues like cheating and plagiarism, copyrights, patents, intellectual property. But it concerns the way in which we present ourselves to the community of which we are a part of. Its the obligation of students, administrators, faculty, and staff, to come together to educate students for personal and social responsibility. Schools offer to the learning community information about academic and research integrity, the responsible conduct of research, and about the ways in which our individual actions have an effect on our participation with, a vibrant and creative academic and social community. Plagiarism, the use of anothers words, ideas, data, or product without  appropriate acknowledgment, such as copying anothers work, presenting someone elses opinions and theories as ones own, or working jointly on a project and then submitting it as ones own. Cheating, the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials such as annotated or instructor editions of the course textbook, information, or study aids; or an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge. Fabrication is the intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information, such as falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references. There are ways for responsible blogging; as long as people can be ethical and follow them blogging may become more credible. First Bloggers should check their facts before blogging. It is so simple to produce and share content why not make sure it is 100% facts before sharing. Bloggers should respect all copyright laws, people associate online content with public domain content which can get the blogger in hot water. Bloggers should include links to a more detail source of the material that is being written. Giving credit where credit is due is very important in responsible blogging. The blogger should always reference their sources, this practice is important under an ethical point of view, but also give the reader a place to get the main source of facts.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

William Wordswoths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud versus The Solitary Re

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are both written by William Wordsworth and enjoy great popularity among the readers. When reading the two poems, the readers can feel that the tones of them are different. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud affects the readers with the happiness of the daffodils, while The Solitary Reaper transfers a sense of sadness. Apart from the language of the poems and the figures of speech used, the use of sound and stanza also contributes a lot to the creation of different tones. Firstly, the length of each stanza of the two poems has much to do with the creation of the tone. Shorter stanzas are easier to read compared with longer ones. And it is a suitable form to carry such tones as happy, light, and peaceful and so on. On the contrary, longer stanzas always appear denser, and the feelings conveyed are often heavy and sad. Thus, longer stanzas are fit for the expression of sad feelings. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are two typical examples of this. The former has six lines in each stanza while the latter has eight. When the readers read the two poems, it is easy for them to grasp the happiness of the daffodils as well as the sadness that is conveyed by the ?solitary reaper?. The readers can always quickly finish reading each stanza of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the same way that the daffodils are ?fluttering and dancing in the breeze? sprightly. Similarly, when reading The Solitary Reaper, the readers cannot help but feel that the many lines of the poem are just like the much sadness that seems to last on and on. And it is difficult for the readers to get out of the sad feeling that the poet has set in the poem. The lengths of the stanzas alone are of great help i... ... varies more. This also contributes to the overall tone of the poem. When reading I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the readers can easily grasp a sense of happiness, because the sentences, which are neatly written, are more music like and are pleasant to read. However, when reading The Solitary Reaper, with the varying of the lengths of the lines, the readers? feeling cannot help being ?varied? and become quite complicated. The length of each line also helps create the tone of the poems. To sum up, the tone of a poem is not simply connected with the meaning of each line, in other words, even though the readers don?t quite get the meaning of one poem, they can still know the tone of it. Because the basic elements, such as sound and stanza also play very important roles in the poem. Compared with the words of a poem, they are the muted messengers of the beauty of poem. William Wordswoth's I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud versus The Solitary Re I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are both written by William Wordsworth and enjoy great popularity among the readers. When reading the two poems, the readers can feel that the tones of them are different. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud affects the readers with the happiness of the daffodils, while The Solitary Reaper transfers a sense of sadness. Apart from the language of the poems and the figures of speech used, the use of sound and stanza also contributes a lot to the creation of different tones. Firstly, the length of each stanza of the two poems has much to do with the creation of the tone. Shorter stanzas are easier to read compared with longer ones. And it is a suitable form to carry such tones as happy, light, and peaceful and so on. On the contrary, longer stanzas always appear denser, and the feelings conveyed are often heavy and sad. Thus, longer stanzas are fit for the expression of sad feelings. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are two typical examples of this. The former has six lines in each stanza while the latter has eight. When the readers read the two poems, it is easy for them to grasp the happiness of the daffodils as well as the sadness that is conveyed by the ?solitary reaper?. The readers can always quickly finish reading each stanza of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the same way that the daffodils are ?fluttering and dancing in the breeze? sprightly. Similarly, when reading The Solitary Reaper, the readers cannot help but feel that the many lines of the poem are just like the much sadness that seems to last on and on. And it is difficult for the readers to get out of the sad feeling that the poet has set in the poem. The lengths of the stanzas alone are of great help i... ... varies more. This also contributes to the overall tone of the poem. When reading I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the readers can easily grasp a sense of happiness, because the sentences, which are neatly written, are more music like and are pleasant to read. However, when reading The Solitary Reaper, with the varying of the lengths of the lines, the readers? feeling cannot help being ?varied? and become quite complicated. The length of each line also helps create the tone of the poems. To sum up, the tone of a poem is not simply connected with the meaning of each line, in other words, even though the readers don?t quite get the meaning of one poem, they can still know the tone of it. Because the basic elements, such as sound and stanza also play very important roles in the poem. Compared with the words of a poem, they are the muted messengers of the beauty of poem.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethical Issues in Research Essay

Ethical issues are essential factors that must be given due and proper consideration in research. This becomes even more applicable when researchers deal with studies that involve human beings and animals. Numerous experiments are being made to achieve progress in various fields of discipline, including psychology. In doing so, human beings and animals must be protected, especially since using them in these experiments involves their well-being. For this reason, ethical standards are established. Ethical standards serve as the guidelines that govern the proper and improper participation and utilization of these life forms in research (University of Alberta, 2008). These standards ensure that studies which involve human beings and animals are subjected to limitations so that they would not be taken advantage of. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) (2008), ethical guidelines give importance to respecting an individual as the researchers should not express any sign of prejudice toward the participants due to differences in racial descent, sexuality, language, and such. The privacy of the participants should also be respected. Thus, researchers must only acquire the personal information necessary for the study, and this information must be kept confidential. The researchers should also obtain the consent of the individuals who will participate in the study. During the study itself, participants should also be protected from any kind of harm, may it be psychological (e. g. , stress and anxiety) or physical. Moreover, the researchers also have to respect the participant’s right to leave an experiment any time that he or she wishes to. In another perspective, ethics tend to limit the advancement of psychological science. Since there are many guidelines and rules that have to be followed, researchers do not have full control over their participants. This sometimes hinders and impedes the experimentation process. Furthermore, obtaining the necessary license for this kind of research could be time-consuming, which can be used for the study itself (BPS, 2008). Scientists should accept and follow the limitations brought about by ethical guidelines because these guidelines only give due importance to the life of the participants. The main justification for these research studies is that the findings obtained from these would contribute to the knowledge and information on various fields of discipline and help improve the lives of individuals. This gives such studies an objective that is morally good (National Academy of Sciences, 2006). Hence, scientists should value the lives of the people they claim to help. Lastly, the one responsible in identifying the parameters of the participants’ protection are competent organizations that are familiar with the field of study being researched. In the case of the United States, the American Psychological Association (APA) (2008) is an organization that represents the psychologists in the U. S. APA (2008) implements an ethics code that every member of the organization must adhere to. References American Psychological Association. (2008). APA Ethics Office. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. apa. org/ethics/.British Psychological Society. (2008). Ethics. Scienceaid. co. uk. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://scienceaid. co. uk/psychology/approaches/ethics. html. National Academy of Sciences. (2006). Scientific and ethical justification for using animals in research. Online Ethics Center for Engineering. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. onlineethics. org/cms/16216. aspx. University of Alberta. (2008). Human Ethics, Biohazards, and Animal Welfare. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. rso. ualberta. ca/certification. cfm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cypriot Banking Crysis Scr

