Thursday, December 26, 2019

Internship report on Ananash travel Essay - 6750 Words

Internship report Recruitment and selection process Of ANANASH TRAVEL RELATED SERVICES LIMITED Submitted To: Ms.Afsana Akhtar Supervisor Internship Submitted By: Shettalumna Nasir ID:06304069 BRAC Business School BRAC University December 9th,2010 December 9th, 2010 Ms.Afsana Akhtar Internship Supervisor BRAC Business School BRAC University Subject: Submission of Internship Report Dear Madam, I have completed this report as part of my internship program. This report has completed according to your requirement and those set by the host organization. This internship project has given me the opportunity to explore the travel related business of Bangladesh. The report is based on my acquire knowledge, experience and skill†¦show more content†¦Ananash started its journey on 2000, with fifteen energetic people. First they do their business on event management and software developing. But after some years they concentrate on travel related services. But with the grace of time it has become one of the most promising travel related company. The company does not have a specific Human Resource Department. However, the managing directors and mangers are responsible for hiring people. In recruitment and selection they follow some steps as per their company rules and regulation. Basically Ananash Trs very much concern about their promotional activities as it is a travel agency and tour organizer. They are very much concern about to catch up the national and international organization they take ANANASH(pineapple) as their company brand name to focus on standard of excellence and fulfill their valuable customers need. VII ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: , web : CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1 ANANASH TRS LTD. House# 57/B (2nd Floor), Road# 21, Banani, Dhaka -1213, Bangladesh Phone: +880 2 8860234, 8823420, 9861209 E-mail: , web : 1.1 Background This internship report has been made to fulfill the course requirement of BUS 400. This report has been assigned to me

Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Video Games And Its Impact On Society - 1787 Words

Introduction Computer games are entertainment and recreation tools that a lot people have been enjoying for a long time. Young and old are playing these computer game in order to enjoy themselves. Computer games are getting bigger in the industry since a lot of people are demanding to get more games. Computer games are beginning to be a business. Between 1970s and 1980s, It is considered the golden age of video gaming due to rapid gaining popularity of the video game arcade at that time. (Auction Game Sales) The popularity of video games is getting bigger until the present time. Since technology is evolving, video games are also evolving. Instead of using for recreational purposes, video games are also working on as a tool for education.†¦show more content†¦The company also made some of the video game console devices throughout the years like the Game Boy/Color/Advance, Nintendo 64, Wii, Wii U and the recently launched The Nintendo Switch. Nintendo company has also created some of the most iconic video game in the history such as The Mario Bros., The Legend of Zelda, and etc. In the present day, the video game industry is still growing and became incredibly enormous. In the U.S. alone, the video game market was valued at almost 17 billion U.S. dollars by 2015. The revenue of the video game industry right now is at 101.62 billion U.S dollars which incredibly enormous comparing to the revenue of video game in the 1980s. (Irvine) Even though the video game industry is still growing, it still has rooms for improvement in terms of technicalities of the industry itself. There are still problems that the people behind the industry need to fix and they need it in order to nurture the industry. Video Games in Society Video games have become popular since the golden age of video games. However because of this popularity, there are many problems have occurred regarding to the mechanics of video games. Many controversies have happened in the industry for the past decades. And a lot of people have been protested that video games are polluting the society. In the golden age of video games, there were no restrictions and labels in video games and a lot of these games were violent, sexual and disturbing games. The game â€Å"Death Race† wasShow MoreRelatedVideo Games And Its Impact On Society Essay909 Words   |  4 Pagesgraphics can help a video game come to life. Today artist use different styles and modern technology to improve coloring, modeling and drawing in their work. Over decades of technological advancements video games have taken a life of their own considering them to be a new form of art. Generally critics may disagree on video games to be consider art due to its more known genre games in this particular entertainment industry that is their â€Å"shooter games† and their â€Å"sport games.† When getting passedRead MoreVideo Games And Its Impact On Society1220 Words   |  5 Pagesinvention of the i-phone. One of them however is the invention of video games. Video games were invented in 1940, by a man named Edward U. Condon. This invention gave birth to a whole new genre of entertainment. One that will have a much greater affect than intended to be. The product of the video game has turned into a world wide phenomenon and has changed society. There are many factors into the changes it has made to the world. The video games of today have become a great part of our lives. Now how hasRead MoreVideo Games And Its Impact On Society1497 Words   |  6 Pages Video games have now been in existence for a few decades, and in such a short time have evolved greatly. The first video game was created to be a military artillery calculator, then others played with the idea and pong was created, packman would become one of the most wildly known game in arcades, and now w e have games such as call of duty or battlefield that can be played on a device that would use to require an entire room just for the computing power. Games have made a large leap in technologyRead MoreThe Effects of Video Games on Children1610 Words   |  6 PagesMany participants also suggested that the games caused the children to have strong imaginations, while a few disagreed. 61.0% said that electronic games did not cause the children to lack good behavior. The survey also showed that electronic games do not cause the children to be skilled in terms of their self expression, and do not cause them visual stress. On the issue concerning obesity, the percentage of the respondents who said that electronic games caused children to be obese was equal to theRead MoreThe Positive and Negative Aspects of Video Games in Society968 Words   |  4 PagesIn our modern society, we rely on varieties of entertainment in order to satisfy our need for enjoyment. One type of entertainment, wh ich is currently becoming more prominent in our culture is video games. As it is becoming more prominent, it is also evolving throughout the years. Video games now are becoming more complex and influential in our society. People can use this type of entertainment was a way to relieve stress or a way to socialize with others online. Video games is almost available everywhereRead MoreViolent Video Games and Their Impact on Children850 Words   |  3 PagesViolent Video Games and Their Impact on Children Outline Introduction A. Thesis: Although there are some reports of such games terribly impacting children, most research says that the violence in them is understood to be unrealistic, and thus not internalized and regurgitated back through increased aggressiveness in behavior. Reports Showing Violent Video Games Increase Aggression Exposure to violent video games has been lined to increases in aggression. Such reports have linked violent videoRead MoreEffects of Violent Video Games on Children Essay1660 Words   |  7 PagesEffects of Violent Video Games on Children The use of video games has become tremendously popular among children and adolescents in the past decade. In fact, â€Å"Sixty-eight percent of U.S. households play computer or video games.† (David Jenkins, 2009) This statistic reveals how important it is to understand the effects that these games can have on individuals and more specifically, children. Over the years, numerous studies have been conducted investigating whether video games have positive orRead MoreThe Effects Of Video Games On The Society876 Words   |  4 Pagesin Anderson Bushman 2001.a), the popularity of video games specially is rapidly increasing. Nonetheless, ferocious electronic games are an attraction of attention to children, teenagers, and even adults. In fact, in another U.S study by Butchman Funk (As Cited in Anderson Bushman 2001.b) on 4th grade students, three of every four boys and six out of every ten girls favour violent computer games. This essay will argue that violence in video games sh ould be censored. For the purpose of this essayRead More`` Not Here : If We re Truly Serious About Stopping Massacres Like1687 Words   |  7 Pagesthat violence performed in the form of mass killing have definite causes. People are fascinated by the violence. He further suggests that evil and mass killing incidents in Aurora and Port Arthur are just few examples of that evil. The evil in our society is growing in large portion and people are more attracted towards violence. The article discusses invention of superheroes during late 1930s in order to response to European Fascism. However, now the popularity of superheroes lies somewhere else.Read MoreVideo Games Are Not Considered The Aspect Of Learning1695 Words   |  7 Pagesa secret what the video game industry has experienced rapid growth. During 2009 to 2012, in the United States, the video game industry is increasing faster than the US economy as a whole four times, the report from the Entertainment Software Association rel eased under in recent. Video games may be expected to continue to take place our TV, computers, smart phones and screen. By 2016, the size of the global game market will reach $ 86.1 billion. 1.2 Connect Although video games are always not considered

