Monday, September 30, 2019

Northern Colonies vs. Southern Colonies Essay

From the first settlement founded in the 1600’s, the British colonies were a varied mix of communities that grew to distinct civilizations in the 17th and 18th centuries. Queen Elizabeth helped drive the colonization of Jamestown in 1607 and ultimately the creation of other Southern colonies to help Britain’s economy flourish. In contrast, James I, Elizabeth’s successor, spurred the settlement of the Northern colonies for religious reasons when he â€Å"vowed to purge England of all radical Protestant reformers† (Davidson, et al 85). When the Pilgrims sailed the Mayflower in 1620, an error in navigation led them far north to New England, rather than the South. A second wave of Puritans led to the formation of the Massachusetts Bay colony and the growth of other Northern colonies. While the early settlers were all looking for new experiences, different types of people populated the Northern and Southern colonies. Although the two regions in the 17th and 18t h centuries may appear to be similar on the surface, there are many obvious differences in economy, treatment of Natives, and stability, stemming from the reasons they were founded in the first place. While the colonies differed in their economies and the reasons they were settled in the first place, they all benefited from â€Å"benign neglect† from Britain during much of the 17th and 18th centuries. Benign neglect was Britain’s policy of non-interference with the colonies (Davidson, et al 128). Britain was busy dealing with its own government issues and change in rulers and did not have the time to strictly administer the colonies. Because of this, both the Northern and Southern colonies flourished economically and established a relatively stable way of life. In addition, the first Colonial settlers and their descendents shared a desire for a better life, whether it was for land, money, or religious freedom. Without this benign neglect from Britain, the colonies may have never been able to prosper and set the stage for the new world the way they did. Despite a similar determination to thrive in a new world, the Northern and Southern colonies differed substantially in their economies. The Southern colonies included Virginia, Maryland, Georgia, and the Carolinas and were largely founded for profit. Because of the warm climate and fertile soil, the Southern colonies were perfect for the growth of staple crops, ranging from tobacco, rice, and sugar. A planter, â€Å"[John] Rolfe, had been obsessed with  finding a crop that could be grown in Virginia and then sold for gain across the sea. When he succeeded by growing tobacco, other English followed his lead† (Davidson, et al 53). Tobacco growth was critical for the Southern economy to succeed. But, as these crops began to prosper and England demanded more, â€Å"many of Jamestown’s colonists had little taste for labor† (Davidson, et al 59). The sudden need for cheap labor led to the reliance on slavery, which would dominate the Southern economy and way of life for many years to come. In the late 1600’s, farmers began to invest in slavery rather than white servants because they would get more years out of the slaves, and also gain title to their children (Davidson, et al 63). New laws made it nearly impossible for white Masters to free slaves, further solidifying slavery in the South. In contrast, the Northern colonies had a more industrial economy. The Northern colonies consisted of Massachusetts, Connecticut, Rhode Island, New Hampshire, New York, New Jersey, Pennsylvania, and Delaware. Almost every male settler in the North owned property, so small farms were, in fact, established across New England and the Mid Atlantic colonies (Davidson, et al 89). But unlike the South, the crops grown from these farms were not for capital, but rather for feeding the families. The soil in the North was too rocky and the climate was too unstable to have a promising agricultural industry. Many early colonists described the land as â€Å"rockbound and rugged†¦ long winters of numbing cold melted into short summers of steamy heat† (Davidson, et al 85). Also, because agriculture was limited, the need for slavery did not exist. â€Å"With little hope of prospering through commercial agriculture, New England farmers had no incentive to import large numbers of servants a nd slaves or to create large plantations† (Davidson, et al 89). Instead, they traded fur with the Indians and established major harbors in Boston and Philadelphia for international trading. Shipbuilding and fishing also dominated port cities, such as Boston. â€Å"Boston’s merchants sent fish to the Caribbean and Catholic Europe† (Davidson, et al 118). As a result of different land and climates in the North and South, their economies differed, affecting many more aspects of the colonies as well. The Indians were the original settlers in the colonies as well as the rest of what would become America. As both the Southern and Northern settlers arrived in the New World, they took vastly different approaches in their treatment of the natives. Neither  region treated the Indians ideally. When Captain John Smith sailed to Chesapeake, many of his settlers were hungry and, â€Å"he bullied the Indians for food and would have enslaved them if it had been in his power† (Davidson, et al 52). It is hard to imagine that the early settlers took the Indians’ land, but in addition, bullied them to receive food. To take the Southern treatment of Indians to an extreme, the Carolinas traded the Indians themselves as slaves. The Carolinas needed cheap labor to grow their cash crops, but they could not afford African slaves. To fund this venture, the Carolinas resold enslaved Indians they traded goods for with other Indian tribes (Davidson, et al 70). The Carolinas treated Indians like they were a commodity, rather than as human beings, all in the name of funding an even greater evil: slavery. Although the Northern Colonists were involved in a number of conflicts with the natives, they were not nearly as cruel as the South ern Colonists. John Eliot, a Puritan leader, for example, helped set up a school within Harvard, to help Indians learn English and culture (Davidson, et al 94). Although this didn’t help the Indians grow as a tribe, it did not drive them away from the Colonists and made them feel more like a community. The Northern colonies also needed help from the Indians to survive the harsh winters, so treating them well was important. In Pennsylvania, the Quakers coexisted peacefully with the Lenni Lenapes, another Indian tribe. â€Å"Before [William] Penn sold any land to colonists, he purchased it from the Indians (Davidson, et al 96). Because the Quakers settled in Pennsylvania for religious freedom, not profit, keeping peace with the Indians was part of their way of life. In short, the treatment of Indians reflected the reasons the two regions settled in America. The stability of the colonies also varied by region. The Northern colonies were significantly more stable than the Southern colonies for a variety of reasons. In the North, their settlements were closer together, creating more order and stability in their â€Å"tightly knit† communities.â€Å"The†¦ [Northern] colonists lived to an average age of 70, nearly twice as long as Virginians† (Davidson, et al 89). The population in the North also increased naturally, whereas in the South, it was artificially increased by the import of African slaves. â€Å"By 1740, 40% of all Virginians were black† (Davidson, et al 67). Also, because of the higher life expectancy in the North, families were stronger. About 90% of children in the North reached adulthood, and unlike  the Chesapeake, most parents were able to survive and provide for their family (Davidson, et al 89). In the Chesapeake region, there were few churches whereas in the North, community life centered around churches, contributing further to a more stable society, which would help the Northerners in the long run. Although the Northern and Southern colonies in the 17th and 18th centuries shared some similarities, they were, in fact, separate and distinct civilizations. The colonies varied drastically in their economies, treatment of the native people, and their stability, mainly because their reasons for settling in the New World were different as well. The Southern colonies were established primarily for profit. The Northerners were looking to break free from Catholic Britain and have freedom of religion in the New World. The unplanned arrival in Plymouth, rather than the South, contributed even more to how different the two regions really were, based on geography. These differences, while distinct early on, ultimately led to much bigger conflicts in America, almost destroying it altogether.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sunwind Ab Case