CY ————————————————- [ ] ————————————————- CSR essay Kozhevnikova E. , Sadokhina A. , Yatisyshina P. [ ? . . ] The problem2 Time-line2 Reasons of crisis in Cypriot banking sector:4 Moral Dilemmas4 The problem The current crisis of banking system in Cyprus had raised difficult moral dilemmas for Cypriot government, members of Euro Union and other affiliated governments.Cypriot banks became unable to secure the deposits due to several reasons: the Greek crisis, crisis in real estate sector. It provided relatively high income on deposits, which is always associated with risky investments. The macroeconomic situation in the world only worsened the situation. To sum up, the some of the banks simply lost the money of the depositors. In this case, the problem o f allocation of losses appeared. Who should bear the losses for the mistakes made by Cypriot banks, which were aggravated by the multiple unfavorable circumstances?The depositors who brought their money to banks? All of them? Prosperous European countries? We should remember, that the ones who are in charge of this situation simply can’t cover that costs (banks have no liquid assets cover the losses). In this paper we discuss the impacts of different possible solutions of this problem from the point of ethics theories. We start we describing the background of the problem including time-line of facts, the reasons for crisis of Banking System, than we move on to reviewing different options of how to save Cypriot economy using theories of ethics.Time-line * 14-15 March – EU-summit as a result of which was reaching the deal between Cyprus Euro Zone and IMF (International Monetary Fund) for a 10 billion Euro bailout on condition that Cyprus imposes a one-off levy of 6,75% t o insured deposits (under 100 000 Euro) and 9,9% to uninsured deposits (over 100 000 Euro). So that Cyprus will provide 5,8 billion Euros to secure the 10-billion bailout. * March 16 – first day of Cyprus Bank closure after the government announced Bank holidays. The idea of imposing a tax on ordinary depositors resulted in mass protest-demonstration of Cypriots, citizens also protested against Germany dictating such hush conditions. It had also caused anxiety in other countries – for setting such an extraordinary and threatening precedent. * March 19 – the Cyprus Parliament rejects a 10 billion Euro bailout package (lawmakers voted 36 against 19 abstaining) arguing that it is unacceptable to take money from regular account holders.The chairmen of the Cyprus Investor Association said Parliaments’ rejection of the deal  «will buy us some time to see if we can come up with a better agreement » * The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades proposed to mak e an exception for deposits with less that 20 000 Euros to calm the public, but that didn’t work out either * The failed vote intensified the relationship between Cypriot government and EU. Cypriots accused EU for pressing them to accept an unacceptable deal that heats ordinary savers and pensioners.In return, German officials and IMF stated that they didn’t force Cypriot government to impose the deposit on depositors but that one way or another the country must come up with the rest 5,8 billion Euros to secure the bailout. * The next step included testing to which extent Russia would be willing to assist Cyprus in this difficult situation. Investments of Russian depositors accounted for about 20 billion Euros in Cypriot banks, so Russia is for sure an affiliated party.Russian officials reacted furiously to the proposed tax deposit bank * March 22 – Cyprus adopted legislation that allows the government to split the Cypriot lenders into good banks and bad banks a nd creates resolution framework to wind down banks. * March 24 – a new bailout deal between Eurozone and Cyprus. Cyprus will get a 10 billion Euro bailout on condition that Laiki (Popular) Bank, the second largest bank in Cyprus will be wound down.The deposits under 100 000 Euros will be fully compensated by the government, the depositors with more than 100 000 Euros on their accounts will face extremely huge losses. In this case Cyprus successfully avoided being excluded from EU, which occurred to be highly probable. What is more, this solution pensioners and clients with small deposits (which mean with low income level) won’t be affected, so the anger of the public will be reduced. Finally, two biggest Banks will be restructured: Laiki Bank will be wind down, Bank of Cyprus will capitalize at the expense of it’s clients; insured deposits of Laiki Bank will be transferred to Bank of Cyprus, owners of uninsured deposits of Laiki Bank will lose up to 80% of their deposits; 37,5% of uninsured deposits of Bank of Cyprus are transferred into stocks of Bank of Cyprus which actually cost nothing, 22,5% will be frozen so clients have no right to use that sums of money.In this case the costs of bank mistakes lay down on clients with deposits over 100 000 Euros. By the way, most of such clients are Russian (Russian investments in Cypriot bank sector are estimated 26 bn Euro, they exceed Cypriot GDP which is around 18 bn Euro). Russians were happy to use Cyprus as an offshore – due to double taxation agreement. This was a place where nobody asked where that money came from. At the same time EU and Cyprus were happy to transfer the costs to Russian depositors by expropriating their depsits.Is it ethical? Not the easiest question to answer One more concerning fact: . ? 1 15 ( ) ? . , ? . , . ? ? . - - ? . - Reasons of crisis in Cypriot banking sector:The Greek financial crisis had put in danger the stabil ity of all Eurozone. But the greatest impact was imposed on Cyprus due to their strong economic and financial bonds. Cyprus's banking sector was affected the most. It became quite clear that banking system of Cyprus is in danger a couple of years ago. Stavrakis   -the Finance Minister of Cyprus said:  «We are a small country and most importantly, we have a banking system which has invested heavily in Greek bonds ». Nevertheless, the minister assured that Cypriot anking system was safe and sound, that it had a strong capital base and that there was a huge inflow of foreign deposits which helped to stabilize the situation. Anyway, the prime reason of crisis in Cypriot banking sector is cancellation of Greek bonds. It was not a secret that Cypriot banks invested heavily in long-term Greek bonds, so when a default in Greece was announced and it was stated that Greece is not going to fulfill its bonds obligations, and, as a result, the trust in Cypriot banks declined. As the trust in banks decline, depositors tend to take back their money.But this is a trap: something happens in the banking industry, depositors leave, at the same time a lot of bank assets are frozen in long-term obligations. Theoretically, the bank has or practically has enough assets to return everything to clients, but these assets are not liquid, so at the moment when clients start to panic and claim for their money, the bank is under threat of running out of liquid assets to pay to clients. This can happen to any bank, even the most reliable one. The moment panic begins – the bank is under great threat.This is why laws that don’t allow taking back deposits at any moment may be quite reasonable. Here is a breath summary of reason of Cypriot banking sector crisis: * Huge investments of Cypriot banking sector in Greek default economy =; sufficient losses and asset write-downs of Cypriot banks * A strong offshore orientation of Cypriot economy: total sum of deposits heavily exce ed GDP * As a result the government (does it have to? ) is not able to compensate the losses of depositors * Unfavorable macroeconomic situation in EU and world The fact that Cypriot banks haven’t revalued their assets for a long time, so the assets were overestimated * And many other reasons that we will understand 20 years after Moral Dilemmas Here is a list of moral dilemmas occur in such a complicated situation: 1) Who should bear the risk of bank bankruptcy? Government/all customers/the richest customers/other countries’ governments/†¦ 2) Can expropriation be ethical? 3) 4) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. http://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424127887323605404578384331402208120. html [ 2 ]. http://www. nytimes. om/2013/03/20/business/global/cyprus-rejects-tax-on-bank-deposits. html? _r=0 [ 3 ]. http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-europe-21916102 [ 4 ]. http://lent a. ru/news/2013/03/25/threat/ [ 5 ]. http://somo. nl/dossiers-en/sectors/financial/eu-financial-reforms/newsletter-items/issue-17-march-2013/innovative-approach-in-cyprus-bailout [ 6 ]. http://www. cyprusnewsreport. com/? q=node/4239 [ 7 ]. http://www. mondaq. com/x/231362/Financial+Services/The+Latest+Developments+In+The+Cyprus+Banking+Sector [ 8 ]. http://www. reuters. com/article/2013/03/22/us-column-cyprus-investing-saft-idUSBRE92L0UV20130322

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Why CO2 Isnt an Organic Compound

Why CO2 Isn't an Organic Compound If organic chemistry is the study of carbon, then why isnt carbon dioxide considered to be an organic compound? The answer is because organic molecules dont just contain carbon. They contain hydrocarbons or carbon bonded to hydrogen. The C-H bond has lower bond energy than the carbon-oxygen bond in carbon dioxide, making carbon dioxide  (CO2) more stable/less reactive than the typical organic compound. So, when youre determining whether a carbon compound is organic or not, look to see whether it contains hydrogen in addition to carbon and whether the carbon is bonded to the hydrogen. Past Methods of Distinguishing Between Organic and Inorganic Although carbon dioxide contains carbon and has covalent bonds, it also fails the older test for whether or not a compound could be considered organic: Could a compound be produced from inorganic sources? Carbon dioxide occurs naturally from processes that are definitely not organic. It is released from volcanoes, minerals, and other inanimate sources. This definition of organic fell apart when chemists started to synthesize organic compounds from inorganic sources. For example, Wohler made urea (an organic) from ammonium chloride and potassium cyanate. In the case of carbon dioxide, yes, living organisms produce it, but so do many other natural processes. Thus, it was classified as inorganic. Other Examples of Inorganic Carbon Molecules Carbon dioxide isnt the only compound that contains carbon but isnt organic. Other examples include carbon monoxide (CO), sodium bicarbonate, iron cyanide complexes, and carbon tetrachloride. As you might expect, elemental carbon isnt organic either. Amorphous carbon, buckminsterfullerene, graphite, and diamond are all inorganic.