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Lessons of Life Essay Example For Students

Lessons of Life Essay Steve sat at the dinner table eating breakfast with Steves little sister, Jessy, sat across from him. Steve, she said, wheres skipper? Hes gone now I said. Is he up in heaven? I want him back. Me too, Steve said. I miss him a lot, she said. I know, Steve said, so do I. Death is a hard concept for a small child to grasp. Its difficult to explain how someone can be here one day and gone the next. Children sometimes do not fully understand it, but when a loved one such as a parent dies a child can be devastated. Loss is something that everyone has to deal with at some point in his or her life. Fairy tales help children deal with lifes difficulties such as death and separation anxiety by exposing them to it at an early age. Separation from a loved one is a common problem in many fairy tales. Often the heroine is separated from her lover, her parents, or the world that she grew up in. This is the case in the fairy tale Thumbelina. Thumbelina is taken away from her home and wanders the strange outside world for months. Eventually, she meets a mouse who has it arranged so that Thumbelina is to marry a mole and live underground for the rest of her life. Thumbelina is distressed because she knew that after she married the mole, she would never again see the sun and the flowers or hear the birds sing (Eisen, 301-302). In the Fairy tale Rapunzel, Rapunzel experiences separation anxiety twice in her life. First she suffers separation anxiety from the rest of society and then from her lover. Rapunzel is locked up in a tower deep in the forest by a witch and isolated from all human contact. Rapunzel betrays the witch and lets a young prince in the tower. Her second episode of separation anxiety occurs when the wi tch takes her away form her lover. Upon discovering her secret the witch takes Rapunzel to a bleak desert place where the poor girl was to live in great sorrow and misery (Eisen, 98). In the fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, the children suffer separation anxiety from the rest of society and their father. Hansel and Gretel are led into the woods and left for dead by their parents. The children get lost in the woods and wander around for days searching for a way home. They walked all night and the next day from sunrise to sunset, but try as they might they still could not find a way out of the forest (Eisen, 90). This fairy tale exposes children to the possibility of being separated from their parents as well as their peers. In the fairy tale Cinderella, Cinderella is forced to do slave work for her stepsisters and is forbidden from participating in certain community activities. She feels separated from the rest of the world. The anxiety is so great that she burst into tears. All of thes e fairy tales directly confront children with the possibility of being separated from loved ones or from society altogether. Many fairy tales also deal with the death of a parent or the threat of death on the heroine. In Sleeping Beauty, the heroine is foretold that on her fifteenth birthday she will prick her finger on a spindle and fall dead (Eisen, 22-23). The princess and the entire kingdom fall into a deep sleep that lasts for a hundred years. Children are able to understand what death is like since it is compared to a long period of sleeping and being inactive. In Hansel and Gretel, the hero and heroine are faced with the possibility of death. The old witch locks Hansel up in a cage. She feeds him good food and tells Gretel that when hes nice and fat, Im going to eat him up (Eisen, 93). Eventually the witch decides to try to cook Gretel but she outsmarts the witch and shoves her into the oven. The witch screamed horribly, but Gretel didnt open the door until the witch was dead (Eisen, 93). Death is a huge part of Hansel and Gretel, from starving to death, being eaten by wild animals, being eaten by a witch and burning to death in an oven. Death also plays a large role in Snow White. The jealous stepmother wants Snow White killed because she is more beautiful. Children are not only exposed to death but also cruel intentions of an evil person. The queen eventually poisons Snow White and she fell to the ground dead (Eisen, 122). Young children are confronted with the heroine of the story dying as opposed to a wicked old witch dying. In Rumpelstiltskin, the heroine of the story is also confronted with death. The king tells the millers daughter that if she cannot spin the straw into gold then by tomorrow morning, you will pay with your life (Eisen, 128). Children are exposed to the possibility of a good person dying rather than an evil person dying, just as it can occur in real life. .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e , .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .postImageUrl , .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e , .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:hover , .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:visited , .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:active { border:0!important; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:active , .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .ud237857249410c3ad6bde3922ef5f13e:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Of mice and men...theme of lonliness in the book EssayFairy tales are invaluable tools used to teach children about life and prepare them for obstacles that occur later in life. Most children first experience the death of a loved one when a house pet dies. Children see the animals not as pets but as a member of the family. It is hard to loose a loved one, but it is a fact of life. That is where fairy tales come in. Children can be prepared for these obstacles that occur later in life. Fairy tales help children deal with death and separation anxiety among other difficulties that life provides. BibliographyWorks CitedAnderson, Hans Christian Thumbelina. A Treasury of Children Literature. Ed. Armand Eisen. Boston: Arial Books, 1992. 296-303Black, Shelia Sleeping Beauty. A Treasury of Children Literature. Ed. Armand Eisen. Boston: Arial Books, 1992. 20-36. Grimm Hansel and Gretel. A Treasury of Children Literature. Ed. Armand Eisen. Boston: Arial Books, 1992. 86-95. Grimm Rapunzel. A Treasury of Children Literature. Ed. Armand Eisen. Boston: Arial Books, 1992. 95-100. Grimm Snow White. A Treasury of Children Literature. Ed. Armand Eisen. Boston: Arial Books, 1992. 112-128. Grimm Rumpelstiltskin. A Treasury of Children Literature. Ed. Armand Eisen. Boston: Arial Books, 1992.128-136.

