Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Video Games And Its Impact On Society - 1787 Words

Introduction Computer games are entertainment and recreation tools that a lot people have been enjoying for a long time. Young and old are playing these computer game in order to enjoy themselves. Computer games are getting bigger in the industry since a lot of people are demanding to get more games. Computer games are beginning to be a business. Between 1970s and 1980s, It is considered the golden age of video gaming due to rapid gaining popularity of the video game arcade at that time. (Auction Game Sales) The popularity of video games is getting bigger until the present time. Since technology is evolving, video games are also evolving. Instead of using for recreational purposes, video games are also working on as a tool for education.†¦show more content†¦The company also made some of the video game console devices throughout the years like the Game Boy/Color/Advance, Nintendo 64, Wii, Wii U and the recently launched The Nintendo Switch. Nintendo company has also created some of the most iconic video game in the history such as The Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and etc. In the present day, the video game industry is still growing and became incredibly enormous. In the U.S. alone, the video game market was valued at almost 17 billion U.S. dollars by 2015. The revenue of the video game industry right now is at 101.62 billion U.S dollars which incredibly enormous comparing to the revenue of video game in the 1980s. (Irvine) Even though the video game industry is still growing, it still has rooms for improvement in terms of technicalities of the industry itself. There are still problems that the people behind the industry need to fix and they need it in order to nurture the industry. Video Games in Society Video games have become popular since the golden age of video games. However because of this popularity, there are many problems have occurred regarding to the mechanics of video games. Many controversies have happened in the industry for the past decades. And a lot of people have been protested that video games are polluting the society. In the golden age of video games, there were no restrictions and labels in video games and a lot of these games were violent, sexual and disturbing games. The game â€Å"Death Race† wasShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Impact On Society Essay909 Words   |  4 Pagesgraphics can help a video game come to life. Today artist use different styles and modern technology to improve coloring, modeling and drawing in their work. Over decades of technological advancements video games have taken a life of their own considering them to be a new form of art. 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Over the years, numerous studies have been conducted investigating whether video games have positive orRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Society876 Words   |  4 Pagesin Anderson Bushman 2001.a), the popularity of video games specially is rapidly increasing. Nonetheless, ferocious electronic games are an attraction of attention to children, teenagers, and even adults. In fact, in another U.S study by Butchman Funk (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.b) on 4th grade students, three of every four boys and six out of every ten girls favour violent computer games. This essay will argue that violence in video games sh ould be censored. For the purpose of this essayRead More`` Not Here : If We re Truly Serious About Stopping Massacres Like1687 Words   |  7 Pagesthat violence performed in the form of mass killing have definite causes. People are fascinated by the violence. He further suggests that evil and mass killing incidents in Aurora and Port Arthur are just few examples of that evil. The evil in our society is growing in large portion and people are more attracted towards violence. The article discusses invention of superheroes during late 1930s in order to response to European Fascism. However, now the popularity of superheroes lies somewhere else.Read MoreVideo Games Are Not Considered The Aspect Of Learning1695 Words   |  7 Pagesa secret what the video game industry has experienced rapid growth. During 2009 to 2012, in the United States, the video game industry is increasing faster than the US economy as a whole four times, the report from the Entertainment Software Association rel eased under in recent. Video games may be expected to continue to take place our TV, computers, smart phones and screen. By 2016, the size of the global game market will reach $ 86.1 billion. 1.2 Connect Although video games are always not considered

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