2) Draw the schematic flow diagram for Sunwind and all Volvo plants. (Draw at abstract level not detailed level). Provides detail of distances and demand (quantity based on 1987 forecast) flow. Ans) Demand of Sunwind is 1250/week = 1250*45 = 56250 units The following table gives us the demand of each plant yearly for the year 1985 Plant|   | Torslando | Kalmar| Ghent| Total| Year| 1985| 17050| 4525| 12090| 33665| | %| 50. 65%| 13. 44%| 35. 1%| 100%| Year| 1987| 32919. 947| 8736. 819| 23343. 23| 65000| Depending on the percentage of share of each plant of the total in 1985, the same percentage is used to calculate the demand of each plant in 1987, as we know the total production of Volvo from all the plants put together in 1987. 3) What are the challenges facing Sunwind? Do they need a change in strategy by Sunwind? Why? Ans The challenges faced by SUNWIND are as follows : The main problem is to meet the increase in the demand from Volvo which is around 650 per week in 1985 to 1200 per week in 1986 * There is also a problem of meeting the quality of the finished products supplied by them, some of the machines like gluing machine had proved particularly troublesome and has increased rejects. * Some other bothering issues would be the off-spec plywood blanks received from Finnish supplier. * The rejection of the batches by Volvo as they haven’t met the quality constraints imposed by them. The demand for the finished goods is around 1400 units/week while the ideal capacity of plant excluding wastages is only 1250 units/week; this mismatch is of a greatest concern for the Sunwind in the present scenario. * The trend of the major manufacturers like Toyota who are working on â€Å"Less† suppliers’ model to increase the efficiency is of a big threat as Volvo might even persuade it. * The system of JIT which is being implemented recently by the Volvo group, the Belgian manufacturer is turning out to be major competitor to Sunwood on this perspecti ve. The batch size if we see for different operations varies from 2500 to 500, such a huge amount of batch size might lead to having no control over the quality issues i. e. in case of any damage done its hard to find out and the who batch has to be set off which is of a huge loss for the plant. * This large batch size might also increases the MLT hence leads to a lot of inventory which has a lot of adverse effects. For the other part of the question whether they need to change the strategy of the Sunwind or not, yes they have to change indeed to so as to protect themselves from Volvo by meeting their demand needs.At the same time the technological aspects of Sunwind are at a ground level, they need to compete with the competitors and have to go for new machinery. Right now they are not following the JIT method while Volvo has gone for it, In that case to meet the Volvo demands it might have to put a huge pile of raw materials instead if it makes itself a JIT system it could save it self from one of the competitors. Their batch size as mentioned before is also very large, hence they need to change this strategy too. There is a quality issue also being faced hence they a need a new strategy which can address all these issues in a very efficient way. ) What are the benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind? How Volvo will get benefited if Sunwind goes for JIT production and delivery? Ans) The benefits to implement JIT for Sunwind are 1. The main advantage would be saving on inventory i. e. there is no need to spend a lot of money in storing the inventory for huge number of days until it is used instead JIT takes care of inventory only when needed hence there is no idle inventory. 2. The JIT system will take care of the batch size this will help increasing the frequency and also easy transportation and on time as the batch size is small 3.In case of any defects the wastage would be in a small scale 4. The quality issue can be addressed, if we have the batch size to be small there is an every chance to make strict quality checks and reject the rest. 5. This helps in cutting the waste by cutting the excess capacity or inventory and removing the non value-added activities. 6. This will develop a close relationship with their suppliers, in a way they will get suppliers as a partner in the venture. 7. This will also encourage the suppliers to get themselves placed in and around the Sunwood plant so as to deliver the raw materials on time. 8.This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Sunwind on behalf of the suppliers whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. 9. He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. 10. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together.The advantages of the Volvo if Sunwind go for JIT is same as the ones enjoyed by Sunwind on behalf of their supplies * This will develop a close relationship with Sunwind. * This system gets an in-plant representative who will be onsite in Volvo on behalf of the Sunwind whose main purpose is to plan and schedule the replenishment of the materials from the supplier hence even the forecasting is also taken care by him. * He also helps in designing ideas to help reducing cost and improve manufacturing processes and managing production schedules for suppliers, materials contractors and other subcontractors. It also provides the best organizational structure needed to improve the supplier coordination by integrating the logistics, production and purchasing processes together. 6) How many varieties of products does the Sunwind manufacture for Volvo? How does this information help to design pro duction and delivery? Ans) Sunwind was the only supplier for the floorlid for the 5-door 700 series station wagon. These were offered in several carpet/ colour combinations. The lid comprised of 4 separate items – front panel, rear panel, left panel and the right panel.The carpeting could be any of four different colour choices – beige, blue, black and burgundy. The carpeting could be either needle felt or tufted. Thus 32 part numbers were needed to specify a particular part/ colour/ carpet combination 4 parts x 4 colours x 2 carpets = 32 This data of the variety of products being manufacture will give us an advantage of designing the production through JIT. One of the process considerations in lean systems â€Å"Uniform workstation loads â€Å" comes into the picture. This in turn would decrease the big lots there by decreasing the average inventory level.We can follow the production model of â€Å"heijunka† which is the levelling of production load by both v olume and product mix. Using this what we can do is to form batches in a way so that each batch gives us 32 varieties of different materials instead of having the same variety in a batch. This would help workers to get acquaintance of all the products and also though there is any wastage in a batch the other batch can cover up for it, if a batch has all the products of same kind it would be a problem if there is any defect or quality issues.Thus this data of the variety of products gives us the division of batches in an efficient way which reduces the extra non value added costs. 8) Provides details of some critical characteristics of one of the Volvo operations (Customer interface point) between Volvo and Sunwind. How does may this information be helpful to get advance intimation to prepare the next JIT delivery? Ans) Sunwind’s interface with Volvo parts at the order placement. Every 4 weeks Volvo send an order form indication the requirement over a 60 week planning horizon. This was broken into seven 4 week periods and one 32 week period. The next interface was at the loading stage of the shipping process. Volvo mandated that it suppliers use Volvo’s wholly owned transport company, use standard containers and ship one part per container. Sunwind ordered transportation and empty containers as required. Post shipping, the next interface would be at the inspection upon receipt of parts by Volvo. If the randomly chosen container did not pass the stringent quality control criteria, the entire shipment would be rejected and the supplier would be called.Sunwind could then either replace the entire shipment ot come to Torslanda to check the rejected shipments and replace the defective parts. Rejected parts were either scrapped or sent back to the supplier at the supplier’s expense. The fault would be officially notified and the next shipment would be subjected to 100% inspection. The interface points are at various stages in the part procurement process. Continuous communication between supplier and vendor enables updation of records on both ends and real time flow of information.The 4 week periodical order placement can help Sunwind plan its production such that they complete production just in time for shipment and the shipment occurs just in time for assembly at Volvo. Shipping is done through Volvo’s own transport system. Knowledge of the production schedules of Volvo in advance will enable Sunwind to request transport and containers in advance so that they arrive just in time for loading. This makes for efficient operations as the production can then be planned to meet the shipment schedule.Inspection procedure is well defined and knowledge of this can help Sunwind optimize its production to avoidrejection upon shipment. Rejection of shipments can be costly and they run the risk of not being able to meet the just in time production schedule. 9) How KANBAN, facilitator of JIT inventory Design be used for Sunwind operations? Show few sample calculations. Ans) In order to avoid the stock outs or overproduction Kanban can be used as a facilitator of JIT system. According to Kanban system, there is a card which contains the requirement or the supply of units written on it.Once if the card reaches the supplier depending on the requirements the desired date the supplier manufactures or prepare the goods and then they will be put in the same box with the card in place. The same process is done when the units reach the ordered company it will crosscheck the number of units in the box with the required in the card, once it matches it will then proceed to the operations. The best use of this comes when the manufacturing process has lots of operations involved in it with different batch sizes and cycle time and lead time.For example if we take Sunwind it has 8 operations with different batch sizes hence by using this it can send the Kanban cards at will according to the lead time to the respective sup pliers and they can receive the desired goods right on time and can verify it also accordingly. The basic formulae to calculate the number of Kanban cards is Kanban quantity = Daily Demand x Lead time (in days) x Safety factor Container quantity Here the daily demand can be calculated as we know that the demand per week is 1250 and there are 5 working days per week thus the daily demand is 250 unitsThe lead time here as it is not mentioned clearly anywhere in the case we have taken the sentence† the production is planned two weeks before†. Using that we can get the lead time as 2 weeks i. e. 14 days (including working and non-working days) Safety factor: we are taking a standard 10%(assumption) hence the whole quantity is multiplied by 1. 1 Container quantity is given in the case as 20 units Hence Kanban quantity = 250*14*1. 1 = 192. 5 20 Thus using this estimate this will give us a forecast of how many Kanban cards are in place for the JIT beforehand and would make the process efficient enough. 1) Repeat Q10 for Volvo’s Kalmar and Ghent plants. Write only short discussion and detailed calculation and diagram is not expected as in Q10. Ans) The distance plays a major role when it comes to Kalmar and Ghent plants as for us to make a JIT delivery of 4 times a day, the transportation including all logistics plays the deciding factor. Similarly if we look into this case the distances are shown below Save to Kalmar —– 179. 82 Miles or 289. 39 KM (Source : http://www. mapcrow. info) Save to Ghent —– 1284 KM (source : Google Maps)For both the plants if we see there is no feasibility to do the JIT supply 4 times a day as the distance is so large that the transportation becomes a problem and even though if pains are taken and the things are meeting the deadline, the efficiency decreases as this will in no way an add on for the current existing process in terms of the ROI ( Return on Investment ). Q 5 ) Draw the process flo w diagram of Sunwind operations. Perform capacity analysis Sunwind’s operations. Is the capacity at plant sufficient to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) of all VOLVO plants?How would you interpret the capacity calculations? (Consider a batch size and process time information in Exhibit 8). What is the Manufacturing Lead time? Do you think it is right or a long MLT in line with JIT requirement? If it is short or long, what is cause of such short/Long MLT? Ans. Operation 2- Painting Cycle time: 1. 15 min Operation 3&4-batterns, riveting inserting studs Cycle time: 6. 85 min mins Operation 1-Shaping plywood panel Cycle time-2. 8 min Raw material (plywood) Operation 7- Attaching metal and carpet fixturesCycle Time: 2. 2 min Operation 6-Gluing Carpet Cycle Time: 4. 25 min Operation 5-Mounting hinges Cycle Time: 0. 95 min Operation 8-Assembly of left and right units Operation 3 is the bottleneck with maximum cycle time of 6. 85 mins. So it becomes the cycle time for the entire process. The working time for a personnel/week = 40. 7 hours. So, effective working hours/day= 8. 14 hours. Therefore, total no. of units produced/ day=8. 14*60/6. 85= 71 units. ( considering 100 % capacity utilisation) So at 100 % utilization,output/week= 71*5= 355 units/ weekMonthly production= 1420 units. Starting from January 1985 Volvo’s maximum demand per month till July was 1115 units. So Sunwind was able to meet the demand . In August 1985 when demand of Volvo’s three plants surmounted to 4000 units / month Sunwind was unable to supply the required quantity. In 1986 when the forecasted demand of Volve stands 1387 units/ week present capacity of Sunwind ( 355 units/ week) is not sufficient to meet the demand . Direct labor content ( parts fabrication + operations 1-9 ) =18. 8+25. 2+5. 15= 49. 15 mins/ shirt (excluding set up time)If we consider batch sizes of 500 (operation 6 has the minimum batch size of 500) the changed cycle time for each operation are as follows: Operation 4 with zero set up time still remains the bottle neck time and hence the cycle time. So the batch size does not influence the process cycle time. To meet the average forecasted demand of 1400 units/week in 1986 the cycle time of the entire process should be 1. 4 min assuming the plant operates at 80 % efficiency level. Since different operations have different WIPs( according to batches as shown below):Manufacturing lead time is given by MLT= WIP * Cycle time At current plant capacity, considering lids are produced in batches of 500 MLT= (2500+1500+1000+1500+500+500)* 6. 85 = 51375 mins =856. 25 hrs= 21 weeks (considering working hours of 40. 7 /week as bottleneck operation is run in 1 shift only) The lead time is very high and the primary cause for this is large lot size used for production. A high MLT cannot go hand in hand with JIT production. The JIT philosophy is timely delivery of customer order . To meet the delivery deadline for a JIT e need to start t he production as soon as the order is booked. For this we need to maintain a minimum Manufacturing Lead Time as products are produced in batches. Q 7) Should Lars Olav were to design a JIT programme at Sunwind, what should be its elements? Give details about the current status and future requirement of few essential ingredients of JIT/Lean elements requiring improvement/change in Sunwind. Please suggest/show your improved/changed version of the Sunwind operations process to meet the requirement (Demand and any other) to all Volvo plants.Hint: You may like to meet the new demand (1987 forecast) by balancing the capacity of Sunwind operations. Ans. The elements of a JIT programme would be as follows: 1) Make to order strategy and not make to stock. This will reduce over production which not only creates excessive lead times and inventory but also makes it difficult to detect defects. 2) Reduction of inventory level so as to identify quality issues more promptly and effectively thereby correcting at source instead of creating rejections at end. ) Setting a plant layout such that the distance between adjacent workstation is minimum. This will reduce material handling cost and time. Excessive movement of products can at times cause damage and deterioration of product quality. 4) Manufacturing lead time to be minimum so as to reduce waiting time for starting production when an order is booked. 5) Close ties with supplier making sure they are located in close geographic proximity in order to promote strong partnerships and better synchronise product flows.Current status and requirements for adopting JIT in Sunwind: 1) High raw material and WIP inventory level. High batch sizes don’t allow problems to surface immediately. This hinders quality check at source. Few of the quality control procedures were followed in practice. Processes were not monitored formally. Defects were inspected by customers after delivery instead of identification in-house. Defective mate rials were rejected by eliminating the problem but no summary statements were available in Sunwind concerning the rejects.Sun Wind needs to reduce its inventory level and present MLT so as to identify defects at source thereby reducing cost as rejection rate comes down. 2) Presently in Sun wind due to extended delivery lead time of some items (eg. Carpeting) the purchasing department uses a 3-6 months planning horizon. On the contrary the production planning department focuses on first four weeks of delivery schedule which unnecessarily increases the inventory level. As a result raw material inventory unnecessarily goes up.Sun Wind should ask it supplier to reduce this lead time as it is planning to go for JIT. The benefits of a successful JIT can only be realized if your inventory levels are low. Considering suppliers as partners in venture can build long term profitable relationship wherein there is a win-win situation for everyone. 3) Sun Wind is presently operating in moderate b atches which is giving a very high Manufacturing lead time which is not acceptable for a JIT . To meet the increased demand for Volvo Sunwind needs to improve its cycle time as well as reduce its MLT by reducing batch size.Only operation 6 has a significant set up time which has to be reduced for going to JIT by enacting machine controls or preparing for changeovers while a job currently in production is still being processed. 4) In Sunwind the workstation load at different operations is not uniform. The cycle time at different processes vary considerably. As a result there is inventory pile up at workstations with high cycle time. Capacity planning and line balancing are to be used to meet the changed requirement of Volvo plant in 1987. In 1987, Volvo needs 65000 units of 700 series 5-door station wagons.To meet this demand Sunwind needs to produce =65000/52= 1250 units/week. At current capacity Sunwind can only produce 350 units/week. To meet the demand Sunwind needs to produce=12 50/5=250 units/day. We propose change in number of workers and number of shifts to meet the required demand(considering Save plant of Sunwind alone will be producing for all Volvo plants) as shown below. Present Situation Proposed Capacity Planning and line balancing to meet new requirement In this changed line balancing the bottleneck operation is Operation 6 with a cycle time of 2. 83 mins.Since operation 6 has got maximum set up time and Sunwind is producing 32 combinations of part/color/carpet, we assume Japanese concept of heijunka for a JIT, a batch of 32 each wherein all the varieties will be there per batch. Assuming a reduced set up time of 15 mins /batch for JIT achieved by machine control , we get a cycle time of 2. 83+0. 47= 3. 3 mins. Since this operation is run for two shifts the daily production will be = 2*8*60/3. 3= 290 units/day. Operation 7 which has a lower cycle time becomes the bottle neck as the process is run for 1 shift only. No of units produced /day = 8*60 /1. 3=262 units. Hence we can say the actual bottleneck is operation 7 with a cycle time of 1. 83 mins which run for single shift. Hence this becomes the cycle time for the entire batch process. To meet this requirement 3 additional workers at Sun wind’s Save factory are needed as per changed capacity planning. In this scenario of JIT an operational efficiency of above 95 % will be needed to meet the demand requirement of 250 units/day or 1250 units/week (assuming 5 days week) If each batch of JIT is 32 units, in that case per day no of batches produced will be =250/32=7. Hence a JIT will shorten the Manufacturing lead time thereby reducing the inventory level and lumpy requirements on different workstations. This will help identify defects immediately and strengthen quality control measures and help achieve higher efficiency. MLT for JIT= WIP* Cycle time = 32*6*1. 83=351. 4 mins=5. 86 hours. Q 10 Assuming that Sunwind is now ready for JIT delivery (hope so, based on your Q1 to 9 analysis and suggested improvement), how to synchronize the delivery of product 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda Plant? For this you may require the one day demand of Torsdland plant) Ans. The actual demand of 5 door model 700 for Volvo’s Torslanda Plant is 1985 is 17050. The total demand for Volvo isn 1985 is 33665. So Torslanda plant produced around 51 % of total Volvo’s production. Considering the same percentage production of total Volvo’s requirement, by using the overall forecasted demand of Volvo plant in 1986, Torslanda plant will require to produce =51% of 62400= 31824 units annually.Hence per week demand is calculated to be=31824/52= 612 units. Since Sunwind runs 5 days a week, daily production requirement will be=612/5= 122 units. Considering new Capacity planning and line balancing for Sunwind as in Q7, our cycle time is 1. 83 mins ( bottleneck process 7 running for single shift). As the bottleneck operation is for single shift, in orde r to synchronise the delivery of products 4 times a day to Volvo’s Torslanda plant we need to have an MLT which will be atleast= 8*60/4= 120 mins.Considering the previously arrived cycle time of 1. 83 mins in Q7 There will be WIP of equal size at 6 different work stations (Operation 1 to 7) where processing will be done in batches. Hence maximum batch size that can be allowed so as to make a just in time delivery of new order booked 4 times a day =120/(6*1. 83)=11 Lot sizes of 11 units if produced in JIT system can enable us to deliver products 4 times a day, if the product criteria and combination is known beforehand.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Public utility management in australia Term Paper