Monday, December 2, 2019

Strategic Management Essays (2473 words) - Strategic Management

Strategic Management ASSIGNMENT QUESTIONStrategic Management Choose your company or any MNC company that you are familiar with and: 1)Explain the nature of the firm business 2)Undertake a SWOT analysis of the firms business to identify areas of strategic importance and the corresponding strategic drivers/ Critical Factors (CF) the firms has to focus on to provide the company a competitive advantage. Table of Contents AcknowledgementPage 2 Background of Malaysia Airlines SystemPage 3 - 4 Business StrategyPage 5 - 6 SWOT AnalysisPage 7 - 12 ?Competitive Analysis ?Value Chain Analysis ?Core Competencies Critical Success FactorsPage 13 - 15 ConclusionPage 16 ReferencesPage 17 - Acknowledgement First of all, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Mr. Ravinthiran, our tutor for Strategic Management module. He is a jovial and a very knowledgeable person as he shared his experiences in the business and organizations. He had also given us ample information on the subject matter and enhanced my interest in Strategic Management. I would also like to thank my friends and family who had given me support and guidance throughout the completion of this assignment. Thank you. Background of MAS The glory days of the tourism world has opened a new path for the local transportation system to bloom especially the air transportation. In the year 1937, Malayan Airway Limited (MAL) was established. As years passed, on 13th September 1972, MAS Airlines was officially launched by Tun Dr. Ismail Abdul Rahman in Kuala Lumpur International Airport. As a flag carrying national airlines, three colors form the flag are chosen which are red, white and blue. The majoring color is red because it reflects the vibrancy and excitement that is the essence of Malaysia. The MAS symbol is the Kelantan kite called the ?Wau Bulan'. Indigenous to Malaysia, the Kelantan kites dates back to many centuries and its represents a fire expression of the mythologies that enriched the nation's tradition. Furthermore, it represents controlled flight in an exclusive Malaysian manner, giving feeling of movement and modernity. On October 15, 1987, MAS launched its new corporate image with a restyled logo and emphasis on the country's name. The new red and blue logo (previously all red), while retaining the essence of the Kelantan kite, was given a more swept back look to project "movement and dynamism." The company was also to be identified as "Malaysia Airlines" in all its communications although its registered name, Malaysian Airline System, was not changed. MAS Airlines vision is to be an airlines uniquely renowned for its personal touch, warmth and efficiency. As for the mission, the airlines system strives to provide air travel transport services that ranks among the best in terms of safety, comfort and punctuality. The MAS Airlines motto is ?Go Beyond Expectation?. The sole objective of the company was to provide the people of Malaysia with an efficient and profitable air transport system which would enhance the standing of the country. As the national flag carrier of Malaysia, MAS Airlines had played an important role in contributing to the economic and social incorporation of the country. The company subsidized loss-making services in certain domestic routes which we redeemed essential for social and economic development. For example, some rural settlements in Sabah and Sarawak were only accessible by MAS Airlines rural air services. These services were operated from the year MAS Airlines started operations and fell within the account of non-economic but socially desirable services. Business Strategy INTERNALEXTERNAL Apply, sustainDiscover OvercomeAvert No one has ever developed a formula for "making strategy." Making strategy is a matter of generating ideas about how a business is going to compete. Then, those ideas are analyzed to determine which the best are. The SWOT analysis - Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats - is probably the most respected of all strategic analysis tools. Strengths and Weaknesses are, of course, factors reflecting the internal state of the business, while Opportunities and Threats reflect the external environment. Customers are usually considered somewhere among those Opportunities and Threats, but they aren't the highest priority in the SWOT model. Michael Porter's "Five Forces" for industry analysis, now nearly 25 years old, was an elegant and powerful tool for predicting the profitability of a business based on the relationship of competitors, substitutes, buyers, and sellers. The primary purpose of this model, however, was to identify where the power among these players

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

List of Poets Laureate of the U.S.A.

