Tuesday, September 3, 2019

Free Awakening Essays: The Creole Men of The Awakening :: Chopin Awakening Essays

Creole men of The Awakening    Thesis: In Kate Chopin’s novel, The Awakening the characters of the Creole men are diverse and different as the character Edna. Most of Kate Chopin’s stories center around a Woman unsatisfied with her position in life, while living in a man dominated society. The three main characters are typical men of that era. Chopin shows the diversity in each of those three characters. Roberts awakening, and the struggle to do what is the right thing. Alcee and how he is carefree and not concerned with society’s expectations of him, and so has a reputation. Mr. Pontiller, a business man first and foremost, with little left for wife and family. Robert did the right and noble thing by leaving to go to Mexico so as to not have to see the object of his forbidden love. Alcee see’s Edna as another one of his conquest, and does not give up, pursuing her at all cost. Alcee has not concern of what society thinks of him so he is able to do as he pleases. Mr. Pontieller, while h e believes himself to be a kind husband, is a typical businessman of the era. He wants his wife to obey him. He wants the perfect Creole wife, one who can help him excel in the business world he loves so much. In exploring these three men in Kate Chopin’s The Awakening, there are certain aspects of each, while different, the same. All live in the 1800’s were morale reputation was considered to be the utmost importance to the Sommerer ii businessman, yet, Alcee seems unconcerned with any morale or business responsibility. In exploring the character of Robert who seems to be at a crossroad in his life. Search for his fortune, find a wife, prosper and be respectable, or, do the unthinkable and follow his heart. Sommerer iii Creole Men In The Awakening: Mr. Pontellier is the typical Creole husband and businessman. â€Å"Leonce is convinced that fulfilling monetary needs excuses the paucity of time he spends with the children, never presuming that some needs cannot be mone tarily satisfied: {â€Å"He has his hands full with his brokerage business †¦making a living for his family on the street†(885)} Even to himself, Leonce’s thought smack of the self-pity of the empowered. Perhaps because he is aware of his own neglect, Leonce projects his guilt onto Edna, expecting flawless mammal performance on her part to remedy his domestic absence.

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