Public utility management in australia - Term Paper Example According to the Australian Government's Department of Climate Change and Energy Efficiency, Australia 'monitors and accounts for its greenhouse gas emissions from land based sectors in its national inventory through the Australian Greenhouse Emissions Information System (AGEIS) which accounts for the methane and nitrous oxide emissions from livestock and crop production, while theNational Carbon Accounting System(NCAS) is currently designed toward accountability of carbon emissions from agriculture, deforestation and forestry.ii Now hosting the Sixth Annual Climate Change and Business Conference 2010, Australia has consecutively shown its commitment to a global market respondent to privatization of the energy market, and competent governance of those shifts through apt structural adjustment of the nation's energy policy.iii Much of what goes into legislative policy intended for the 'public good.' Investment in environmental mitigation in the business community is typically responsive to regulatory compliance or venture capital promise. The globalization of natural resources and attendant policies has resulted in a dictatorship of the energy sector as the foremost priority within international governance. This is not to say that real political transformations amongst states have not also contributed to this new regime of power. For instance, since the collapse of the former Soviet Bloc countries, Eastern European energy resource management has been one of the core economic interests of international energy holdings vested in the transition from state to privatized incorporation. The structural adjustment policies of the 1990s, which led to privatization policies in second world economies are still affecting the administrative capacity behind energy resource distribution to populations dependent upon tho se forces of negotiation between international energy management stakeholders, and sometime corrupted or underdeveloped legal and regulatory capacity in those states.iv In Australia, the widely acceptable practice of retraction of central authority toward intense regulation of the industry by way of law, rather than volunteerism, was extended to states which now determine the regulatory relationship between energy and consumer market. Comparatively, Australia has done much in terms of promoting advancements in energy innovation as well, with an eye on technology and proximity to the Asian market, Australia is well poised to participate fully and competitively in the new global energy market. The global picture outside the region also reveals distinctions. It is through an examination of the dense regulatory structure of the United States that we can see what Australia is, and what it is not, in terms of party to international policy. Without such as radical window of comparison, in a parallel common law setting, we might not see the business, legal and political culture(s) at work in two distinct economies of scale. In the United States, where the e nergy industry has been the intense focus of scrutiny in response to high level hazard incidents, such as the Three Mile Island case. Amid reconfiguration of nuclear power as part of a matrix of alternative, 'clean air' energy options, there is a significant push toward advancement of regulatory competence. The essay focuses on the impact of the climate change

Friday, September 27, 2019

European Union and Turkey Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

European Union and Turkey - Essay Example This literature review will aim at describing the various changes that both sides have made over the years in order to demonstrate the progress made by the other side and will also focus on the factors that have influenced the necessity of such decisions. The initial focus will be on understanding the aspects on which the European Union is set to gain by allowing Turkey to obtain membership. This is deemed important in view of the current as it would serve as the reason for many of the changes initiated by the European Union itself. The first question that arises to mind over this issue is as to what does the enlarged European Union stand to gain as a result of Turkey's admission The best possible answer that can be offered within a political perspective is that the inclusion of Turkey as a member would do away with the long standing image of the European Union as an exclusive Christian Club1. Moreover, the proposed inclusion would also help the union in projecting itself to the rest of the world as a model for tolerance where multi-cultural, multi-religious and multi-ethnic peoples contribute to the welfare of one another. Secondly, the Union also stands to gain from the vast military and security assets that Turkey possesses. Moreover, in spite of having deficiencies at the moment, the inclusion will provide a Turkish economy that has shown a lot of potential and promise. The presence of Oil reserves and a highly qualified workforce would assure the union of a strengthened European economy that is in a better position to take on the challenges faced by it2. The European Union, on the other hand, is very eager to accommodate Turkey into its group and for this, the latter is supposed to achieve credible standards on a number of fronts, for which efforts have been initiated by the Turkish Government since the past few years. The European Union insists that Turkey needs to initiate the necessary actions not for pleasing the Union, but for its own good. The need for reforms has arisen from the fact that Turkey has been having problems in areas such as Human rights, public administration, governance, internal security. Most importantly, Turkey has been in the process of improving its relations with other European Countries with whom it has had long standing territorial disputed. Additionally, changes have also been made to the regulation of the local economy so as to upgrade it to the minimum base standards as perceived by the European Union3. However, in spite of vast changes, there have been certain areas where the European Union has not been satisfied with Turkey's efforts, which has resulted in criticism of some of its efforts and policies. This has resulted in the Union taking some tough measures to ensure that the country takes the best possible action in the future. the specifics of all of these shall be discussed in the forthcoming paragraphs. CHALLENGES BEFORE THE EUROPEAN UNION The major challenges that the European Union faces with respect to Turkey's accession to the union are the fact that a majority of the people are poor, the primary religion is Islam and the country apart from being large, possesses vast and untapped