Monday, October 21, 2019

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Essays

Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Essays Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Essay Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation Essay The purpose of this particular article was to develop insight regarding the general public’s thoughts about witnessed CPR. Being the purpose of this article, it looked into the reactions of four hundred and eight respondents who are 18 years old and above, residing in Conernaugh Health System’s Memorial Medical Center’s Service Area, through a telephone survey on whether or not they are in favor of the presence of their family members in Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation or what is commonly known as CPR. The central question that this article aimed to answer was â€Å"Are the people in favor to have their family and friends physically present during Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation? † Between the 29th of April and the 14th of May 2003, four hundred eight telephone interviews have been made by a consulting firm from Holleran, Mountville, PA. The said interview is made in compliance with the survey research quality guidelines that the American Survey Research Organization came up with. The respondents of the survey who were made to answer the central question of this article were aged 18 and above and were chosen at random from the list of residents living in the vicinity of the Memorial Medical Center’s Service Area in southwest Pennsylvania. This particular consulting firm who is in charge of this particular study hired a professional, hired interviewer to contact the respondents through telephone. Upon reaching their perspective respondents, and upon having them on the other line, the subject of the survey and of the study was presented. They were given the chance to decline or accept the invitation to participate in the study which went on for 8-10 minutes. The first part of this particular article clearly states the purpose of this piece of work, and that is to obtain the opinions of people. However, the theories and concepts used to study the reaction of the people with regard to the Public’s Attitude and Perception Concerning Witnessed Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation has not been efficiently discussed. It should have presented the major reasons why they think that physical presence is important not just to the patient but to the family and friends as well. At the same time, it was not able to show what the disadvantages of having the friends and family during CPR. All it ever said was that it remains to be a controversial issue. It should have presented why it is so. First, the presence of family members could affect the performance of the staff dealing with the resuscitation itself. At the same time, it may raise the levels of anxiety and at the same time, a depressed relative might disrupt the process. At the same time, the family may experience negative emotional and psychological consequences when they witness activities that are traumatic such as this. These considerations should be included in the article, and be used to look into the disadvantages and advantages of having family members during CPR (European Society of Cardiology, 2007). The study seems to have focused a lot on the results the study which is apparently very good as it clearly supports the purpose of the article. According to the results, 49. 3% of the respondents would like to be present while CPR is being performed on his or her loved one. The respondents who chose this believe that their presence could benefit the patient undergoing the said medical process. On the other hand, 43% believe that even if their presence is acknowledged, the physician should remain as the primary decision maker in the situation concerning CPR. Generally, the article was able to show how important witnessing the CPR of a loved one is to a person. This could be of help to the nurses and other health professionals be more sensitive to the needs of their patients and their loved ones in times when they need each other the most. Hence, this study was able to provide insights on the attitudes regarding witnessed resuscitation. Many of them would prefer to be at their loved ones’ side during CPR. Because of this, the development of most CPR programs should be reinvestigated and redesigned to accommodate the wishes of the patients and their loved ones. Basically, the weakness of this article lies in the absence of the explanation of the concepts and theories included in this study while its strength lies upon how it was able to meet its objectives and goals through the in depth presentation of the results obtained through the phone interviews. Somehow, it was able to capture the sentiments of the people with concerning CPR, whether or not they want to experience it being done on a loved one or someone close to them. References European Society of Cardiology. 2007. The presence of family members during cardiopulmonary resuscitation. The World of Critical Care Nursing. Volume 5. Number 4. Retrieved November 8, 2007 from www. connectpublishing. com/Connects/conf/5. 4_1. pdf Mazer, M. A. , Cox, L. A. , Capon, J. A. 2006. The public’s attitude and perception concerning witnessed cardiopulmonary resuscitation. Crit Care Med 2006. Vol. 34, No. 12. pp. 2925- 2928.

Sunday, October 20, 2019

Learn About Photosynthesis Formula

Learn About Photosynthesis Formula Some organisms need to create the energy they need to survive. These organisms are capable of absorbing energy from sunlight and using it to produce sugar and other organic compounds such as lipids and proteins. The sugars are then used to provide energy for the organism. This process, called photosynthesis, is used by photosynthetic organisms including plants, algae, and cyanobacteria. Photosynthesis Equation In photosynthesis, solar energy is converted to chemical energy. The chemical energy is stored in the form of glucose (sugar). Carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight are used to produce glucose, oxygen, and water. The chemical equation for this process is: 6CO2 12H2O light → C6H12O6 6O2 6H2O Six molecules of carbon dioxide (6CO2) and twelve molecules of water (12H2O) are consumed in the process, while glucose (C6H12O6), six molecules of oxygen (6O2), and six molecules of water (6H2O) are produced. This equation may be simplified as: 6CO2 6H2O light → C6H12O6 6O2. Photosynthesis in Plants In plants, photosynthesis occurs mainly within the leaves. Since photosynthesis requires carbon dioxide, water, and sunlight, all of these substances must be obtained by or transported to the leaves. Carbon dioxide is obtained through tiny pores in plant leaves called stomata. Oxygen is also released through the stomata. Water is obtained by the plant through the roots and delivered to the leaves through vascular plant tissue systems. Sunlight is absorbed by chlorophyll, a green pigment located in plant cell structures called chloroplasts. Chloroplasts are the sites of photosynthesis. Chloroplasts contain several structures, each having specific functions: Outer and inner membranes- protective coverings that keep chloroplast structures enclosed.Stroma- dense fluid within the chloroplast. The site of conversion of carbon dioxide to sugar.Thylakoid- flattened sac-like membrane structures. The site of conversion of light energy to chemical energy.Grana- densely layered stacks of thylakoid sacs. Sites of conversion of light energy to chemical energy.Chlorophyll- a green pigment within the chloroplast. Absorbs light energy. Stages of Photosynthesis Photosynthesis occurs in two stages. These stages are called the light reactions and the dark reactions. The light reactions take place in the presence of light. The dark reactions do not require direct light, however dark reactions in most plants occur during the day. Light reactions occur mostly in the thylakoid stacks of the grana. Here, sunlight is converted to chemical energy in the form of ATP (free energy containing molecule) and NADPH (high energy electron carrying molecule). Chlorophyll absorbs light energy and starts a chain of steps that result in the production of ATP, NADPH, and oxygen (through the splitting of water). Oxygen is released through the stomata. Both ATP and NADPH are used in the dark reactions to produce sugar. Dark reactions occur in the stroma. Carbon dioxide is converted to sugar using ATP and NADPH. This process is known as carbon fixation or the Calvin cycle. The Calvin cycle has three main stages: carbon fixation, reduction, and regeneration. In carbon fixation, carbon dioxide is combined with a 5-carbon sugar [ribulose1,5-biphosphate (RuBP)] creating a 6-carbon sugar. In the reduction stage, ATP and NADPH produced in the light reaction stage are used to convert the 6-carbon sugar into two molecules of a 3-carbon carbohydrate, glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate. Glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate is used to make glucose and fructose. These two molecules (glucose and fructose) combine to make sucrose or sugar. In the regeneration stage, some molecules of glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate are combined with ATP and are converted back into the 5-carbon sugar RuBP. With the cycle complete, RuBP is available to be combined with carbon dioxide to begin the cycle over again. Photosynthesis Summary In summary, photosynthesis is a process in which light energy is converted to chemical energy and used to produce organic compounds. In plants, photosynthesis typically occurs within the chloroplasts located in plant leaves. Photosynthesis consists of two stages, the light reactions, and the dark reactions. The light reactions convert light into energy (ATP and NADHP) and the dark reactions use the energy and carbon dioxide to produce sugar. For a review of photosynthesis, take the Photosynthesis Quiz.

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Anything of your choice Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Anything of your choice - Essay Example Brainstorm first. Make sure that you have a valid subject. For example: I want to write a letter to my clients about the price increase of our commodities. Draw a clear subject in mind. Know your audience. You can only craft an effective business letter if you know who will be reading your document. You can pick a template, your style, your tone if you know the taste of your readers. Are you writing for the youth council? Customize your message that fits their interest. Do you want to close a good deal with the City’s Engineering Division? Know engineering jargons if necessary. It is crucial to define the people whom you are talking to. Do not send a business letter containing a sea of words. Cut down ideas into pieces. You have to use the rich editor of a Microsoft Word in order to create a navigable document. It is advisable to create a template. This template contains headings, subheadings, ordered list or unordered list to mark the path. It is like a website. Your favorite website should be user friendly. It has a visible navigation menu on the top so that users can easily navigate from one page to another. A readable document should provide a way for readers to read the document by subject or ideas. It will help them navigate from one idea to another. Let’s define our template. It is advisable to create a template for effective business writing, as earlier stated. The document should contain heading for the main subject, and subheadings for the ideas that support the main subject. Make them bold, or increase the font size of your headings to emphasize them. In this way, you can disseminate your message clearly by key points. In addition, it’s appropriate to mark important details with bullets. Make use of ordered list or an unordered list. This is applicable if you are listing information in random order. Here is a sample of bullets (unordered list). Effective business writing entails more revenue. A revenue

Obesity and Diabetes ( Obesity is known to cause diabetes Essay

Obesity and Diabetes ( Obesity is known to cause diabetes - Essay Example Lichtarowicz [2004] studies that â€Å"More than 22 million children under five years old are obese or overweight, not only from affluent countries. Over 17 million of them are in the developing world. Each one of these children is at a much higher risk of developing type 2 diabetes†. To make the statement stronger the link that exists between type ii diabetes and obesity has been proved strappingly by genetist James Neel in 1962 says Marchand [2006]. In a research conducted by NIDDK, the already existing fact was proved that 95% of the Prima Indians with diabetes are found to be obese. They applied the â€Å"thrifty gene† theory of James Neel to investigate and realize the link that existed between diabetes and obesity. With the help of the theory NIDDK found out the fact that Prima Indians were habituated towards eating plenty of food with fat content, and hence resulted in obesity as a genetic problem which further ended up in diabetes for many who engaged in less physical activities. The U.S.Center for Disease Control has observed, â€Å"Occurrences of Obesity and diabetes increased in the United States between 2000 and 2001†. Their study helped in identifying the connection between overweight and obesity with diseases like diabetes, blood pressure, arthritis etc. The U.S. Center for Disease Control say that â€Å"those with a body mass index of 40 or higher had an increased risk of being diagnosed with diabetes (7.37 times greater)†. The connection between obesity and diabetes is that, if a body gathers more weight in terms of fat and if it does not involve in physical activities results in body maintaining the excess weight. Thus, â€Å"being overweight is one of the main risk factors for type ii diabetes. The more fatty issues you have, the more resistant your cells become top your insulin† reports Mayo Clinic [2006]. Maintaining the glucose level by eating food items with less fat