List of Poets Laureate of the U.S.A. Who are all the poets who have served the Library of Congress as Consultant (the old title) or Poet Laureate Consultant (the new title)? Learn more about the lives and works of these distinguished artists through the resources listed below. 1937-1949 Joseph Auslander 1937-41: His sonnet, â€Å"To My Despoiler†Allen Tate 1943-44: His essay on writing poetry, â€Å"Narcissus As Narcissus†Robert Penn Warren 1944-45Louise Bogan 1945-46Karl Shapiro 1946-47Robert Lowell 1947-48Leonie Adams 1948-49Elizabeth Bishop 1949-50 1950s Conrad Aiken 1950-52: First to serve two termsWilliam Carlos Williams: Appointed to serve two terms in 1952 but did not serve.Randall Jarrell 1957-58Robert Frost 1958-59Richard Eberhart 1959-61: â€Å"A Student’s Memories of Richard Eberhart,† by David Graham 1960s Louis Untermeyer 1961-63: His poems â€Å"Prayer,† â€Å"Summons† and â€Å"On the Birth of a Child† and â€Å"Reveille†Howard Nemerov 1963-64Reed Whittemore 1964-65Stephen Spender 1965-66James Dickey 1966-68William Jay Smith 1968-70: His â€Å"Epigrams† 1970s William Stafford 1970-71Josephine Jacobsen 1971-73Daniel Hoffman 1973-74Stanley Kunitz 1974-76Robert Hayden 1976-78William Meredith 1978-80 1980s Maxine Kumin 1981-82Anthony Hecht 1982-84Robert Fitzgerald 1984-85: Appointed and served in a health-limited capacity, but did not come to the Library of CongressReed Whittemore 1984-85: Interim Consultant in Poetry  Gwendolyn Brooks 1985-86  Robert Penn Warren 1986-87: First to be designated Poet Laureate Consultant in PoetryRichard Wilbur 1987-88Howard Nemerov 1988-90 1990s Mark Strand 1990-91Joseph Brodsky 1991-92Mona Van Duyn 1992-93Rita Dove 1993-95: Her poem, â€Å"Lady Freedom Among Us†Robert Hass 1995-97:  Poems, translations, bibliography and articles about Hass’ workRobert Pinsky 1997-2000​:  His Favorite Poem Project 2000s Stanley Kunitz 2000-2001​Billy Collins 2001-2003: His Poetry 180 Project to bring poetry into American high schoolsLouise Glà ¼ck 2003-2004Ted Kooser 2004-2005: Excerpt from his book, The Poetry Home Repair Manual, Practical Advice for Beginning PoetsDonald Hall 2006-2007: His reading of, â€Å"Poetry Across the Atlantic,† in a historic joint reading with U.S. Poet Laureate Hall and UK Poet Laureate Andrew MotionCharles Simic 2007-2008Kay Ryan 2008-2010:  Her poems, audio readings and podcasts 2010s W.S. Merwin 2010-2011Philip Levine 2011-2012Natasha Trethewey 2012-

Saturday, November 23, 2019

Free Essays on Appointment With Love

The short story, "Appointment with Love†, by S.I. Kishor, is a romantic story about a young lieutenant and lady who fall in love. The author shows that true love is possible between two people who have never met if they are able to trust their true inner feelings and instincts. The writer accomplishes this message to the reader through the use of the setting, tone and each individual character in the story. The setting in this story is established as it instantly grabs the attention of the reader. The author begins the story in the first sentence by describing the location of New York's Grand Central Station with a tall lieutenant waiting to meet a woman who he has communicated with for over a year. By drawing all attention to the lieutenant, the reader is immediately given a clear image of Lieutenant Blandford, standing anxiously waiting to meet the woman who he has never seen but claims to love. Throughout the story, the author brings the reader out of the station to places that the lieutenant has recalled thinking of this woman. The author uses these different settings to show how this woman has had the power to reach inside of him through writing and renew his strength even from a far. The author then redirects his attention back to the station, as the time to meet Hollis Meynell grows closer. Although the setting is used to describe the atmosphere, the tone is used effectively to c ommunicate the complete and compelling feeling and emotion to the reader. The author’s use of a suspenseful tone has the reader waiting anxiously from the first line to the end. The mood is instantly set on a time schedule as the author begins the story by saying, "Six minutes to six". By doing this, the author creates a feeling of excitement as the reader realizes something exciting is about to happen. He also creates a feeling of uncertainty for the lieutenant, which makes the tone even more dramatic. As the clock grows near a minute from six,... Free Essays on Appointment With Love Free Essays on Appointment With Love The short story, "Appointment with Love†, by S.I. Kishor, is a romantic story about a young lieutenant and lady who fall in love. The author shows that true love is possible between two people who have never met if they are able to trust their true inner feelings and instincts. The writer accomplishes this message to the reader through the use of the setting, tone and each individual character in the story. The setting in this story is established as it instantly grabs the attention of the reader. The author begins the story in the first sentence by describing the location of New York's Grand Central Station with a tall lieutenant waiting to meet a woman who he has communicated with for over a year. By drawing all attention to the lieutenant, the reader is immediately given a clear image of Lieutenant Blandford, standing anxiously waiting to meet the woman who he has never seen but claims to love. Throughout the story, the author brings the reader out of the station to places that the lieutenant has recalled thinking of this woman. The author uses these different settings to show how this woman has had the power to reach inside of him through writing and renew his strength even from a far. The author then redirects his attention back to the station, as the time to meet Hollis Meynell grows closer. Although the setting is used to describe the atmosphere, the tone is used effectively to c ommunicate the complete and compelling feeling and emotion to the reader. The author’s use of a suspenseful tone has the reader waiting anxiously from the first line to the end. The mood is instantly set on a time schedule as the author begins the story by saying, "Six minutes to six". By doing this, the author creates a feeling of excitement as the reader realizes something exciting is about to happen. He also creates a feeling of uncertainty for the lieutenant, which makes the tone even more dramatic. As the clock grows near a minute from six,...