Thursday, September 26, 2019

The real Conscientious Objection Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

The real Conscientious Objection - Essay Example Every household is predominantly blessed with this â€Å"necessity† of life. From entertainment to important events, the popularity of television has grown inevitably beyond boundaries to such an extent that it has become a preference for people around the globe, making it more difficult to improve television standards in favor of the societies. Neil Postman, a renowned critic, has taken the much needed step to illuminate the disasters of this media in the form of his collection – â€Å"The Conscientious Objections†. True to its name, this book truly highlights numerous issues that burden the conscience. With respect to media, Postman intelligibly covers the minute analysis for news and commercials as a mode of communication. The appreciable element of Postman’s critique is the unbiased appreciation for the limitations of television commercials and news while determining the moral issues attached with it. The objections raised by Postman are numerous, all of vital importance, such as delivering incomplete and fabricated information. It is important to note that these are not same, but both do result in the seclusion of truth from people. Postman also highlighted the cultural changes caused by television evolving entire societies, however, these cultural manipulations do not stem from television itself but rather from the developments occurring around the world. Details are covered in the paper. The Real Conscientious Objection: The commercial television of the current era has negative impacts on the society in a number of ways. From obsessive television watching to being exposed to inappropriate information – the television has been accredited for the unhealthy attitudes developing in the individuals of our society. The analysis of ethicality of the current practices of concerned television authorities in the light of Neil Postman’s â€Å"Conscientious Objection† is discussed hereafter. The most important conscie ntious objection posed by television is the incompleteness and at times, fabrication of information projected by this medium. With regards to television commercials and news both, the projected idea of the subjects is more often insufficient to cover the actual object. This results in individuals carrying around a distorted and deceiving perception of the reality, believing it to be the truth. This hampers the intellect of these individuals in their personal and public decision making processes, incurring losses on themselves. Even though the case is similar for both news and commercials, â€Å"The whole problem with news on television comes down to this: all the words uttered in an hour of news coverage could be printed on one-page of a newspaper. And the world cannot be understood in one page† (Postman 72). It is therefore needless to say that the news projected on television is rarely ever complete. Additionally, â€Å"Unless (people) also read newspapers and magazines, t elevision viewers are helpless to understand their world† (Postman 78). This implies the severity of this phenomenon, indicating the briefness of television broadcasts. Relying solely on television as the authentic source of information is an unwise practice on behalf of a major part of population. The case of television commercials is more drastic for its creative and delusional content. â€Å"Television commerci

Refugees and Human Rights Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4500 words

Refugees and Human Rights - Essay Example During the fight, her sister and female cousin were raped by local youths and home was looted and told them that their brother was traitor as he working for Oberons. It is clear that Helena was not present during the period when war broke out between two communities. And moreover there is a hint of insecurity and chances are there that she would also be meted out with same treatment if she goes to Xanadu. Under the Article 1 (A) (1) and (2), Helena has the right to claim asylum because she was present in Kensington at the time of fight and is more probably to face the wrath of local youths who have raped her sister and female cousin. It is deemed to understood that it the rape on two females were politically motivated because of the assumed connection of her brother with Oberon, which is a rival political group. Article 1 (F) (a) also states that the provisions of the Conventions will not be applicable to the person with record of crime committed against peace, humanity, or non polit ical crimes outside the country, or is guilty of acts contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations. Helena is not involved in any of these mentioned above in Article 1 (F) (a) and is rightly applicable to seek asylum in Kensington because it is party to the UNHCR declaration of 1951, the 1967 Protocol and the 1950 ECHR and has agreed upon that the human beings shall enjoy fundamental rights and freedom without any discrimination and all the member states would assure refugees the widest possible exercise of these fundamental rights and extend the scope of protection. (UNHCR) Therefore, under the Convention Relating to the Status of Refugees, Helena can seek asylum in Kensington as per the Article 1 (A) (1) and (2) and Article 1 (F) (a). Helena needs to provide necessary documents and proof of future persecution in her country of origin. She should be able to satisfy the definition of 'persecution' under Article 1(A) (4). Lopez-Galarza v. I.N.S., 99 F.3d 954 (9th Cir.1996) In the above case, the petitioner Lopez Galarza was raped and subject to various types of physical abuse due to political conflict. The Unites States Court agreed upon that Lopez - Galarza had satisfied the definition of 'persecution' and can be availed asylum. ( 2. Pyramus Case of deporting him back to Xanadu Pyramus has already been granted refugee status in Kensington. The government of Kensington has decided to deport Pyramus for his alleged fundraising activities for Titanian Liberation Movement which is considered as a terrorist organization. The Kensington government has the right to deport Pyramus as per Article 2 which states that every refugee has to conform to the laws and legislations of the country in which he/she is taking refuge for maintenance of public order, which was violated by Pyramus through fundraising activity for Titanian Liberation Movement. But as per the article 32 (1)(2)(3), the contracted states shall not expel a refugee lawfully in their territory save on grounds of national security or public order - expulsion shall only be in pursuance of a decision reached in accordance with due process of law. The refugee will be allowed to submit evidence to get cleared from the accusation only in the issues of national security and will be represented before competent authority or any other person or

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Critique a Research Article Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Critique a Article - Research Paper Example However, recent studies presented that almost 50%-72% of genetic elements are responsible for repeated co-occurrences of such disorders to the same patient or to the particular family tree. Thus, the research problem that has been addressed in this article is whether (cross)–assortative mating or (cross)–parent of origin effects of ASD and ADHD in parents have any relationship with the co-occurrence of either ASD or ASD with ADHD among their children. Initially, the article was aimed at discovering whether ASD and ADHD share similar structural and functional brain abnormalities which would also prove the co-occurrences of such disorders among parents and children belonging to one family tree. In order to obtain this particular aim, the authors used a series of literature studies an interview process. Subsequently, the obtained conclusion stated that the two disorders share insignificantly similar structural bases and functional brain abnormalities (Steijn, Richards, Oer lemans, Ruiter, Aken, Franke, Buitelaar & Rommelse, 2012). Evaluation of the Research Methods Used Does the author provide a literature review? One of the main reasons or motivations to use literature review in a research process is the intention to verify or justify the concerned issue with reference to prior studies and already evaluated and rationalized outcomes (Cronin, Ryan & Coughlan, 2008). However, the aim of the article was to identify and comprehend a new dimension of the concerned research phenomenon, i.e. the possibilities and the probable causes of co-occurrences of ASD and ASD with ADHD among parents and children in the same family tree. Hence, a greater emphasis is provided towards primary sources through interview rather than on literature reviews in this article. Nevertheless, the authors make use of the secondary research in the introductory part to signify the literature gap and the scope of the research. Is the Research Current and Relevant to Today Existing Heal th Issues? A large number of treatments are undertaken currently with children suffering from autism. Recent studies have depicted that almost 1 out of every 88 children is diagnosed with an ASD, among which boys have been examined as 5 times more vulnerable to girls. However, scientists have been unable to provide any valid explanation for the increase in the diagnosis (Vanderbilt Kennedy Center, 2012). Moreover, it is also identified that symptoms of ADHD also create significant problems for more than half of all the children with autism or ASD syndrome. Unfortunately, both the disorders, ASD and ADHD are under recognized and under treated by doctors in majority of medical cases. Hence, there is a greater demand and need for researching on such crucial topic in order to gain significant insights about these disorders (Autism Speaks Inc, 2011). Thus, it can be stated that research on such critical topic in the current context is worth to be undertaken for ensuring enhanced public h ealth. Describe the research type utilized? – Experimental, non-experimental, quasi experimental, etc. The authors have applied experimental research type for conducting the research study in order to establish the assumed cause and effect relationship between the

Monday, September 23, 2019

Labor economics Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Labor economics - Assignment Example This is meant to increase efficiency in their work (Murnane, 2012). The painting in slide number 4 show skilled labor and painting in slide number 2 show unskilled labors. Workers become more skilled by doing the particular job they want over and over again. In order for one to perfect his or her skills, one has to do the job make a mistake, note the mistake to ensure no repeat of the same mistake. By so doing, one gets to acquire more and more skills as you continue working. The painting number 50 shows workers whose job is more specializes while the painting number 37 shows workers that are self- sufficient and independent. The specialized workers have unity and depend on one another for the processes to be fully completed. This is because every worker is only specialized in a certain level of production that is. In so doing work gets to move faster, and they get to do a large volume of production. For the self sufficient and independent workers the advantage is that they cut down the wages because they tend to employ very few workers but with several skills and therefore can do all steps of production by him or herself. This takes a lot of time because one or two workers cannot work as fast as many workers would. It is only applicable in the production of goods that do not move fast and therefore time of completion is not an issue (Murnane, 2012). Capital goods are shown in the painting number 6. These goods are complemented to the skilled labor so as to make their work easier and to therefore finish on time. The unskilled labor will not learn more skills by being given these goods. They should learn the hard way so that when they are given the capital goods they only use them to perfect the skills. The painting number 68 shows that the changes in technology have made people change the kind of work they do. This is so because the technology is meant to make work easier and therefore people go for less tiring jobs. The painting number 45 shows

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Origins of business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Origins of business - Essay Example Entrepreneur can be defined as, "the one who undertakes an enterprise, especially a contractor, acting as intermediatory between capital and labor". (Jean-Baptiste Say) Entrepreneur is basically referred to a person who is willing to launch a new venture or an enterprise. He should have the qualities of carrying out a successful business. The effects of a good entrepreneur on business are that he has the quality to innovates efficiency and productivity in his business by introducing new technologies and ideas. He is a versatile and creative personality who brings in new strategies in his business or launches new types of products or services in order to profit his business. Planning or outline: Planning or an outline is a very important origin to start up a business. The founder of the business must plan first about the business. What, where, when and how, all these questions about the business are very necessary to answer before starting a business. The founder of the business must make a proper draft or an outline about his business and analyze all the expected aspects included the profit and loss of his business. This will be quite helpful in the future as the business will not be inclined towards any sort of loss and even if any loss may be occurring in the business, the entrepreneur will be ready to face it and handle it properly through the planning made before the launch of the business.