Friday, October 18, 2019

IT in Businesses. Week Six Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

IT in Businesses. Week Six - Essay Example It began with the Harvard Mark I electromechanical calculator in World War Two weighing five tons and 50 feet long. It was then replaced by the 30 ton Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer, having 18,000 vacuum tubes and occupying a large space. The invention of the transistor in 1947 gave way for the development of smaller, powerful and more resourceful computers. Input-output tools changed to magnetic tape from punch cards, and new computer languages were developed to interact with the new technology (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). The second stage started in the 1970s when processors on chips and magnetic discs were built. They decentralized computing power from bulky data centers to smaller offices. Steve Jobs and Steve Wosniak sold Apple II machines and Bill Gates founded Microsoft. IBM launched the Personal Computer in 1981 (O’Brien, 1999). The third stage involved embedding microprocessors in electronic products. As the complexity of technology grew and the costs reduced, the need for information sharing within enterprises also increased, giving rise to client/server era in which networked computers could access shared information on a server (O’Brien, 1999). The fourth stage of IT evolution originated from the US Department of Defense. It enabled high speed networks and coupled portions of the business enterprise together giving information access encircling the entire management structure. Universities linked up to this system and used it to deliver messages. The US National Science Foundation and several universities set up their own networks, leading to the onset of the popular World Wide Web and broadband (Laudon & Laudon, 2010). The fifth, which is the latest stage, is the wireless one and includes cloud computing. It incorporates the use of cell phones and wifi networks. It gives rise to high levels of mobility independent of location, configuration and nature of the hardware. This phase began with the invention of the mobile phone. It

Essay question Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 11

Question - Essay Example This period of isolation ended with the arrival of traders in 19th century and the country engaged in trade leading to massive political, economic and social development. The Japan Empire was established after the Meiji Restoration and the country was strong enough to even engage in war and colonize neighboring empires including Manchuria, Korea, and Taiwan (Tanner, 2013). Japanese aggression extended further to China and the Kai-shek’s government lost extensively to the Japanese. Substantial forces in the China’s forces and captured the rice-producing areas of China. Even with the American military support to China, in 1940 the Japanese still triumphed over the Chinese. Japan controlled and destroyed. Japan only surrendered after the World War II hit the country hard and the emperor surrendered to the allied forces. With the embracement of industrialization, Japan became a fully industrialized country in the late 19th and throughout the 20th century. Currently, Japan ranks among the biggest economies in the world and among the strongest

Thursday, October 17, 2019

When does sexual identity begin Research Proposal

When does sexual identity begin - Research Proposal Example As puberty ensues, the human body and mind goes through a developmental quagmire that most adults will admit they barely survived. In adulthood, a human has, hopefully, navigated all of these influences to create their sexual identity. Hormonal influence in the womb can influence the sexual identity of a child. Testosterone levels have been proven to influence girls by the level to which the behave more feminine or masculine in their childhood. A study done by Melissa Hines, Charles Brook and Gerard S. Conway at City University in conjunction with Bristol University, discovered that girls exposed to higher levels of androgens, testosterone in the womb While this information was not relevant to boys in this test, this does indicate that the various hormones levels of a mother can have influence on the development of the child. As these type of studies progress, more information will come to light helping to identify the medical influences that help to create the fully developed adult sexual identity. Of course, the danger in this type of research is the possibility of allowing parents to try and use these influences to medically manipulate a fetus to a more â€Å"desirable† outcome. Sexual identity can be defined by two criteria. The first criteria is the simple (or at least usually simple) association made by physical characteristics. Ones sexual identity is first based on the physical gender characteristics that were evident at birth. A child is born with female genitals and is then immediately socialized as a female. The same is true for a male. This socialization is the first battlefield on which a child will stand. Comments will come from toddlers in American society such as ’ I won’t wear that - it’s pink! Pink is for girls!’ or ’I want a doll for Christmas because I want to be a mommy when I grow up.’. In an article

Government is a Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Government is a Trust - Essay Example These needs can be very different. People depend on the government to provide a good infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and utilities. They also depend on the government to provide a good and stable economy that can provide jobs and housing. Education is an important need that the government helps to fulfill, and the judicial system establishes laws to protect the people. These things are provided for the whole of the people, not just groups or individuals. But the government also provides needs to groups and individuals. Elderly people in the United States depend on the government for Social Security and Medicare to help them survive their senior years. The poor rely on the government to assist them with money, food, and housing when needed so that they too can live. The trustees of the government are those who are elected by the people. They are endowed with a very important responsibility because their mission is to take the money and services that the Trust contains and be sure that it is distributed properly so that it does indeed benefit all the people who need it. These trustees also have the responsibility of appointing people in the judicial branch of the government, who will make decisions that affect the lives of the people. But beyond providing tangible needs for the people, the government and its trustees must also provide intangible elements such as tru

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

When does sexual identity begin Research Proposal

When does sexual identity begin - Research Proposal Example As puberty ensues, the human body and mind goes through a developmental quagmire that most adults will admit they barely survived. In adulthood, a human has, hopefully, navigated all of these influences to create their sexual identity. Hormonal influence in the womb can influence the sexual identity of a child. Testosterone levels have been proven to influence girls by the level to which the behave more feminine or masculine in their childhood. A study done by Melissa Hines, Charles Brook and Gerard S. Conway at City University in conjunction with Bristol University, discovered that girls exposed to higher levels of androgens, testosterone in the womb While this information was not relevant to boys in this test, this does indicate that the various hormones levels of a mother can have influence on the development of the child. As these type of studies progress, more information will come to light helping to identify the medical influences that help to create the fully developed adult sexual identity. Of course, the danger in this type of research is the possibility of allowing parents to try and use these influences to medically manipulate a fetus to a more â€Å"desirable† outcome. Sexual identity can be defined by two criteria. The first criteria is the simple (or at least usually simple) association made by physical characteristics. Ones sexual identity is first based on the physical gender characteristics that were evident at birth. A child is born with female genitals and is then immediately socialized as a female. The same is true for a male. This socialization is the first battlefield on which a child will stand. Comments will come from toddlers in American society such as ’ I won’t wear that - it’s pink! Pink is for girls!’ or ’I want a doll for Christmas because I want to be a mommy when I grow up.’. In an article

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Operation Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words

Operation Management - Research Paper Example But what is common in all those examples is that they get some input, either in materials, or in services, they process it with the help of manpower and machineries, they provide customers with some tangible benefit. This whole process is operation Management. As seen from the above examples, the roles of operational management can be widely varied. In the smallest example of manpower handling, the operations manager of a mining organization where he handles unskilled workers and the operations manager of software company, where the operations manager handles highly skilled manpower. The strategy of handling manpower in these two cases will be entirely different. The total gamut of operations management includes: During Product Design stage: Matching Product Design with demand, perceptible and implied, production feasibility in terms of cost, competition etc. Product Planning stage: lifecycle, Costs, Revenue and Profit during life cycles, Entry and exit strategies, Produce range, Quality, cost of quality, Total quality management, Forecasting of supply demand availability or input sources Process Planning, Capacity Planning, Short time schedule, long term schedule, Material requirement Planning, Just-in-time operations approach Maintenance and Replacement of Plant and Machinery In the following chapters we will look into all the above aspects of operation Management in detail. Operation Strategy: The first aspect of operation management is operation strategy. The operation strategy of an organization includes its range of products, the processes involved, its employees, its location, its infrastructure facilities, and its relation with customers. The main thrust of operation strategy is its direction by... The first aspect of operation management is operation strategy. The operation strategy of an organization includes its range of products, the processes involved, its employees, its location, its infrastructure facilities, and its relation with customers. The main thrust of operation strategy is its direction by which it is going to meet the customers' demand and satisfaction. The operations strategy is framed in general terms without specifics and describes the features of the products and processes rather than details. The steps to a operations strategy include:1. Analysis of business strategy of the organization,2. Using this analysis goal are set which the operation strategy must meet.3. Analysis of environment like market, customer, competition, location availability of manpower, products, change environment4. Identifying the factors of the process like capacity, quality, technology, which will give distinctive advantages5. Designing of organizational structure, controls, and fun ctions to support the process6. Defining of monitoring systems for measuring performance.7. Continual improvementThe success of a company depends on its well-defined operation strategy and implementation of the strategy. The failure of the strategy generally is attributed toBadly designed, unrealistic, not implemented properly, not related to actual operations, ignores the key factors, lack of support from the people who are supposed to implement them.Once the operation strategy is made then the next important aspect is product design.