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Tree-Species Density across Environmental Gradients Zones Research Paper

Tree-Species Density across Environmental Gradients Zones - Research Paper Example Vegetative populations proliferate in a given section of land when conditions of moisture, temperature, and soil composition favor certain species at the expense of others. Experiments of this sort are crucial to enhancing our understanding of species diversity. Â  Similar ecological conditions can exist between both mountainous regions and ravine systems. Either of these landscape systems can yield effects on communities of vegetation, providing niches where they may not otherwise exist. Landscape effects can be hydrological, thermal, and these locations are known to produce microclimates with influences on soil moisture and nutrient availability. Â  The hydrological cycle in the region can experience variations in water infiltration within the soil, proclivities towards erosion/soil retention, movements of air fronts and dry adiabatic lapse rates; all relating to the slope of the terrain, or lack thereof. Terrain slopes affect soil types, which impact the growth of a variety of plants, which itself influences sunlight availability, which influences the success of subsequent vegetation. These combinations cause vegetation to arrange in communities favoring undergrowth/ground cover, shrubs, and canopy trees. Trees are of specific importance for this study, which will document tendencies of five species to colonize either of three environmental gradient-levels upon sloping terrain. Â  These gradient-levels form zones that will naturally distribute similar plants along a horizontal axis to take advantage of the slope conditions most favorable to them, while the most variation will occur along a vertical axis, as soil and air conditions vary with elevation. Â  

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Performance and reward management systems at Nestl Australia Ltd Research Paper

Performance and reward management systems at Nestl Australia Ltd. (NAL) - Research Paper Example (NAL), a wholly owned subsidiary of the Nestlà © Company of Vevey, Switzerland. NAL operates 14 factories throughout Australia, employs 5,000 people and generates sales of A$2 Billion/annum. It manufactures and markets a diverse range of products from Maggi sauces and powders to Milo powdered beverage modifiers. â€Å"Nestlà © Australias objective is to implement policies which promote the best utilisation of its human resources in order to ensure optimum productivity and efficiency while also satisfying and meeting employees needs and expectations†. The words of NAL’s CEO Graham Campbell resonate throughout the organisation on a daily basis. This is particularly true of the department that is at the centre of employee engagement and utilisation: Team HR. The HR department within NAL consists of approximately 65 professionals spread out across all factories, distribution centres and the Head Office located in the Sydney suburb of Rhodes. Team HR is lead within Australia by the HR Director, who reports directly into the CEO of NAL. In the words of Jennifer Jones (HR Business Partner or HR BP, NAL) â€Å"The purpose of the Human Resources (HR) team is to increase Nestlà ©Ã¢â‚¬â„¢s competitive advantage through People - by having engaged and talented individuals at the right place at the right time, driving business success†. Team HR consists of 3 distinct groups: 3. Centres of Excellence (CoE) in recruitment, talent and capability, reward & remuneration and employee relations. These are specialised sections of Team HR that focus on one area of knowledge and expertise. As one of the six core business units within NAL, the Human Resources department is involved in all stages of the development of the organisations’ business strategies. According to Jennifer Jones (HR BP, NAL), â€Å"The level of involvement of HR personnel in determining the goals and objectives for each of the business units is very impressive and certainly greater than any organisation I

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Invitation meeting Essay Example for Free

Invitation meeting Essay Boston global is a company that has provided outsourced resources services for fortune 500 companies. The companies have been able to solve their problems through our advice. We are the industry leaders in taking care of our employees in terms of their compensation insurance and disability insurance coverage. Your company has recently experienced numerous human resource problems. This may be due to the expansion that you are undergoing. Your company is growing fast and needs to grown in human resource services too. I also understand that your company does not have the in – house expertise to quickly establish the human resource and the procedures needed within a larger, publicly traded organization. It is important for every company to have a human resource department with qualified employees that look into the welfare of its employees. I was wondering whether your company has ever considered worker’s compensation disability exposure. It is for these reasons that my company would kindly like to ask you to set up a meeting with us I order to discuss the problems you are currently facing and the services that our company offers. We are hopeful that we will enter into a contract with you for these services so that you company can continue growing.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Owney Madden :: essays research papers

