Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Professional Development Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Professional Development - Essay Example In addition, they should be able to set their objectives and strategies to achieve their targets. Therefore, students who are undertaking engineering courses should learn these skills during and after studies to perfect their careers (Blandford, 2012, p.47). Communication barrier and inability to plan their work and interact with others may paralyze the achievement in their targets. Communication Engineers interact with different people during their ordinary activities (Ritchie, 2007, 164). Therefore, they should possess different skills for sharing knowledge with their colleagues and clients in order to increase their work efficiency (Kalman, 2008, p. 156). I have interacted with my fellow students as their group leader during various discussions. I also chair various meetings with fellow engineers at different levels. In addition, I compile technical reports regarding various issues we discuss in our group meetings. This has equipped me with relevant skills for gathering informatio n and giving immediate response questions posed by group members. My weakness is in presenting those reports to my colleagues. I aspire to learn various techniques of addressing meetings using different presentation skills. I will achieve this by learning gradually from others and enriching my vocabularies and by requesting my colleagues to challenge me with questions regarding the presentations I make (Baillie and Moore, 2004, p. 181). Group activities are equipping students on various ways of acquiring information and addressing various issues which may affect their profession (Ritchie, 2007, 158). Therefore, this will help me to learn how interact with my colleagues effectively. Working with Others Engineers should be able to handle issues arising at work place. Therefore, since they deal with individuals from different background such as clients and workers, they should be able to reconcile them whenever there is a disagreement (Blandford, 2012, p.49). During training, they shou ld be able to share their ideas and respect views of others (Baillie, and Moore, 2004, p.182). So during group discussions, I share my views and argue decisively to influence my colleagues to side with my decisions. This is essential because, later in our profession some contractors may opt to use cheap materials to save cost. However, with these skills, I will be able to convince them apply appropriate process in order to produce quality work and balance with cost of providing quality work. In our discussion group, I always try to convince my colleagues to listen to my views (Baillie and Moore, 2004, p.178). I’m able to control my discussion group by resolving all disagreements. During our group discussions, I sometimes impose my suggestions on others and seek their support. By leading my fellow students in school, I have acquired skills to manage contractors and other workers as professional engineer. The major predicaments I have encountered as group leader is where group members have differing opinions from others. Sometimes none of those opinions seems to be right or wrong. Therefore, it becomes tough to create mutual agreement under such circumstances. Such issues may require additional time to look for amicable solution, which incorporates suggestions of each member. Improving Own Learning and Performance Engineers should be acquiring knowledge from time to time to ensure they keep abreast with emerging

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