Monday, October 14, 2019

Skrzynecki and Lord of the Flies Essay Example for Free

Skrzynecki and Lord of the Flies Essay ‘A feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship, developed over a period of time. ’ To what extent would you support this viewpoint? In your essay refer in detail to your prescribed text and at least ONE other related text of your own choosing. According to sociobiologists, the need for human connection and belonging is hardwired and genetically dictated. It defines ‘who’ and ‘what’ we are, and how we fit into the world around us. An individual’s sense of connection may be influenced by many factors, but one of the strongest of these is a strong relationship or relationships, which have been developed over a period of time. This human connection is instrumental in defining an individual’s place in the world as well as his or her sense of belonging. The notion that a feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship is explored in Peter Skrzynecki’s prose poetry anthology Immigrant Chronicle (1975) – in particular the poems ‘Migrant Hostel’ in which the persona and his family struggle to gain lasting relationships at the hostel, and ’10 Mary Street’, the persona’s childhood home, in which strong familial relationships were forged – and William Golding’s prose fiction text Lord of the Flies (1958), in which a group of school boys stranded on an island gradually lose any strong relationships they may have had as their civilisation descends into violence and savagery. Both these texts memorably and distinctively explore how relationships and acceptance can shape an individual’s perceptions of belonging and not belonging. Set in the context of a post-war assimilationist culture, Migrant Hostel represents the immense sense of disconnection experienced by the persona and his family, given both their dislocation from their European homeland and their lack of strong relationships with the other members of the hostel. The migrants transitory existence is emphasised through the use of a migratory bird simile For over two years we lived like birds of passage, always sensing a chance in the weather while through the use of connotative language to highlight the personas disconnection, the poem provides an overall sense of helplessness and lack of autonomy in determining their own future Sudden departures from adjoining blocks that left us wondering who would be coming next thus constructing the hostel as a place of impotence and impermanence. This evident transience is perhaps symbolic of the migrants own fleeting sense of connection as they instinctively seek out members of their own culture, efficaciously conveyed through the use of a familiar analogy – â€Å"nationalities sought/each other out instinctively – like a homing pigeon/circling to get its bearings†. These superficial relationships thus serve to hinder the development of any lasting sense of belonging – regardless of a common history and identity – as, whilst for some migrants, their time in the hostel represents a new beginning, for others the sustained sense of alienation and despair, due to a lack of strong relationships, becomes too difficult to bear, as the final lines of the poem poignantly suggest through juxtaposition – â€Å"lives/that had only begun/or were dying†. Thus a feeling of belonging depends on a strong relationship, developed over a period of time. Standing in stark contrast to ‘Migrant Hostel’ is the poem ’10 Mary Street’, which portrays the persona’s strong feelings of belonging to his childhood home as a result of the strong familial relationships which were forged during his time there. The family’s domestic routine is depicted and their unity of existence is simply, but effectively conveyed in the first stanza through inclusive language â€Å"We departed/Each morning, shut the house/Like a well-oiled lock†, alluding to their sense of family security. The beginning of the second stanza alludes to the fact that, despite the family’s integration into mainstream society, their socioeconomic marginalisation continues. Through the simple use of connotation and onomatopoeia, the responder is positioned to recognise the mundane nature of the menial labour the persona’s parents nevertheless stoically endure – â€Å"From the polite hum-drum/Of washing clothes/And laying sewage pipes†. Consequently, it is in the context of the Skrzynecki family’s ongoing marginalisation that the sense of belonging afforded by the family home gains deeper significance. Feelings of nourishment and well-being are generated through combining a simile and cumulative imagery as the persona’s parents extend their nurturing to the family garden – â€Å"My parents watered/Plants- grew potatoes/ And rows of sweet corn:/ Tended the roses and camellias/ Like adopted children†. Thus, the persona’s strong sense of belonging as depicted in this poem is a result of the strong relationships with his family which were forged during his time there. While similar to Immigrant Chronicle on a superficial level, to the extent that both texts represent individual’s experiences of alienation and dislocation, Golding’s text Lord of the Flies explores representations of belonging, in terms of relationships, differently. Composed in the context of the Cold War nuclear arms power race, Golding’s text can be read as an allegory of the impossibility of human civilisation in which individuals are able to coexist without ultimately resorting to violence and savagery. The character of Piggy represents the scientific and rational side of society – portrayed in this text as a minority. From the beginning of the novel, Piggy has little by way of close relationships – â€Å"A storm of laughter arose and even the tiniest child joined in. For the moment the boys were a closed circuit of sympathy with Piggy on the outside. † It is in this moment that both the extent of Piggy’s alienation is highlighted while the disintegration into chaos and disorder is also foreshadowed through the breaking of Piggys glasses, a symbol of rational civilisation. When Piggy’s glasses are broken during a major battle between Ralph and Jack towards the end of the book, this destruction symbolises the ultimate desolation of civilisation on the island, and, with it, any sense of belonging that the boys on the island had attempted to inculcate. This destruction can be viewed as a decimation of any strong relationships that the boys may have had – particularly between Piggy, Ralph and Jack – and can be read as reason for the poignant lack of belonging on the island. Jack Merridew, who begins as the head hunter, comes to embody the spirit of chaos and destruction on the island. While it can be argued that it is Jack’s lack of a strong ‘familial’ relationship with Ralph and Piggy that incites his search for power, Golding implies that the human instinct of barbarism greatly outweighs that of civilisation. When Jack first realises how much power he has, any sense of belonging he feels to the other boys is annihilated, the moment when Jack and his hunters finally manage to capture and kill a pig, marking Jack’s descent into bestial savagery, – â€Å"Look! We’ve killed a pig – we stole up on them – we got in a circle –†. The hyphenation utilised in this dialogue is subtly indicative of Jack’s inevitable loss of any sense of civility as he develops a warped relationship to his barbaric activities, ultimately seducing the majority of the boys off to a separate camp, where their descent into primitive barbarism becomes evident – â€Å"The chief was sitting there, naked to the waist, his face blocked out in white and red. The tribe lay in a semicircle before him. While giving Jack a sense of power and self-importance, this new ‘tribe’, built on a mutual savage desire for food, has diminished the boys’ sense of friendship and camaraderie. It is this lack of a strong relationship developed over a period of time which is cause for their lack of a strong sense of belonging. Evidently it is clear, upon examination of Immigrant Chronicle and Lord of the Flies, that a feeling o f belonging relies heavily on a strong relationship developed over a period of time. In Skrzynecki’s poem ‘Migrant Hostel’, the persona’s evocative sense of isolation is due to his lack of any strong relationships as well as any attempts at establishing them. In contrast to this, ’10 Mary Street’ clearly provides a strong sense of belonging as a result of the persona’s strong familial relationships. In Lord of the Flies, the boys stranded on the island attempt to cling to their superficial relationships to each other, but, in the face of dwindling food supplies, eventually descend into savagery, diminishing their relationships and ultimately their sense of belonging.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Romanticism :: Romantic Period Essays

Romanticism It was a reaction against the Enlightenment and yet akin in that they both assumed life was designed for human happiness. However the Enlightenment placed reason at the center of human achievement. Romanticismm distrusted the human intellect and placed its value on the emotions and intuitive qualities. The natural and spontaneous was deemed good. The highest truths would be derived from the instantaneous of the individual. It gloried in the unlimited potential of the individual. There was an overall feeling of optimism and belief of a utopia. Romanticism reinforced the emotionalism of the period and its philosophies influenced the Transcendental movement. Romanticism began in the early 19th century and radically changed the way people perceived themselves and the state of nature around them. Unlike Classicism, which stood for order and established the foundation for architecture, literature, painting and music, Romanticism allowed people to get away from the constricted, rational views of life and concentrate on an emotional and sentimental side of humanity. This not only influenced political doctrines and ideology, but was also a sharp contrast from ideas and harmony featured during the Enlightenment. The Romantic era grew alongside the Enlightenment, but concentrated on human diversity and looking at life in a new way. It was the combination of modern Science and Classicism that gave birth to Romanticism and introduced a new outlook on life that embraced emotion before rationality. . Romanticism began to show the people that the Enlightenment had overstayed its welcome by leading the people to a future that offered a vision of mankind as being part of a group rather than an individual. G. W. F. Hegel, a German philosopher, rejected the rational philosophy of the 18th century because he believed in "Idealism". This involved looking at life in terms of the importance of ideas, not thought the narrow tunnel of materialism and wealth. By advocating Idealism, Hegel concluded that mankind could be led by his spirit, his soul, rather than the establishment or the status quo. Although Romanticism was perhaps conservative in nature, every participant of this swift and silent movement could relish in his own free and glorious vision of nature.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Romanticism was not a political movement or a reformist package offered by a group of dissidents; Romanticism was a time when mankind could restructure his outlook on life so that he was able to reach new heights of