for so many years. It was wasting away, but the Don Corleone from the UK would do everything he could to establish a name for himself, through a life filled with luck and crime. Liverpool, England, the birth to British and American Rock sensation, The beatles, was also the birthplace of one of the world’s most notorious killer. It was in Liverpool, England, 1892, that Owney Madden was born. However, only in 1903, did he and his family emigrate to New York and settle in the slums of Manhattan's Hell's Kitchen. At an early age, Owney joined the Gophers and despite his light build, he was renowned as a tough and crazy gangster. He was a crack shot with a pistol and he used his trademark weapon, a lead pipe concealed in a rolled-up newspaper, to great effect. He was nicknamed "Killer Madden" at the age of 17 because by that time he already had two murders under his belt. Many more would follow. Madden moved out of his family's tenement apartment and rented a house with Tanner Smith. Smith had been leader of a relatively unsuccessful street gang known as the Marginal Gang, but became a Gopher when the Marginal split up. Soon after they moved into the house, neighbors began to complain about the all-night parties that the two gangsters held. Members of the Gophers would often come over and spend the night drinking, gambling and brawling at Owney and Tanner's. When the landlord threatened to throw them out, Madden asked "Mister, did you ever hear of Owney Madden?" The man replied that he had heard of him and Madden said: "Well Mister, I am Owney Madden." Apparently, that was enough to intimidate the owner of the house, but the neighbors continued to suffer from their entertainment and one night, a number of policemen arrived to break up a party. When he spotted them Madden shouted through a window: "We'll shoot the gizzard out of any cop that tries to come in here." True to his word, when the sergeant knocked on the door, Madden aimed his pistol through the window and killed him. The police retreated, waited for reinforcements and then stormed the house, handing out severe beatings to the gangsters they found inside. They never discovered which of the men fired the shot from the window and Madden, still a minor, was released the next day on a $500 bond.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Ernest Hemingway’s Hills Like White Elephant Essay

Hemingway’s literary opus â€Å"Hills Like White Elephants† is a perfect example of how setting and symbolism are utterly utilized in emancipating the plot. The story is simple. There are no subplots and change in characterization. It is about abortion, although mentioned as an â€Å"operation† in the story. Through the gradual suggestions of symbolic parts, the reader is able to understand where the conversation heads to after the first reading. The most conspicuous symbolism is lifted from the title itself. The elephant shaped hills referred to Jig’s pregnancy. It was said to be white as the life inside her womb echoes purity and innocence. Another symbol would be how Hemingway introduced a detailed description of the setting in the first two paragraphs to show the difference of the present and the future situations. The valley of Ebro suggests possibility of life, in contrast with the shade-less and tree-less side of the train station which anticipates the perplexity of the present (Fletcher 18). The reader can already infer miscommunication between the couple since the word ‘abortion’ was never mentioned in the entire text (Cioe 101-105). Then and there, the conflicting standpoints of the couple are mirrored. The man is deemed to be immature to convince Jig to go through the process, assuring her that everything will be fine after. Jig, on the other, hints on the stereotypical woman being submissive to a man, since she allows herself to be as composed as possible, despite other implications that she does not want to have the â€Å"operation†. The ending is still ambiguous to most Hemingway enthusiasts. Each has their own interpretation. Whether the couple allowed abortion to happen or not, the story ends with a striking occurrence that can never change the fact that there is no other way but to decide on what is imminent: the man picks up the bag, readies himself for the train ride; Jig still sitting at the table and just smiled. Hemingway must have left this hanging ending for us to judge ourselves and relate this particular dilemma to our present conditions. Thus, this short story propels further discussions that would include morality, gender issues and youth’s fickle-mindedness.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