Saturday, September 21, 2019

An Examination of General and Specific Motivational Mechanisms Essay Example for Free

An Examination of General and Specific Motivational Mechanisms Essay Luc G. Pelletier and Stà ©phanie C. Dion’s report entitled An Examination of General and Specific Motivational Mechanisms for the Relations Between Body Dissatisfaction and Eating Behaviors aims to examine the relationship of body dissatisfaction with eating behaviors through a study of the different models of regulation of eating behaviors used by women. The study mainly uses the Self-Determination Theory (SDT) as a framework for examination of socio-cultural pressures and the `thin-ideal` as factors for body dissatisfaction and, in turn, body dissatisfaction as a cause of eating-related problems like binge eating, dietary restraint, and bulimia. Lastly, the study also looks at two different levels of motivation to explain the differences in the responses of women to socio-cultural pressures regarding body image, which lead to a difference in eating patterns. These two are the general self-determination or a sense of self-determination toward ones life and self-determination towards eating. Negative body image and its causes and effects have been the subject of many studies during the past decade. Due to its popularity as a topic for research, many of its findings are well-known and accepted by society at present. Among these are the role of media, peers, family, puberty and others in reinforcing the thin ideal, the relationship of women’s perceived discrepancies between their body ideal and body image with their satisfaction with their own body and the effect of negative body images to women’s eating habits. However, a review of the existing literature about body image reveals many interesting and sometimes unexpected findings. The first among these is the main basis of this study, which is self-determination. Deci and Ryan’s Self-Determination Theory shows that the level of women’s general self-determination in life may serve as a shield against the effect of the pressure exerted by society for women to be thin. This is interesting because this will show how body-image can be approached as a cyclical issue when joined with the findings on how positive body image can lead to confidence then to a positive self-determination. Second, body image may have an effect on many positive qualities such as attractiveness, success and intelligence. This shows attractiveness as more than just a fixed variable. It is not merely affected by the physical attributes one is born with, but also by how one feels about these physical attributes. Moreover, it emphasizes the gravity of the consequences that either a positive or negative body image may cause. Its affects can extend onto many non-physical aspects of a person’s life. In fact, another research shows that pressures from society to be thin can change individual core beliefs as regards the importance of physical appearance compared with other values. Another interesting finding is that body dissatisfaction may be addressed by either self-reinforcement or by aiming to change one’s appearance. People are more familiar with the second approach, which includes exercising and dieting. However, it is interesting to find that grooming and other forms of self-reinforcement are also used. While these forms of self-reinforcement may have been admitted to be used by people to enhance their self-image, it is not easily identifiable to have a direct correlation to body image. Moreover, this type approach shows a more positive and less destructive way of addressing issues on body image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Seven hypotheses were tested in the research. They are stated in the article as follows. First, general self-determination will be negatively associated with both socio-cultural pressures about body image and the endorsement of society’s beliefs about thinness and obesity. Second, socio-cultural pressures should be positively linked to the endorsement of society’s beliefs, which, in turn, will positively predict body dissatisfaction. Third, although body dissatisfaction is expected to positively predict both an autonomous and a controlled form of regulation of eating behaviors, it should lead mainly to a controlled regulation of eating. Fourth, the autonomous form of regulation of eating will be positively associated with healthy eating behaviors, whereas the controlled form of regulation will be positively associated with dysfunctional eating behaviors. Fifth, general self-determination should be positively associated with the autonomous form of regulation and negatively associated with the controlled form of regulation. Sixth, the autonomous regulation of eating behaviors will be positively associated with healthy eating behaviors and negatively associated with bulimic symptoms, whereas the controlled regulation of eating behaviors will be positively associated with dysfunctional eating and negatively associated with healthy eating behaviors. Finally, healthy eating behaviors should positively predict psychological adjustment, whereas dysfunctional eating should negatively predict psychological adjustment. These hypotheses aim to test the relationship of general self-determination, body image, body dissatisfaction, forms of regulation of eating behaviors, eating habits and psychological adjustment among each other. Methodology The study was done on 447 female students, ages 16 to 54 from two universities—the University of Ottawa and the Carleton University. Of these students 78.2% are taking undergraduate degrees from the University of Ottawa, 20% are graduate students from the same university, while the remaining 1.2% are enrolled at Carleton University. The researchers adopted several scales and indexes to test its hypotheses. Enumerated in the study are the General Motivation Scale (GMS), Teasing Assessment Scale, Body Dissatisfaction Subscale (EDI-BD), Regulation of Eating Behaviors Scale (REBS), Healthy Eating Habits Scale, Dysfunctional Eating (BULIT-R), Psychological Adjustment Index (PAI), Depressed Mood Scale (CES-D), Self-Esteem Scale (SES) and the Satisfaction with Life Scale (SWLS). The tests are composed of statements and questions, which the respondents assess using a Likert scale with around five to seven points for rating. The scales are usually divided in several subscales with equal number of items based on the nature of the hypothesis being tested. They have been previously used in other studies and their reliability and validity have been tested. Results and Discussion The study was able to prove all six hypotheses. These hypotheses will be discussed in three groups. These groups are general self-determination and determinants of body dissatisfaction, general self-determination and forms of regulation of eating behaviors and consequences of the forms of regulation of eating behaviors on psychological adjustment. The last group will be divided into the association of autonomous and controlled eating regulation to healthy and dysfunctional eating habits and the relationship of eating behaviors with psychological adjustment. The first discussion group pertains to the first and second hypotheses. Findings show that general self-determination has a positive association with autonomous regulation of eating behaviors, while it has a negative association with controlled regulation of eating. In relation to this, general self-determination has a negative relation with socio-cultural pressures about body image and the endorsement of society’s beliefs about thinness and obesity. On the contrary, socio-cultural pressures about body image and endorsement of society’s beliefs about thinness and obesity have a positive association, while the latter is positively associated with body dissatisfaction. The cause for this result was explained to be that the more women perceived socio-cultural pressures about body image, the more they internalized societal beliefs about thinness and obesity, which causes them to have body dissatisfaction. However, general self-determination allows them to be more motivated to act according to their own values, rather than be pressured socio-cultural messages of thinness. People with general self-determination are more likely to measure self-worth based on personal growth, meaningful relationships and other intrinsic values, rather than by using extrinsic values such as physical attractiveness. The second discussion group relates to the third and fifth hypotheses. It was found that both autonomous and controlled eating behaviors are good motivational mechanisms and have a positive association to body dissatisfaction. However, the association of controlled regulation, which is ÃŽ ² = .74 is stronger than autonomous regulation’s ÃŽ ² = .14. In addition to this, it was found that general self-determination in life caused them to be self-determined in the regulation of their eating behaviors, which is a specific life domain. The third discussion groups relates to the fourth, fifth and sixth hypotheses. As for the fourth and sixth hypotheses, majority of women who are dissatisfied with their body image eat in a restrictive manner due to the motivation to reduce body dissatisfaction caused by internal pressures such as guilt or shame or external pressures such as media and parents about body image and the endorsement of beliefs about thinness and obesity. Controlled regulation has a positive association with dysfunctional eating behaviors and a negative associated with healthy eating behaviors. On the contrary, women with greater self-determination tend to have healthy eating habits because they have less probability of perceiving socio-cultural pressures about body image and internalize societal beliefs about thinness and obesity. Unlike its negative relation with dysfunctional eating behaviors, autonomous regulation has a positive relation to healthy eating behaviors. Lastly, as regards the last hypothesis, positive psychological adjustment are found have a positive connection with healthy eating behaviors. On the contrary, it has a negative relation with dysfunctional eating behaviors. The results of the study suggest that healthy eating behavior may be a necessary condition for global psychological adjustment. These findings may provide new approaches to understanding and treating body image-related issues and eating disorders. Having built the relationship between body dissatisfaction and eating disorders, specialists may focus on increasing self-esteem rather than emphasizing the evils of unhealthy eating habits. They may also begin looking at the motivational perspective introduced in the study and adapt treatment according to what motivates a woman to adopt weight control habits. Summary In summary, the results were interpreted to show that societal pressures and self-determination may be seen as competing factors that determine body dissatisfaction, with societal pressures as the cause for the endorsement of societal beliefs about obesity and thinness, while self-determination as the buffer against it. Both body dissatisfaction and self-determination have an effect on the kind of eating regulation a woman may adopt. This may result to either a healthy or dysfunctional eating habit among women. However, the authors offered an alternative explanation for the results. The explanation is actually a reverse of the second hypotheses. According to the authors, body dissatisfaction may have been the cause for women to endorse society’s belief, rather than the inverse, because such dissatisfaction may lead women to pay more attention socio-cultural pressures about body image.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Several other topics related to this area of research may be examined in the future. First, researchers can look at satisfaction or dissatisfaction caused by the body image formed relative to the body type of the person with whom a subject has constant contact with. Some people may feel less overweight when placed with obese people than when placed with thin people and vice versa. Second, researchers may delve into more deeply into other means women address body dissatisfaction such as exercise, and determine what factors cause women to choose a certain approach. This may also be related to general self-determination such that researchers may examine which between exercising or other means of addressing body dissatisfaction and dieting, or a combination of both, is used by women with different levels of self-determination. Lastly, the present study may also be replicated using different genders, attributes, and means of addressing body dissatisfaction. Very interesting results may arise from the study of gays and lesbians.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Significant Sociological Research In Relation To Educational Change Education Essay