Saturday, October 12, 2019

Willy Loman as a Tragic Hero in Death of a Salesman Essay -- Death Sal

Willy Loman as Tragic Hero in Death of a Salesman Willy Loman, the troubled father and husband in Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, can be classified as a tragic hero, as defined by Aristotle in his work, Poetics. In Aristotle's Poetics, a tragic hero was defined as one who falls from grace into a state of extreme despair. Willy, as we are introduced to him, becomes increasingly miserable as he progresses from a dedicated, loving father, though not without flaws, into a suicidal, delusional man. The definition of a tragic hero, as stated in "Poetics," also describes a person who is influential and is of significance to others. Though, in actuality, Willy Loman may not possess these characteristics, he perceives himself as having them as he cares for himself, his children and his wife. A final distinction noted by Aristotle was that a tragic hero is not a bad person deserving of his impending misfortune, but instead, has made a series of mistakes leading to his downfall. We can see that Willy does not purposely create this harmful situation for himself, he is only ignorant that certain actions of his are wrong, which contribute to his self-ruin. Willy Loman therefore personifies the attributes of a tragic hero as proposed by Aristotle.   Ã‚  Ã‚   Willy, with a house, a car, a job, two sons whom he adores, and a supportive, caring wife, seems to have everything that any man could ever want. He manages, however, to alienate himself from these things that he loves near the end of the play as he slips into a self-induced state of altered reality. Willy, being "...lonely...terribly lonely" (Miller, page #) has an affair with a woman during his marriage to Linda. Even though Linda is not aware of this, or makes no mention of ... not keep his sales skills sharpened, but he never purposely hurt the people in his life.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Through the actions of Willy Loman, and the reactions of those around him, we can see that his character follows the model of a tragic hero presented by Aristotle in his works, "Poetics." Willy passes through life in a path that begins with prosperity, as evidenced by his possessions and successful family, and ends with misery, when he loses his job and commits suicide. Willy has indeed made mistakes in his life, and we can recognize that they are mistakes and were never intended to harm anyone, but instead to satisfy his own needs. These characteristics then, by Aristotle's determination, make him not a "wicked man" (Aristotle, 1303), and not a virtuous man, but "a man whose place is between these extremes"; (Aristotle, 1303) by definition, the tragic hero.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Needs of American Cities for Policing Policy

In analyzing the needs of American cities for policing policy for the future, race has to be considered in the equation. Researchers note that it is not possible to ignore the variable of race when describing the nature of policing in the United States. This includes efforts to develop a community policing concept, and race enters both for policing in the minority community and for the way policing does or does not use racial profiling so as to antagonize the minority community. In much of America, relations between the police and the African-American community have long been tense. In some regions, the police are viewed as an occupying army present not to protect the people but to control them and to keep them in their place. Numerous civil disturbances in recent decades can be traced to tensions between the police and the black community, from the riots of the summer of 1965 to the riot in Los Angeles after the first Rodney King verdict, from the problems in Crown Heights in New York to any number of disputed police shooting incidents in cities across the country. Even without a specific incident to set off a disturbance, there is often an underlying tension between poor black communities and the surrounding society, with the police serving as a symbol of that society: The very complex, diffuse, interrelated, but still independent nature of the social, political, and economic institutions within American society, supported by layers and layers of public and private bureaucracies often manipulated by elusive, anonymous power brokers, perpetually frustrate the attempts of Black Americans to modify and reorder societal arrangements in their favor. Therefore, the â€Å"system† is identified as the culprit (Wintersmith, 1974, p. 2). The fact that the police are the most likely target for black hostility and aggression, however, does not mean blacks do not have a real reason to fear the police or the rallying cry of â€Å"law and order†: For Black Americans this slogan connotes oppression, police occupation of Black communities, inequitable and selective police treatment, disregard for human and constitutional rights of Black citizens, and continued denial of equitable opportunity (Wintersmith, 1974, p. ). Community Policing is a program that links the actions of the police with citizen participation as part of an overall effort to solve the problems of the community by involving the community, and such an approach can help inform the public and gain public acceptance for the minority hire program a well. The community policing model is based on that sort of assumption and on the view that crime has many complex causes and that police departments cannot keep the streets safe by themselves. If crime is to be controlled, police must reach out to other local institutions, and indeed to the broader community at large, and create partnerships. Among the features of such a program are integrated investigations, team and neighborhood rather than a shift and divisional basis for officer deployment, foot patrols, and community service as a focus along with problem-oriented policing instead of mere crime-fighting. Programs of this sort mean a different structure for the police as well as altered functions, allocations of resources, and general attitude. This can be a challenge to traditional police department structures because the traditional method is to respond to citizen demand rather than to try to ascertain the underlying forces creating patterns of problems. The community policing method is proactive rather than responsive. The approach also calls attention to the degree to which the police are dependent on the public for support, information, and cooperation. A recent study suggests that the benefits of community policing may have been oversold to the public, but there are also indications that community policing needs to be given time to work and that the police and the community must become more comfortable with one another to create a better atmosphere (Moran & Bucqueroux, 1995, p. 1057). One way for the police to learn more about the neighborhood and the residents is to be residents themselves. Requiring officers to live in the community is seen as a way of enhancing the community policing effort in a variety of ways and of adding to the comfort level on both sides. Police and citizens should see themselves as part of the same community. Informal and casual contact between police officers and the public occurs at different rates in different communities. Often, members of the public keep their distance from police officers out of concern that they will be investigated or somehow drawn into police activity or because of a general distrust of the police: â€Å"American studies show high social isolation of police officers in comparison with people in other occupations (Guyot, 1991, p. 279). Some see the police as having isolated themselves intentionally, leaving them open to charges of abusing their authority by coming into neighborhoods in which they have no stake and using their power unwisely. Community policing is seen as a way of reversing this. Wilson and Kelling (1989) note of crime, â€Å"Most crime in most neighborhoods is local: the offenders live near their victims† (Wilson & Kelling, 1989, p. 46). This makes people in these neighborhoods feel less safe, just as they can be made to feel more safe if police offices live in the neighborhood. The officers need to be comfortable with the victims and to understand the perpetrators, and living in the community they serve. Bringing more minorities into the police department is also often emphasized as a way to reach and include the black community. The proper model for bringing new hires into the department and for finding more qualified minorities is recruitment rather than hiring. Most departments emphasize hiring, which means that applicants come in on their own and ask to join the department, after which they are evaluated. Recruitment involves seeking out qualified applicants and selling the idea and the department to them. This is a practice approach that can be conducted throughout the community, for individuals of all backgrounds, and this also avoids the quota stigma while including more minorities by identifying those who would fit the needs of the department. This still leaves a barrier in the form of the requirements for qualification, which need to be more flexible in order to emphasize training after acceptance rather than having the skills needed before applying. This idea would also extend the reach of the recruiter more deeply into minority groups (Carter & Radelet, 1999, p. 173). The development of a proper plan for implementing recruiting means determining need on several bases, including short-term needs, medium-term needs, and long-term needs. For all, the department needs to develop â€Å"a marketing plan for recruiting that includes operational, tactical, and strategic objectives† (Carter & Radelet, 1999, pp. 174-175). Developing a plan for hiring more minority officers can begin with analyzing what other departments have done to address the same issue, and some of what is found in a survey on the subject includes good recommendations for an approach to take. For instance, an Action Plan offered by the department in the Canadian city of Brantford includes noting that the minorities already in the department can be a great help in recruiting new minority hires by serving as the face of the department in certain communities. For instance, these officers can be depicted in recruitment materials in the law enforcement role whenever possible to encourage potential female and visible minority candidates. These officers can also be used to give active encouragement for the recruitment of potential candidates. They can also represent the department at high schools, colleges, and universities to attract potential candidates through continued participation in such things as the student co-op placement program, anti-vandalism program, and the High School Resource Officer program. These officers can also work with groups in the community representing the community diversity to build relationships and encourage potential candidates, which will also involve sitting on police liaison committees and hosting Citizenship Court (Recruiting Process, 2004). Allen (2003) suggests that the only way to keep police departments focused on minority hiring is by instituting an affirmative action program, but given recent court rulings and public attitudes, that is not a viable solution. Allen does note that keeping up with minority hiring is a problem because what is required always changes, as noted with reference to mesa, Arizona: The minority population is slowly yet steadily increasing. Both the increase in population and changes in ethnic demographics have affected the city's public safety needs and contribute to the department's difficulty in becoming more diverse (Allen, 2003). Among the problems noted for programs to hire more minorities are resistance from within from officers who feel threatened by change, community resistance, suits from those who believe they have been the target of reverse discrimination, and simple difficulties in finding qualified applicants. Programs useful in police hiring can be adapted to the specific needs of minority hiring. In order to improve the quality of police recruits in general, programs have been set up at the college and university levels in order to recruit better-educated officers. Such programs can be used effectively at traditionally back colleges and universities in order to garner attention and attract minority recruits from that population. Such an approach would also be key to bringing in more recruits who would be good candidates for advancement in order to improve the mix in managerial roles. One of the complaints leveled at some departments when they use affirmative action for minority hiring is that the level of recruits goes down, but this would not be the case with recruits attracted from minority colleges. Within the department, a mentor program can be created to empower existing minority officers to give assistance, training, and advice to new recruits, a program that would help all officers and the department as a whole and that would also be especially useful for keeping new minority hires on track so they do not get discouraged and resign, as often happens. The mentors also serve as role models of what advancement brings. Once the department is on it way to a more varied and advanced status, it can offer incentives to minority officers from other departments to transfer. This can be another way of gaining qualified recruits, especially for the management level, as such a move up can be offered as the incentive that attracts them in the first place. They can then serve as mentors to other minority applicants and help expand the reach of the department. Their experience can also be invaluable. Once these programs are in place, they must be maintained in order to keep the department fresh, at a proper level of minority employment, and at a high level of community involvement and service and a high level of overall competence. The degree of change in the department in terms of the makeup of the force will show how well the program is working, just as normal evaluations of the work performance of new hires and old will show that the change is beneficial to the department. This analysis shows that there is a need to consider race first in terms of the community and second in terms of the make-up of the police force. In both cases, this is because race remains a dividing issue and one that is exacerbated by most poling programs. Community policing offers at least the chance of improving the system and reducing both the threat to the community and antipathy from the community.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Best Practices in Human Capital Development Essay

