Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business Email Salutations to a Group [Updated 2018]

Business Email Salutations to a Group [Updated 2018] I wrote about correct salutations for business letters and business email, prompting a few clients to ask about which salutations work well for a business email to a group. Small Group Salutations If the group is small enough – five or less – the very best salutation is to use recipients’ names. This also indicates the message is relevant for all of them. Dear Carmen, Anita, Sean, James, and Roland: Note: using Dear [title, last name] or [first name] followed by a colon is the preferred salutation for all business salutations in email for formal communication when communicating outside your company on first contact. If your subject is a more personal business issue, such as group congratulations, condolences or thanks, use Dear [title, last name] or [first name] followed by a comma. If you know your recipients very well, you are all in the same company, the subject is light, and your company culture informal, you can also use Hello or Hi [first name], followed by a comma. When in doubt about formality, opt for Dear [title, last name] or [first name] and a colon. Group Salutations to a Team If all your recipients belong to the same group, use the group name: Dear Sales Team: Dear Profile Committee: AcknowledgementGroup Salutations Sometimes, endearing or encouraging group salutations work well, but use discretion with this approach: Dear Marketing Mavens: (To a marketing group, in a message announcing a new contract, which compliments their ability and skills that earned the contract.) Dear Road Warriors: (To a sales group that had been traveling non-stop for the past month, with a message announcing the sales results. This salutation works because it sincerely acknowledges their hard work.) Dear Sales Dudes: (Be judicious using personalized group salutations. A sales rep shared this salutation with me recently, which his sales manager uses for all group messages to the sales team. He told me he â€Å"cringes† every time he sees this, which proves the importance of a good salutation. We really can lose a reader at hello.) Group Salutations for Positions If your recipients are in various positions or groups: Dear Colleagues: Dear Coworkers: Ladies: (if all the recipients are women) Gentlemen: (if all the recipients are men) Neutral, Classic Group Salutations Always Work â€Å"Greetings† as a group salutation is neutral, succinct and not too casual, so always a good choice: Greetings: Greetings All: Summer Greetings: (Suitable for a seasonal group announcement message.) For more informal business writing, these salutations are warm and engaging: Hello, everyone: Hi Team, Dear Friends:

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