Significant Sociological Research In Relation To Educational Change Education Essay The Educational changes in United Kingdom are basically the tripartite system, comprehensive education and the changes that have taken place since 1979 to 1988. The tripartite system was introduced in Britain in 1944 which set up three types of schools: grammar, secondary modern and technical school for pupils up to the age of 15. Each schools ordering a different type of education, was based on the idea that there were different kind of intelligence, each needing a different kind of schooling. Grammar school offered an academic education leading to qualification; secondary modern gave pupils a practical education with few opportunities to get qualification. Pupils were allocated to school via the 11+, better pupil were creamed off to grammar school while the rest attending secondary modern schools. The system was more bipartite than tripartite. [Gidden, A. p482] Comprehensive school were introduced in 1965 by labour along with grammar school. The aim of the government is to remove many of inequalities of the tripartite system and to end the selection at 11+via the 11+ exams and to break down the class barrier in society as one schools for all pupils in a particular area meant that all social classes would be brought together. Pupils would have more opportunities to gain qualification. The biggest changes in education took place in 1988 under Thatcher regime. They saw that education was failing to provide a sufficiently skilled workforce. They also believed that schools were failing pupils and needed to raise the standard of education. The education policy that took place under Thatcher regime were National curriculum in England and Wales, The Act also brought Standard Assessment Tests [SAT] at 7, 11, 14 and 16. School could opt out of their LEA and become Grant Maintenance School, Parent empowerment to choose school for their children, formula funding of schools and vocationalism education such as NVQ, GNVQ CTC and New vocationalism. In conclusion, tripartite system shows a class division in schools for creaming off the bright student in school to grammar school and the rest to secondary modern and technical school. Eleven + culturally favoured the middle class and majority of student in grammar school came from middle class background. Grammar school received more money per student than other types of school and girls have to achieved higher pass than boys before they can get to grammar whereas comprehensive school remove the inequalities that existed under the tripartite system and higher proportion of pupils gained more qualification and GCSE and A level rate have all risen and brighter pupils are not held back. According to Ball et al [1994] the government education policy encourage the parent choice, creation of new types of school- Grant Maintained, CTCs, Technology college status, publishing of the national testing and league tables of exams results and decision for a school to opt of LEA control was given to parents of pupil at school. The New Right thinking is about competition and choice[Haralambos and Holborn p616-621] 3.3 EVALUATE THE CONTRIBUTION OF SOCIOLOGICAL THEORY AND UNDERSTANDING OF PROCESSES AND STRUCTURES WITH IN SCHOOLS. The Interactionist view on processes of schooling and the relationship between teachers and student seems to be very important for the effectiveness of education since social class influence in educational attainment. Teachers tend to share an image of ideal pupils whereas teachers perceived middle-class pupils as close to the idea, and lower working class pupils as furthest from it. Label is a major feature placed on a person by others. Teacher tends to label middle-class as good student this may discourage working -class pupils. When pupils labelled as bright others will tend to respond to them and interpret their actions in term of this label, there is a tendency for a self-fulfilling prophecy to result. The hidden curriculum refers to the message schools transmit to pupils without directly teaching them or spelling them out, it consists of values, norms, beliefs and ideas which are embedded in the normal routines and procedures of school life. In functionalists view, the transmission of society core values can be seen as part of hidden curriculum such as the value of individual achievement, pupils are encouraged to achieve good grades, qualification, it prepares them to achieve as individuals in the wider society. In Marxists view, the hidden curriculum of schools is the transmission of ruling class ideology, producing next of generation of workers schooled to accept their roles in the society. [ Haralambos and Holborn p603] Marxists are very critical of the role played by the education system. They do not agree with functionalists and others that it is a meritocratic system but rather it keeps the inequalities found in capitalist society going. It does by pretending to give everyone an equal chance but the reality is that those from middle class background do better at school than those from working class background. This is why Marxists often talk about the myth of meritocracy [Haralambos and Holborn p 604]. In functionalists view, education is a meritocratic that is a system in which social positions are filled on the basis of individual merit and achievement, rather than ascribed criteria such as inherited wealth, sex or social background. [Haralambos and Holborn p601]. In conclusion, Each of the theories have their own view on education but no one theories can stand on his own and we cannot blame the structure of schooling underachievement to outside influence. Functionalists think that education is needed and if it wasnt there, society wouldnt function properly and they teach the skills and knowledge needed in peoples future lives. Marxists think that education reinforce class divide and that it maintains inequality in society. Feminist thinks that education is bad as it clearly divides and separate girls from boys. They think it is more suited for boys. 4.14.2 EXPLAIN DIFFERENTIAL EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT SCHOOLS. AND ANALYSE CULTURE AND STRUCTURAL EXPLANATIONS OF DIFFERENTIAL ACHIEVEMENT. Education Attainment refer to as been able to complete a course successfully and obtain a qualification that may lead to employment. Children educational attainment from various background can be influenced by in school factor [human, physical, financial resources] and out-school factor [poverty, parental interest, language difference, cultural capital, positional theory] are related to background of the childs parent. Studies found that some student performs better than others. Evidence shows that class position; gender and ethnicity play an important role in determines the educational achievement of some and failure of others. The following sub section will explain those aspects in full details. CLASS AND ATTAINMENT/ACHIEVEMENT Social class differences in educational achievement are not purely the outcome of cultural factors, such cultural deprivation and cultural difference. There are many factors that contribute to the determination of why working class student tend to achieve less. Cultural deprivation is one of the reasons why working class student are generally achieving less than middle class student. It attributes to working class underachievement to the fact that they have often been brought up with a negative attitude towards education. According to J.W.B Douglas [1964] which focuses on the key role of parental aspirations, claiming that working class parents are less interested in formal education of their children and hence in their success[Haralambos and Holborn p629-630]. Boudon positional theory [1974] suggest that it is harder for working class children to aspire to university and high status professions because there is no parental role model to follow, hence expectations of parents, teachers and peers are lower[Warren,K. et al p242]. Cultural difference theorists, however suggest that there is a natural difference between working class culture and middle class culture, inevitably placing working class children at a disadvantage in schools. For example, Peter Bourdieu[1977] argues that middle class culture is more closely linked to that of the school, meaning that pupils are more likely to understand what is being taught. The point is about cultural capital the taste, ideas and knowledge of parents more closely matches that of teachers so their children are on the same cultural wavelength and are therefore rewarded with greater educational success. This was further back up by evidence carry out by Alice Sullivan [2001] who showed a close relationship between cultural capital and social class in terms of reading, access to TV, newspaper, participation In cultural activities and vocabulary used[Haralambos and Holborn p636]. Basil Bernstein [1990] support this idea with his study into speech codes, which suggested that middle class childrens knowledge of a more elaborated vocabulary allowed them to understand the teacher better than working class children, who were confined to a more restricted speech code. Bernstein view is that the middle class language structure is the same that used by teachers in contrast to the working class language structure code, which is far more restricted. Hence, the school system is culturally biased in favour of the middle class. According to Paul Willis [1969] in his study into sub-culture also limits student educational achievement as the student can only do as well as their label allows. Labelling of student by teachers is a theme that was developed by Keddie [1971] he concluded that the educational outcome for different classes becomes a self- fulfilling prophecy. The labelling is of course based less on actual performance than on stereotyped expectation[Warren,K. et al p242-243]. Functionalists believe that an individual academic success depend upon his IQ and effort they apply to their studies. They also believe society works in a meritocratic system. Marxists believe that this is due to social class and that in education only the ruling class values are transmitted. This means that working class people find it difficult to get along with the education system. GENDER ATTAINMENT/ACHIEVEMENT Girls outperforming their male counterpart from primary to university level and the dramatic change happen across culture and continent. In 1970 research focus on girls underachievement within the educational system. According to Oakley [1974] a radical feminist argued that primary socialisation plays an important role in shaping, conditioning boys and girl and help to reinforce existing gender stereotype. This also have impacts on the educational aspiration of girls who are socialised to become passive, submissive and future nest builders. Furthermore, Sue Sharpe [1976] support this view and claims that lower class girls priorities and aspiration is to be in love, get married, have a husband and children are in conflict with their educational success. Radical feminist emphasised on reading materials and the content of textbooks as being sexist in nature and these reinforce gender stereotype. Michelle Stanworth [1983] interviewed teachers and student from seven different classes in the humanities department and found that teachers both male and female displayed certain stereotypical attitudes towards their students. Girls, who were not in the lot of submissiveness, silent and unresponsive, were seen as having the potential to break through a professional career. Moreover, teachers themselves often saw marriage as the outcome of most girls. In term of classroom interaction, it was seen that boys were more assertive and took part in class discussion while teachers gave girls lesser attention, although they outnumbered boys. Functionalist argued that there is tendency to exaggerate over the issue of patriarchy impacting on school curriculum. They pointed out that feminists studies are not enough to rely on and not valid because there have been inadequate samples and weak methodologies to support their claims and make representative generalisation. Statistics have shown that boys and girls do achieve equally well at school and in different fields. Moreover, free and compulsory education has opened door for girls and they are able to compete on equal terms. Later, research by Randall [1987] criticise of Stanworths study by arguing that latters research are bias and unfounded. He also found that in laboratory classes girls are more forthcoming to interact with their teachers [Haralambos and Holborn p642-649]. ETHNICITY AND ATTAINMENT/ACHIEVEMENT Britain is a multicultural society and educational attainment of ethnic minorities has become nature of debate for a long time. The Swan Report [1985] found that there were several significant difference between the achievement of ethnic minorities and whites in Britain [Haralambos and Holborn 2000]. However, this phenomenon has not stagnated since other studies like The Studies Policy Institutes Fourth Survey of ethnic Minorities [1994] reported that there was considerate improvement in educational qualification of ethnic minorities when compared to figure in the 1980s[Modood et al 1997]. Below is the explanation of some studies that tries to explain why ethnic minorities do underachieve in education. Jensen [1974] and H. Eysenck [1971] both have sorted out that black were genetically less intelligent than whites while Herstein and Murray [1994] put forward that IQ scores are caused by both genes and environment factors, since black are more likely to live in poverty. They also found in their research that even if environment are equalised, that is when black and whites of similar income levels and occupational statuses blacks do have a slightly lower IQ test score. The Swan Report [1985] found that linguistic factor in Britain might be responsible for some ethnic minorities since English is not their mother tongue and lack of fluency became an obstacle. Bernard Coard [1971] saw that the British educational system made black children become educationally subnormal by making them felt inferior in every way. Racist stereotypes that exist in society are reinforced by teachers expectation; the latter would negatively label children coming from minority groups. The child comes to see him/herself as such and when he/she is only fit for manual and unskilled jobs[HaralambosHolborn. p649-653]. Bodmer[1972] criticism explained that sometimes it is impossible to control all environmental factors that can affect IQ scores as prejudice and discrimination against black people will always hinders equalisation of environment with whites. Pilkington[1997] challenge the idea of a genetic basis for IQ not fixed by genetics as IQ scores have increasingly been rising among ethnic minorities in many parts of the world and secondly, difference in socio-economic status largely explain educational differences. Coards view must be treated with care as he has over generalised over the issue, there is evidence of Asian children in Britain who have achieved well. However, according to Ken Pryce [1979] Afro-Caribbean preferred to send their children back to their country to study because black are deprived of the value needed for school success. [Warren, al p246]. 4.3 EVALUATE A RANGE OF SOCIOLOGICAL RESEARCH FINDINGS IN RELATION TO ACHIEVEMENT, SOCIAL DIFFERENTIATION. Paul Willis [1977] developed a neo-marxist approach to education. Willis approach focus on how education prepare workforce and adopted a research method by using symbolic interactionism in his study and variety of methods at Midland school in England. He used observation and participation observation in class, school, leisure time and formal interview. Paul Willis carried out his study by observing a group of 12 working class boys in one school in the Midland whom he observed for 18 month and followed them for the first few months at work. These 12 working class boys formed a group with a bad attitude towards school. Willis referred to them as lads. The lads form a counter school culture. They see themselves as superior to teacher and earoles. Having a laff is the most important thing and very sexist and racist, they also see themselves as a real man. Willis argued that the lads failed themselves deliberately in recognition of the inevitable manual working future that awaited them. According to Blackedge and Hunt [1984] they criticised Paul Willis for using small group of 12 pupils to carry out his research and all of them were boys ignoring the aspect of gender [girl]. He did not considered children in society as a whole. Willis ignores other cultures within the school and since 1977 there are few jobs in manual work, therefore many such lad stay on longer and develop same attitude to work. [HaralambosHolborn.p605-608] Michelle Stanworth [1983] interviewed is based on the A level student and teachers of humanities subject. She found that teachers gave more time and attention to boys and expected more from them. Teachers both male and female tend to know the names and expressed more concern and interest in boys. Stanworth conclude that all the attention and interest shown by the teachers both male and female to the boys, the girls do better than boys in the exams. Stanworth research was unethical because the girls did not know that they were been observed. Dale Spender [1983] the invisible woman claims womens contribution is largely controlled by men who use their power to further their own interests. The curriculum favour a male perspective womens contribution to human progress are often ignored. Girls receive less attention than boys in the classroom. Boys are often abusive to girls but are not told off. Male dominance in society is the cause of girls difficulties in education but schools help to reinforce the dominance. According to Randall [1987] he criticised the method used by Stanworth and Spender. Stanworths work was based on interview rather than direct observation. Therefore, it cannot actually establish that teachers are giving less attention to girls. [Taylor, P. et al p306-307] Mac en Ghaill [1992] studied African-Caribbean and Asian student in a sixth form college in Midland. He found that the way student responded to schooling varied considerably and was influenced by their ethnicity, gender and class composition of their former secondary schools. All of the ethnic minorities student experience problem in their educational system but in a different way depending on their gender and ethnic group. The study is important because it shows how class, gender and ethnicity interact with the school system and Mirzas study shows that negative labelling does not necessarily lead you to academic failure. [Kirby, M. et al p204-205]