Frostbite Chapter 5

Five I HAD NO IDEA WHAT Dimitri was talking about, but I followed along obediently. To my surprise, he led me out of the boundaries of the campus and into the surrounding woods. The Academy owned a lot of land, not all of which was actively used for educational purposes. We were in a remote part of Montana, and at times, it seemed as though the school was just barely holding back the wilderness. We walked quietly for a while, our feet crunching through thick, unbroken snow. A few birds flitted by, singing their greetings to the rising sun, but mostly all I saw were scraggly, snow-heavy evergreen trees. I had to work to keep up with Dimitri's longer stride, particularly since the snow slowed me down a little. Soon, I discerned a large, dark shape ahead. Some kind of building. â€Å"What is that?† I asked. Before he could answer, I realized it was a small cabin, made out of logs and everything. Closer examination showed that the logs looked worn and rotten in some places. The roof sagged a little. â€Å"Old watch-post,† he said. â€Å"Guardians used to live on the edge of campus and keep watch for Strigoi.† â€Å"Why don't they anymore?† â€Å"We don't have enough guardians to staff it. Besides, Moroi have warded campus with enough protective magic that most don't think it's necessary to have actual people on guard.† Provided no humans staked the wards, I thought. For a few brief moments, I entertained the hope that Dimitri was leading me off to some romantic getaway. Then I heard voices on the opposite side of the building. A familiar hum of feeling coursed into my mind. Lissa was there. Dimitri and I rounded the corner of the building, coming up on a surprising scene. A small frozen pond lay there, and Christian and Lissa were ice skating on it. A woman I didn't know was with them, but her back was to me. All I could see was a wave of jet-black hair that arced around her when she skated to a graceful stop. Lissa grinned when she saw me. â€Å"Rose!† Christian glanced over at me as she spoke, and I got the distinct impression he felt I was intruding on their romantic moment. Lissa moved in awkward strides to the pond's edge. She wasn't so adept at skating. I could only stare in bewildermentand jealousy. â€Å"Thanks for inviting me to the party.† â€Å"I figured you were busy,† she said. â€Å"And this is secret anyway. We aren't supposed to be here.† I could have told them that. Christian skated up beside her, and the strange woman soon followed. â€Å"You bringing party crashers, Dimka?† she asked. I wondered who she was talking to, until I heard Dimitri laugh. He didn't do it that often, and my surprise increased. â€Å"It's impossible to keep Rose away from places she shouldn't be. She always finds them eventually.† The woman grinned and turned around, flipping her long hair over one shoulder, so that I suddenly saw her face full-on. It took every ounce of my already dubiously held self-control not to react. Her heart-shaped face had large eyes exactly the same shade as Christian's, a pale wintry blue. The lips that smiled at me were delicate and lovely, glossed in a shade of pink that set off the rest of her features. But across her left cheek, marring what would have otherwise been smooth, white skin were raised, purplish scars. Their shape and formation looked very much like someone had bitten into and torn out part of her cheek. Which, I realized, was exactly what had happened. I swallowed. I suddenly knew who this was. It was Christian's aunt. When his parents had turned Strigoi, they'd come back for him, hoping to hide him away and turn him Strigoi when he was older. I didn't know all the details, but I knew his aunt had fended them off. As I'd observed before, though, Strigoi were deadly. She'd provided enough of a distraction until the guardians showed up, but she hadn't walked away without damage. She extended her gloved hand to me. â€Å"Tasha Ozera,† she said. â€Å"I've heard a lot about you, Rose.† I gave Christian a dangerous look, and Tasha laughed. â€Å"Don't worry,† she said. â€Å"It was all good.† â€Å"No, it wasn't,† he countered. She shook her head in exasperation. â€Å"Honestly, I don't know where he got such horrible social skills. He didn't learn them from me.† That was obvious, I thought. â€Å"What are you guys doing out here?† I asked. â€Å"I wanted to spend some time with these two.† A small frown wrinkled her forehead. â€Å"But I don't really like hanging around the school itself. They aren't always hospitable†¦.† I didn't get that at first. School officials usually fell all over themselves when royals came to visit. Then I figured it out. â€Å"Because †¦ because of what happened †¦Ã¢â‚¬  Considering the way everyone treated Christian because of his parents, I shouldn't have been surprised to find his aunt facing the same discrimination. Tasha shrugged. â€Å"That's the way it is.† She rubbed her hands together and exhaled, her breath making a frosty cloud in the air. â€Å"But let's not stand out here, not when we can build a fire inside.† I gave a last, wistful glance at the frozen pond and then followed the others inside. The cabin was pretty bare, covered in layers of dust and dirt. It consisted of only one room. There was a narrow bed with no covers in the corner and a few shelves where food had probably once been stored. There was a fireplace, however, and we soon had a blaze going that warmed the small area. The five of us sat down, huddling around its heat, and Tasha produced a bag of marshmallows that we cooked over the flames. As we feasted on that gooey goodness, Lissa and Christian talked to each other in that easy, comfortable way they always had. To my surprise, Tasha and Dimitri also talked in a familiar and light way. They obviously knew each other from way back when. I'd actually never seen him so animated before. Even when affectionate with me, there'd always been a serious air about him. With Tasha, he bantered and laughed. The more I listened to her, the more I liked her. Finally, unable to stay out of the conversation, I asked, â€Å"So are you coming on the ski trip?† She nodded. Stifling a yawn, she stretched herself out like a cat. â€Å"I haven't been skiing in ages. No time. Been saving all my vacation for this.† â€Å"Vacation?† I gave her a curious look. â€Å"Do you have†¦a job?† â€Å"Sadly, yes,† Tasha said, though she didn't actually sound very sad about it. â€Å"I teach martial arts classes.† I stared in astonishment. I couldn't have been more surprised if she'd said she was an astronaut or a telephone psychic. A lot of royals just didn't work at all, and if they did, it was usually in some sort of investment or other moneymaking business that furthered their family fortunes. And those who did work certainly didn't do a lot of martial arts or physically demanding jobs. Moroi had a lot of great attributes: exceptional sensessmell, sight, and hearingand the power to work magic. But physically, they were tall and slender, often small-boned. They also got weak from being in sunlight. Now, those things weren't enough to prevent someone from becoming a fighter, but they did make it more challenging. An idea had built up among the Moroi over time that their best offense was a good defense, and most shied away from the thought of physical conflict. They hid in well-protected places like the Academy, always relying on stronger, hardier dhampirs to guard them. â€Å"What do you think, Rose?