Thursday, May 14, 2020

Music the Medicine of the Mind - 784 Words

Music can have effects on the human brain that are hard to exaggerate. For instance, a mere snippet of song can trigger one’s memories so vividly. A tune can induce emotions ranging from unabashed joy to deep sorrow and can drive listeners into states of patriotic fervour or religious frenzy--to say nothing of its legendary ability to soothe the savage beast. The study of how music affects the mind and the interconnection between music and the physical and mental health of human beings has been a subject of interest for many. Music is known to speed the recovery of health ailments and has a calming effect on the mind. Music helps fight anxiety and has a soothing effect on the brain. Music may affect the brain/mind by increasing creativity†¦show more content†¦Ellen Weber; â€Å"Classical music, such as Haydn and Mozart, often improves concentration and memory when played in the background.† Hence, music helps increase your concentration levels a great deal. In addition, music has a calming effect on the mind, so, the calmer the mind, the easier it is to focus and concentrate. Additionally, music has been found to increase memory levels of Alzheimer s and dementia patients. The silence between two musical notes triggers brain cells which are responsible for the development of sharp memory. Flute music, and instruments like the santoor and sarod are recommended for the enhancement of concentration and memory. Also, classical music improves the ability to recall what s retained in the brain in the form of memory. Strong beats cause the brain waves to resonate in synch with the beat, thus, leading to increased levels of concentration and increased mental alertness. Moreover, music acts as a catalyst in the healing process. According to the online article â€Å"Music and the Healing Process† from the Thorburn Associates Acoustic and Technology Consultants website, â€Å"There is also significant research that music can be used in medicine to help manage pain, reduce anxiety†¦Ã¢â‚¬  Hence, music is an effective distraction from pain and suffering of the sick and injured, however, music not only diverts the mind from pain, but also helps bring about certain chemical changes in the brain, such as, enabling one’s mind to secreteShow MoreRelatedThe Benefits of Complementary and Alternative Medicine Essay1495 Words   |  6 Pagesmethods fall under the category of complementary and alternative medicine. 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