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Reality in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar Essay

Reality in Wallace Stevens’ The Man with the Blue Guitar For Wallace Stevens, reality is an abstraction with many perspective possibilities. As a poet, Stevens struggles to create original perspectives of reality. Wallace Stevens creates a new, modern reality in his poetry. Actually, Stevens decreates reality in his poetry. In The Necessary Angel, Stevens paraphrases Simone Weil’s coinage of decreation as the change from created to uncreated or from created to nothingness. Stevens then defines modern reality as, â€Å"a reality of decreation, in which our revelations are not the revelations of belief, but the precious portents of our own powers†(750). Stevens relates, through poetry, a destruction of traditional reality leading to a realization that the meaning of a poem is not truth, always recognizing that the poem is the poets perception of reality. This perception of reality is based on experience, historical context, and poetic skill, among others. â€Å"The Man with the Blue Guitar† is a long poem that al lows Stevens to change perspectives and create abstract realities. Parataxis in such a long poem allows for the decreation of reality and the relation of imagination. In his book, The long poems of Wallace Stevens: An interpretive study, Rajeev S. Patke describes varied progression within â€Å"The Man with the Blue Guitar† as â€Å"an indefinite improvisatory series. In such a series the unitary sections lose their independent status as poems, and their masks and metaphors become stages in the continual play of metamorphosis which is the true life of Stevens’s poetry†(241). Imbedded in Patke’s description of â€Å"the true life of Stevens’s poetry†, is the parataxis that a sectioned poem provides. Each movement from section t... ...ique and presentation of Stevens’s concepts may be confusing and/or contradicting, but the overall presentation allows for the full realization of different perceptions and their comparison and contrast all lead back to Stevens’s purpose for poetry. This purpose being to relate experience while recognizing that each experience/perception/reality/dream is unique and insightful. In a long poem with many sections, an overall theme or fiction may not be attainable or seen as contradictory. The value of this poem lies in the realization and acknowledgment of different perspectives, and the acceptance an evolving world. Work Cited Patke, Rajeev. The Long Poems of Wallace Stevens: An interpretive study. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. 1985. Stevens, Wallace. Collected Poetry and Prose. New York: Literary Classics of the United States, Inc. 1997.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

george washington carver :: essays research papers

Links Related to this Entry Commemorating Carver Related Categories 1860-1920 1920-1960 Educators Entries A-F Entries A-L History People Listed By Name Political Activists Technology Archive Photos George Washington Carver at Tuskegee Institute In 1896 George Washington Carver, a recent graduate of Iowa State College of Agriculture and Mechanical Arts (now Iowa State University), accepted an invitation from Booker T. Washington to head the agricultural department at Tuskegee Normal and Industrial Institute for Negroes (now Tuskegee University). During a tenure that lasted nearly 50 years, Carver elevated the scientific study of farming, improved the health and agricultural output of southern farmers, and developed hundreds of uses for their crops. As word of Carver's work at Tuskegee spread across the world, he received many invitations to work or teach at better-equipped, higher-paying institutions but decided to remain at Tuskegee, where he could be of greatest service to his fellow African Americans in the South. Carver epitomized Booker T. Washington's philosophy of black solidarity and self-reliance. Born a slave, Carver worked hard among his own people, lived modestly, and avoided confronting racial issues. For these reasons Carver, like Booker T. Washington, became an icon for white Americans. George Washington Carver's interest in plants began at an early age. Growing up in postemancipation Missouri under the care of his parents' former owners, Carver collected from the surrounding forests and fields a variety of wild plants and flowers, which he planted in a garden. At the age of ten, he left home of his own volition to attend a colored school in the nearby community of Neosho, where he did chores for a black family in exchange for food and a place to sleep. He maintained his interest in plants while putting himself through high school in Minneapolis, Kansas, and during his first and only year at Simpson College in Iowa. During this period, he made many sketches of plants and flowers. He made the study of plants his focus in 1891, the year he enrolled at Iowa State College. After graduating in 1894 with a B.S. in botany and agriculture, he spent two additional years at Iowa State to complete a master's degree in the same fields. During this time, he taught botany to unde rgraduate students and conducted extensive experiments on plants while managing the university's greenhouse. These experiences served him well during his first few years at Tuskegee. When George Washington Carver arrived in Tuskegee in 1896, he faced a host of challenges.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Ford :: essays papers