Human capital refers to the stock of productive skills and technical knowledge embodied in labor. Many early economic theories refer to it simply as labor, one of three factors of production, and consider it to be a fungible resource – homogeneous and easily interchangeable. Other conceptions of labor dispense with these assumptions. Today’s Globalization and competition among companies made companies to select the best practices for Human Capital Development. This Research contributes to the Best Human Capital Development Practices that are implemented by the companies and continues with in-depth study of its Weakness and Strengths and calculate the production metrics of each practice. Accenture Human Capital Development Framework (HCDF) Research from HCI (Human Capital Institute) shows that Human Capital Development Framework is one of the best Human Capital Development practice in the corporate world. The Accenture HCDF uses four distinct measurement tiers in arriving at an assessment of an organization’s human capital practices. These tiers reflect the key variables that influence the relationship between a company’s human capital assets and its financial performance: Tier 1, Business results, consists of measures of organizational performance (e. g. , traditional financial analyses featuring EVA TM, revenue growth, market share and stock performance). Tier 2, Key performance drivers, consists of measures of intermediate organizational outcomes (e. g. , productivity, quality, innovation and customer satisfaction) often captured on a balanced scorecard. Tier 3, Human Capital Capabilities, consists of the most immediate and visible people-related qualities (including employee attitudes and abilities) that are necessary for achieving critical business outcomes. Their influence is felt through key performance drivers. Page 2 Tier 4, Human Capital Processes, consists of practices that lead to robust and effective human capital capabilities. Included in this tier are core HR processes (e. g. , competency management and performance appraisal) and broader human capital processes such as learning and knowledge management. Strengths: Individual Development is focused, Growth Oriented, Human Resource Identification and Performance Appraisal. Weakness: Team Management is Absent, Production rates and costly. 360-Degree Performance Management Feedback System As per Research with HR Capital Management and Development, Report, 2007: This system, which solicits feedback from seniors (including the boss), peers and subordinates, has been increasingly embraced as the best of all available methods for collecting performance feedback. Gone are the days of working hard to impress only one person, now the opinions of all matter, especially if you are in a leadership role (at any level). Every person in the team is responsible for giving relevant, positive and constructive feedback. Such systems also help in identifying leaders for higher level positions in the organization. Senior managers could use this feed back for self development. Sony and Acer are implementing this HR tool for development of Human Capital. (The Best HR Capital Development Practice, Geetha Sharma 2007) Strengths: Motivational, Higher Retention of Employees, Leadership and Higher Production rates. Weakness: Misunderstanding and Disputes between executives and Managers. Page 3 Knowledge Sharing Adopt a systematic approach to ensure that knowledge management supports strategy. Store knowledge in databases to provide greater access to information posted either by the company or the employees on the knowledge portals of the company. When an employee returns after Attending any competencies or skills development program, sharing essential knowledge with others could be made mandatory. Innovative ideas (implemented at the work place) are good to be posted on these knowledge sharing platforms. However, what to store & how to maintain a Knowledge base requires deep thinking to avoid clutter. This HR Practice is performed at Google, Inc. and other large companies. Strengths: Responsibility of employees, Development in Teams. Weakness: Only Innovative Groups are encouraged leading to inequality. Fair Evaluation System for Employees Develop an evaluation system that clearly links individual performance to corporate business goals and priorities. Each employee should have well defined reporting relationships. Self rating as a part of evaluation process empowers employees. Evaluation becomes fairer if it is based on the records of periodic counseling & achievements of the employee, tracked over the year. For higher objectivity, besides the immediate boss, each employee should be screened by the next higher level (often called a Reviewer). Cross – functional feedback, if obtained by the immediate boss from another manager (for whom this employee’s work is also important), will add to the fairness of the system. A relative rating of all subordinates reporting to the same manager is another tool for fairness of evaluation. Normalization of evaluation is yet another dimension Page 4 Of improving fairness. This is practiced at many companies around the globe with Equal Opportunity Provider Including HSBC and American Embassy. Performance linked Bonuses Research with SBA, USA on Human Resources Practice: Paying out bonuses or having any kind of variable compensation plan can be both an incentive and disillusionment, based on how it is administered and communicated. Bonus must be designed in such a way that people understand that there is no payout unless the company hits a certain level of profitability. Additional criteria could be the team’s success and the individual’s performance. Never pay out bonus without measuring performance, unless it is a statutory obligation. Companies like Nokia and GM are implementing this practice. Strengths: High Productivity and Determination among Human Resources. Weakness: Cost Effective to the Company. Metrics to evaluate Organization Human Capital Development Processes: Research with Northern California Human Resources Association (NCHRA), Companies should evaluate the Human Capital Development by Estimating the ROI (Return on Investment) with the staff and other functionalities like revenue growth, market share and stock performance. Employee Retention and High Productive nature helps the companies to evaluate the Organizations Human Capital Development. Page 5 Companies should take Staffing as a Profit Center. Companies are spending more than ever on training programs to drive specific strategic initiatives and improve performance, yet they often fail to demonstrate the business value of their investments. Research with HR Metrics and Development Seminar, 2005: Each metric contains 2 to 5 performance indicators. For instance, â€Å"employee attitudes† metric includes the following indicators: Job Contentment (the percentage of employees satisfied with their job), and Manager Contentment (the percentage of employees satisfied with their manager). References †¢ Marcus Buckingham and Curt Coffman, First Break All the Rules (New York: Simon and Schuster, 1999). †¢ Accenture High Performance Workforce Study, 2002-2003. †¢ HR Capital Management and Development, Report, 2007. †¢ HR Metrics and Development Seminar, 2005. †¢ Human Resource Capital Institute, New York †¢ The Best HR Capital Development Practice, Geetha Sharma 2007. †¢ Northern California Human Resources Association (NCHRA), Website for HR Managers.