Ford The Good Soldier, utilises a variety of literary techniques to construct meaning and propel imaginative power. Ford uses figurative language to initiate the polarity of â€Å"Convention and Passion†(1) and a divergent narrative style and structure to present cultural issues such as the quest for human knowledge and the imprisonment of society. â€Å"The long afternoon wore on† commences in the context of Nancy’s revelations. She has read the account of the Brand divorce case in the newspapers and is apprehending the manifestations of recently discovered phenomena. Ford employs a vocabulary that is mournful and dull to conjure up images of shadow and anguish. He uses words like â€Å"frightened,† â€Å"writhed,† â€Å"agony,† â€Å"pain† and â€Å"gloomy† to connote feelings of â€Å"affaissement.† These are juxtaposed with the vocabulary of the second half of the passage: â€Å"lover’s,† â€Å"flame ,† and â€Å"cheerful† which signifies the corruption of Nancy’s chastised mind. Knowledge of convention takes â€Å"all sweetness†¦out of life.† The lexicogrammar interplays the theme of â€Å"Convention and Passion† as being unable to exist congruently in â€Å"the law of the land† and cognition of human nature as futile, leading only to darkness. Ford expresses the degenerative nature of human passion in the metaphor: a tune in which major notes with their cheerful insistence wavered and melted into minor sounds as, beneath a bridge the highlights on dark waters melt and waver and disappear into black depths. The anagoge alludes to images of passion fading into darkness. An antithesis of light and dark, black and white, the certitude of Passion succumbing to Convention: Society must go on, I suppose, and society can only exist if the normal, if the virtuous, and the slightly-deceitful flourish, and if the passionate, the headstrong, and the too truthful are condemned Samuel Hynes, ‘The Epistemology of The Good Soldierâ⠂¬â„¢, The Good Soldier, Norton Critical Edition (1995. W.W. Norton & Company) to suicide and to madness. Nancy’s love must regress, as the etiquette of society must prosper. Fatally for those who were unable to conform to â€Å"the technicalities of English life† due to burgeoning eroticisms, â€Å"the end was plainly manifest.† Ford creates imagery of umbra and shadow elsewhere in the novel: â€Å"inevitably they pass away as the shadows across sundials.† Ford’s adumbrations of unillumination may also reflect the restrictions of human knowledge. Darkness reflects the tenuousness of human cognition. Dowell proposes earlier: what is there to guide us in the more subtle morality of all other personal contacts, associations, and activities?

Project Metrics

â€Å"Metrics† is a term used to describe the measurement of a particular phenomenon. Project metrics therefore refers to the key indicators of what exactly has been done or achieved in a certain project. The objective of this is to be able to improve on the processes involved in the project performance. Project metrics thus is a system set in place to evaluate the project process employed in the attainment of results with an aim of improving such processes. They usually involve collecting and availing information regarding the status of the project.It is thus an important factor in project risk management as a review tool. One example of these metrics is the cost. Right before initiating a project, its financial aspect is normally catered for using budgetary control tools. Indeed, the economic viability of a project is a priority regardless of the final results expected of such a project. In this respect therefore, there are certain operations that should be conducted in the process of the project to monitor the cost element.The actual budget will thus be reviewed in light of the original budget. This yields certain variances whose magnitude can thus be reviewed to improve on the process. Quality is another key aspect in a project that would form the basis of metrics. Quality control is thus established to be able to measure the output of a particular process in light of a set standard. Defects in the system are identified and when adequately documented, these provide good grounds for review of the project process with an aim of improvement of the same.This is because in a business environment, quality compromise yields an adverse effect that translates to loss of economic gain which would otherwise be secured with the right standards of quality. In summary it can be said that in project management, the role of project metrics is extremely important and cannot be ignored. They constantly provide information, which when analyzed by the management is usef ul for decision making and the success of projects.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Analysis of Exposure Wilfred Owen

â€Å"Crickets jingle here. † Onomatopoeia This sentence was described in the lines where the soldier had a flash back where he used to live. Jingle is like a sound of a bell vibrating, like in occasions in Christmas which is the most important holiday in England. When the people hear the bell jingle; it’s echoing and creating a melody and some kind of music inside the sound. The writer’s linking the crickets with the jingle sound could be because the crickets sound also echo and create some kind of melody, and usually summer, you should find crickets jingle everywhere.The sound effect in this case would be Owen wanted to create the sounds that are familiar to the people in England. â€Å"The night is silence. † Metaphor Silence is the absent of sound. It tells us in the dark sky, the soldier also has to face the problem he has to look towards nothing and there’s a complete silence. The quote describes the place in an atmospheric way, and there†™s not much to discuss about. â€Å"The flickering gunnery rumbles. Onomatopoeia There’s a consonance of the r sound in this quote which is not a hard sound, yet a soft sound. I might be that the writer wanted the rhythm to slow down perhaps. The quote described clearly the image of the gunnery when the soldier’s using it. â€Å"Sudden successive flights of bullets streak out the silence. † Alliteration The quote has the alliteration of the s sound in the word sudden and successive.S is a hard sound so this helps emphasize the flights of bullet tearing the silence. The quote help raise questions in the reader: Has the battle begin again? â€Å"Worried by the silence, sentries whisper, curious, nervous,† Metaphor The sibilance of the repeated ‘s’ sound creates the effect of whispering, an attempt to not draw the attention of the enemy, who are futilely using flares to see what is going on. The S sound creates like fussing sound.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

Outline: Assessing The Potential For Using Motivational Strategies Within The Military: Theory And Practical

Introduction Numerous studies have been conducted analysing the role of motivation in enhancing performance of an individual, organization, or a practice (Outgunned, 2012; Zbylut et al., 2007; Dadabhay, 2011). The term motivation is in most cases used when suggesting that failure or success in any event is as a direct result of an individual’s endeavour, involvement and enthusiasm (Wong et al., 2003; Chizek, 2003). Most issues that are related to motivation have a foundation of the aspects of the human mind. These issues are also the driving force in a person or a group of persons (Morrison et al., 2007). Simply put, if the reason for taking a certain action is relevant and strong, it merits making an effort or a sacrifice regardless of a person’s capability. Therefore, the concept of motivation and its application in the military is central to the success of an individual in effectively conducting the duties of military personnel. It is imperative for a military leader to be able to motivate the followers to accomplish hazardous and physically challenging task that is life threatening and dangerous, which is a common working environment of the military. This study intends to conduct an analysis on existing literatures on performance motivation and its application as a form of leadership strategy used for motivating soldiers. To be able to fully explore on this issue, it will be necessary to analyse the current theories of motivations and the actual motivation practice in the military environment. This is important in developing a foundation for expounding on the research issue exhaustively. Aims and objectives of the research This research aims to analyse the probability of adopting theoretical motivational strategies in the military. To be able to meet this aim, the following objectives will guide this study: To identify and describe the current motivational theories and techniques that have the greatest potential of increasing a soldier’s performance. To identify those principles, practices, and techniques from various motivational theories which could have potential use in a military unit environment To review the effectiveness of existing theoretical models and approaches of leadership and motivation in improving the learning and training capability of soldiers To identify the conditions and requirements for applying various performance motivation techniques in military environment To identify the practices that need reinforcement and also identify the processes and policies that require improvement in the process of fostering motivational levels of the military Research questions To be able to fully meet the above objectives, this study will attempt to provide response to the following research questions: What leadership tools and motivational strategies do military commanders use to motivate soldiers How effective are the methods and models used and are there areas identified for improvement What were the common areas that are deficient Literature review summary The concept of leadership and motivation as viewed from a military perspective has been analysed by various authors (Outgunned, 2012; Dadabhay, 2011). Various forms of leadership approaches for military have been suggested by different authors including Gardener-leadership (Wong et al., 2003), collaborative leadership (Zbylut et al., 2007; Chizek, 2003), servant leadership (Cook, 1999), strategic leadership (Morrison et al., 2007) among many other forms of leadership. All these forms of leadership will be scrutinised in this study in an attempt to addressing the research issue. Furthermore, other theoretical forms of leadership that are not applied in the military will also be reviewed to gather deeper insights into leadership approaches and their link to motivation of followers. The information gathered in the analysis of the theories and approaches will be central in developing a response to the problem statement identified above. Proposed methodology The fact that this study analyses a specific phenomenon in the current environment, collection of primary data was deemed the most appropriate for conducting the study. In this case, quantitative research methodology will be used to collect and analyse data. Specifically, an online case study will be used for gathering data from the participants in an attempt to address the research questions. The questionnaire will be designed with reference to the information that will be gathered from the review of the literature and the research questions of this study. These questions will then be posted to participants via their mail for collection of the responses. The collected data will be analysed using a statistical package of social sciences to be able to derive a social meaning in the data collected. Conclusion This study aims to provide updated information about motivation among the military and go ahead and develop the most appropriate method for promoting motivation among soldiers. This research is very important because its concepts will be important in developing pragmatic policies for leadership aimed at sustaining higher levels of motivation among soldiers especially the new recruits. References Cook, M. L., 1999. Moral Reasoning as a Strategic Leader Competency. Undated, . Chizek, J. G., 2003. Military transformation: Intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance. LIBRARY OF CONGRESS WASHINGTON DC CONGRESSIONAL RESEARCH SERVICE. Dadabhay, M., 2011. The Mediating Role of Workplace Spirituality on Perceptions of Transformational Leadership, Organisational Commitment and Employee Job Satisfaction within a sample of South African Muslim School teachers (Doctoral dissertation, University of the Witwatersrand). Morrison, J. E., Fletcher, J. D., Moses, F. L., & Roberts, E. J., 2007. The Army science of learning workshop. US Army Research Institute for the Behavioral and Social Sciences. Outgunned, A. A., 2012. The Missed Opportunity p46. Military Review. Wong, L., Kolditz, T. A., Millen, R. A., & Potter, T. M., 2003. Why they fight: combat motivation in the Iraq war. ARMY WAR COLL STRATEGIC STUDIES INST CARLISLE BARRACKS PA. Zbylut, M. L., Metcalf, K. A., Kim, J. M., Hill Jr, R. W., Rocher, S., & Vowels, C., 2007. Army excellence in leadership (AXL): A multimedia approach to building tacit knowledge and cultural reasoning. ARMY RESEARCH INST FOR THE BEHAVIORAL AND SOCIAL SCIENCES FORT LEAVENWORTH KS.