SEC. 22. The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework of national unity and development. Rights of Indigeneous cultural communities. As used in the Constitution, the term â€Å"indigenous cultural communities† refers to non-dominant groups in our country which possess and wish to preserve ethnic, religious or linguistic traditions or characteristic markedly different from the rest of the population. Section 22 recognizes constitutionally the existence and rights of the indigenous cultural communities.It directs the State to promote their rights within the framework of national unity. Thus, the State is bound to consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of indigenous cultural minorities in the formulation and implementation of State policies and programs. In a multi-ethnic society like ours, the above provision is necessary in promoting the goal of national unity and development. (see Art XVI, Sec. 12) Under provision, the government may even enact the laws especially for them taking into account their customs, traditions, beliefs and interests. H. de Leon, Phil. Constitution 2005, pp. 67-68) SEC. 23. The State shall encourage non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation. Non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations The State is required to encourage these organizations because recent events have shown that, under responsible leadership, they can be active contributors to the political, social and economic growth of the country.It should refrain from any actuation that would tend to interfere or subvert the rights of these organizations which in the words of the Constitution are community-based or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation. (Ibid, p. 68) This topic is discussed at the length under Article XIII (Social Justice and Human Rights), Sections 15 and 16 which categorically state the role an d rights of people’s organizations as vehicle to enable the people to participate and intervene meaningfully and effectively in decisions which directly affect their lives. (Ibid. p. 68) SEC. 24.The State recognizes the vital role of communication and information in nation-building. Vital role of communication and information in nation-building. Communication and information, as used above, include not only print or broadcast media (radio and television) but also motion pictures, advertising, cable, telephone and telegraph. Those means of communication designed to gather and convey news or in the formation to the public are called mass media because they reach the mass of the people. (see Art. XVI, Sec. 11[1]. That they play a critical role in nation-building is very obvious. 1) Formation of an enlightened citizenry. – Mass media shape people’s thoughts and beliefs, their attitudes and values. In a country like the Philippines composed of people with diverse cul tures, they can be an effective instrument in promoting national integration and preserving Filipino values and traditions. By educating the citizenry on important public issues, they also help create a strong, vigilant and enlightened public opinion so essential to the successful operation of a republican democracy. (2) Promotion of effiency and economy in government and business. Information and communication can be used to link our geographically dispersed population an effect faster delivery of educational, medical and other public services in remote areas of the country. In any organization, ready information maximizes internal efficiency. Particularly in business, it reduces cost of production and services. (3) Development of society. – On the material side, it is difficult to imagine a progressive country, in today’s world of high-tech computers, internets, cyberspace and information highways, with antiquated ommunication and information structures. In the last few years, the world has witnessed a steady stream of a technological progress in the field. The Philippines must keep abreast of communication innovations but at the same time be selective and discriminating to insure that only those â€Å"suitable to the needs and aspirations of the nation† (Ibid. : Sec. 10) are adapted. Utilized and managed wisely and efficiently, communication and information are very useful tools for the economic, social, cultural and political development of society. (H. de Leon, Phil. Constitution, p. 9) Sec. 25. The State shall ensure the autonomy of local governments. Autonomy of local governments R. A. 7160, known as the Local Government Code, enacted on January 1, 1992 covers all matters concerning local governments and political subdivisions. Sec. 26. The state shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law. Equal access opportunities for public service This topic discuss ed under Article VI Legislative Department, Sections 4, 5, and 7 and Article X (Local Government), Section 8.Additionally: (1) Limitation of terms of office. – The provisions limiting the terms of office of elective officials (President, Vice President, Senators, Representative and local officials) enhance equal access to political opportunities although they may not completely do way with evils spawned political dynasties that proliferated in the country in the past. With his political and economic resources, an elective official can have a close kin or follower run for the latter.Hence, the need for a declaration expressly prohibiting a political dynasties. (2) Prohibition of political dynasties. – The constitutional policy on the prohibition of political dynasties expresses a national commitment to democratize election and appointment to positions in the government and eliminate a principal obstacle to â€Å"equal opportunities for public service†. It is not uncommon to have the most of the top elective positions in a province (or city) down to barangays occupied by one family and close relatives of the family members.Politicians form husband-wife teams, or father-mother, son-daughter teams and hold to elective positions for decades. The dominance of political families in the past not only kept more deserving but poor individuals from running or winning in elections; it also enabled powerful and affluent politicians to corner appointive positions for their relatives and followers as it they alone are gifted with the ability to serve the country. (3) Prohibition constitutionally mandated. The law implementing the constitutional policy shall define what constitutes political dynasties, having in mind of evils sought to be eradicated and the need to insure the widest possible base for the selection of elective government officials regardless of political, economic and social status. Note that the State is expressly mandated to prohibit â⠂¬Å"political dynasties†. Congress has no discretion on the matter except merely to spell out the meaning and scope of the term. (deLeon,2005,p. 0). Sec. 27. The State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take positive and effective measures against graft and corruption. Honesty and Integrity in public service (1) The perennial problem of graft and corruption. – In the Philippines, every new administration since the postwar period has made a pledge to eradicate graft and corruption in government. The popular perception, however, is that this baneful ill has become more rampant and sophisticated through years.To be sure, the above provision was incorporated in the Constitution because of revelations of â€Å"unprecendented magnitude† of graft and corruption allegedly perpetrated by officials in the highest circle of the government during the previous regime. (2) Ways to attack problem. – The malady of graft and corruption must be e liminated or at least minimize to a tolerable degree because of the staggering amount of public money that has been lost through it.What is needed is moral leadership by example on the part of the top officials in the government and a continuing, the public service which have considerably slowed down the socio-economic progress of our country. Having the honest Presidents with the best intentions is not enough to reduce corruption to minimal proportions. This perennial problem cannot be solve by mere empty promises and congressional inquiries, but by prosecuting without the fear or favor and putting behind bars so-called â€Å"big-fishes† found to be involve as concrete examples of the government’s determination to achieve decency in the public service.Any campaign against the scourge of society will be made more effective if accompanied by a morality crusade. (3) Need for honesty and integrity in public service. – The fulfillment of the constitutional mandate w ill go a long way in strengthening the peoples trust in the government and its leaders. It will also ensure the efficient use of the meager resources available for national development. (deLeon,2005,pp. 71-72) Sec. 28.Subject to a reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the state adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest. Full Disclosure by the State of all it’s transactions. 1. Duty of the State – Sec. 7 of the bill of rights guarantees the people’s right of information on matters of public concern and access to records pertaining to official transactions of the government. In the other hand, Sec. 28 requires the State to make public it’s transactions without demand from individual citizens.It stresses the duty of the State to release the information. 2. Transaction covered – The policy covers all State transactions involving public interests, i. e. , transactions which the people h ave a right to know particularly those involving expenditures of public funds. The law, however, may prescribed reasonable conditions for the disclosure to guard against improper or unjustified exercise of the right. The policy will not apply to records involving the security of the State or which are confidential in character. (H. de Leon, Phil. Constitution, pp. 64-72)

Wednesday, October 9, 2019

Healthcare delivery compare and contrast Research Paper

Healthcare delivery compare and contrast - Research Paper Example outline the historical aspect of care delivery in the US for the preceding 100 years and recognize the changes in healthcare delivery that resulted from industry forces. Moreover, a comparison would be made between the past healthcare delivery methods or models and the recent ones in light of expected future changes in the research paper. Specially mentioning, one of the driving forces, which changed the overall healthcare system of the US, is the augmentation in healthcare expenditures. This extensive growth in healthcare expenses eventually restricted in offering quality care to the people belonging to the nation by a certain level. Apart from this, the other driving force, which changed the entire healthcare delivery system of the nation, is the advancements made in technology. Notably, diverse market forces are viewed to be challenging in making changes in the US healthcare segment. It is expected that the above framed driving forces would certainly make the US to realize about the significance of developing the healthcare segment, based on which effective care can be provided to the patients (Etheredge et. al., 2014). While determining the changes in healthcare delivery methods or models, it would be vital to mention that today’s healthcare is quite complex, which required to be upgraded for accomplishing intended targets. In this similar context, certain alterations particularly in healthcare delivery methods of the US have been apparently noted that resulted from diverse industry forces. These changes can be measured in the form of lessening both unnecessary as well as underutilization particularly of expensive resources, standardizing varied levels of quality of care and optimizing healthcare facilities among others (Conklin, 2002). In addition, the other changes include raising healthcare expenditures such as in terms of advancing healthcare delivery models or methods and effectively utilizing accessible resources among others. In recent times, the

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

Prison life and strategies (proposal) Research Paper

Prison life and strategies (proposal) - Research Paper Example prisons have long been a fixture of the American criminal justice system, so-called for profit prisons are a relatively new construct that have begun to have a profound affect on the way that the criminal justice system operates. For instance, whereas a state-run prison facility may have very stringent code of ethics with regards to the prison guards that serve it, a for profit prison is likely to have a much more lax interpretation of such statutes and practices. Furthermore, where the state prison is concerning with rehabilitating and re-introducing the prisoner into the civilian population as a means to better society through the correctional action that has been effected, the for profit prison systems have no such interest and actually gain a high degree of revenue through an increased rate of recidivism. As such, the purpose of this brief research paper will be to review the problems associated with the increased levels of for profit prisons within the United States as well as t o offer key insights and solutions that may help to ameliorate these

Sunday, October 6, 2019

Licensing parents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Licensing parents - Essay Example He, additionally, asserts that if there is a reliable procedure to in vetting parents then licensing should be the way to go. He argues that parents have the potential of causing grave harm to their children both physically and psychologically. He explains that annually hundreds of thousands of children are physically abused while others are neglected. Such treatment by parents remains as scars both physical and psychological for the rest of the children’s lives. Such children end up engaging in criminal activities and even proceed to harm their children as well and thus end up as unhappy adults (Lafollette 523). This explanation means that parenting can cause harm and thus qualifies as a licensable activity. When talking about violating the rights or freedoms of others in licensing parenting, Lafollette uses human sacrifice and slander to explain. He states that people have the freedom of speech and expression but this freedom is limited to things like slander where the latter violates the right of the victim. The same goes for human sacrifices which are religious practices not covered by the first amendment where there is freedom of worship. He further asserts that having children, by itself, it not a right but a responsibility bestowed on both parents. When this responsibility is neglected or exercised carelessly then the right of the parents ceases to exist. Therefore, when parents are able to prove their ability to procreate without violating the rights of others, then they should be licensed to proceed. The procedure to vet future harmless parents may not be foolproof and will end up resulting in the same issues that the license aimed to avert. It is easy to question how a test for parenting competence can be formulated so as to be reliable. One of the mistakes Lafollette makes is to casually compare a potentially controversial issue; licensing parenting to others that are not at all controversial; licensing driving and people to practice medicine among