† Christian seemed highly amused by my surprise. â€Å"Think you could take her?† â€Å"Hard to say,† I said. Tasha crooked me a grin. â€Å"You're being modest. I've seen what you guys can do. This is just a hobby I picked up.† Dimitri chuckled. â€Å"Now you're being modest. You could teach half the classes around here.† â€Å"Not likely,† she said. â€Å"It'd be pretty embarrassing to be beaten up by a bunch of teenagers.† â€Å"I don't think that'd happen,† he said. â€Å"I seem to remember you doing some damage to Neil Szelsky.† Tasha rolled her eyes. â€Å"Throwing my drink in his face wasn't actually damageunless you consider the damage it did to his suit. And we all know how he is about his clothes.† They both laughed at some private joke the rest of us weren't in on, but I was only half-listening. I was still intrigued about her role with the Strigoi. The self-control I'd tried to maintain finally slipped. â€Å"Did you start learning to fight before or after that happened to your face?† â€Å"Rose!† hissed Lissa. But Tasha didn't seem upset. Neither did Christian, and he usually grew uncomfortable when the attack with his parents was brought up. She regarded me with a level, thoughtful look. It reminded me of the one I sometimes got from Dimitri if I did something surprising that he approved of. â€Å"After,† she said. She didn't lower her gaze or look embarrassed, though I sensed sadness in her. â€Å"How much do you know?† I glanced at Christian. â€Å"The basics.† She nodded. â€Å"I knew †¦ I knew what Lucas and Moira had become, but that still didn't prepare me. Mentally, physically, or emotionally. I think if I had to live through it again, I still wouldn't be ready. But after that night, I looked at myself figurativelyand realized how defenseless I was. I'd spent my whole life expecting guardians to protect me and take care of me. â€Å"And that's not to say the guardians aren't capable. Like I said, you could probably take me in a fight. But theyLucas and Moiracut down our two guardians before we realized what had happened. I stalled them from taking Christian but just barely. If the others hadn't shown up, I'd be dead, and he'd† She stopped, frowned, and kept going. â€Å"I decided that I didn't want to die that way, not without putting up a real fight and doing everything I could to protect myself and those I love. So I learned all sorts of self-defense. And after a while, I didn't really, uh, fit in so well with high society around here. So I moved to Minneapolis and made a living from teaching others.† I didn't doubt there were other Moroi living in Minneapolisthough God only knew whybut I could read between the lines. She'd moved there and integrated herself with humans, keeping away from other vampires like Lissa and I had for two years. I started to wonder also if there might have been something else there between the lines. She'd said she'd learned â€Å"all sorts of self-defense†apparently, more than just martial arts. Going along with their offense-defense beliefs, the Moroi didn't think magic should be used as a weapon. Long ago, it had been used that way, and some Moroi still secretly did today. Christian, I knew, was one of them. I suddenly had a good idea of where he might have picked up that kind of thing. Silence fell. It was hard to follow up a sad story like that. But Tasha, I realized, was one of those people who could always lighten a mood. It made me like her even more, and she spent the rest of the time telling us funny stories. She didn't put on airs like a lot of royals did, so she had lots of dirt on everyone. Dimitri knew a lot of the people she spoke of honestly, how did someone so antisocial seem to know everyone in Moroi and guardian societyand would occasionally add some small detail. They had us in hysterics until Tasha finally looked at her watch. â€Å"Where's the best place a girl can go shopping around here?† she asked. Lissa and I exchanged looks. â€Å"Missoula,† we said in unison. Tasha sighed. â€Å"That's a couple hours away, but if I leave soon, I can probably still get in some time before the stores close. I'm hopelessly behind in Christmas shopping.† I groaned. â€Å"I'd kill to go shopping.† â€Å"Me too,† said Lissa. â€Å"Maybe we could sneak along†¦.† I gave Dimitri a hopeful look. â€Å"No,† he said immediately. I gave a sigh of my own. Tasha yawned again. â€Å"I'll have to grab some coffee, so I don't sleep on the drive in.† â€Å"Can't one of your guardians drive for you?† She shook her head. â€Å"I don't have any.† â€Å"Don't have any †¦Ã¢â‚¬  I frowned, parsing her words. â€Å"You don't have any guardians?† â€Å"Nope.† I shot up. â€Å"But that's not possible! You're royal. You should have at least one. Two, really.† Guardians were distributed among Moroi in a cryptic, micromanaged way by the Guardian Council. It was kind of an unfair system, considering the ratio of guardians to Moroi. Non-royals tended to get them by a lottery system. Royals always got them. High-ranking royals often got more than one, but even the lowest-ranking member of royalty wouldn't have been without one. â€Å"The Ozeras aren't exactly first in line when guardians get assigned,† said Christian bitterly. â€Å"Ever since†¦my parents died†¦there's kind of been a shortage.† My anger flared up. â€Å"But that's not fair. They can't punish you for what your parents did.† â€Å"It's not punishment, Rose.† Tasha didn't seem nearly as enraged as she should have been, in my opinion. â€Å"It's just†¦a rearranging of priorities.† â€Å"They're leaving you defenseless. You can't go out there by yourself!† â€Å"I'm not defenseless, Rose. I've told you that. And if I really wanted a guardian, I could make a nuisance of myself, but it's a lot of hassle. I'm fine for now.† Dimitri glanced over at her. â€Å"You want me to go with you?† â€Å"And keep you up all night?† Tasha shook her head. â€Å"I wouldn't do that to you, Dimka.† â€Å"He doesn't mind,† I said quickly, excited about this solution. Dimitri seemed amused by me speaking for him, but he didn't contradict me. â€Å"I really don't.† She hesitated. â€Å"All right. But we should probably go soon.† Our illicit party dispersed. The Moroi went one direction; Dimitri and I went another. He and Tasha made plans to meet up in a half hour. â€Å"So what do you think of her?† he asked when we were alone. â€Å"I like her. She's cool.† I thought about her for a moment. â€Å"And I get what you mean about the marks.† â€Å"Oh?† I nodded, watching my footing as we walked along the paths. Even when salted and shoveled, they could still collect hidden patches of ice. â€Å"She didn't do what she did for glory. She did it because she had to. Just like†¦just like my mom did.† I hated to admit it, but it was true. Janine Hathaway might be the worst mother ever, but she was a great guardian. â€Å"The marks don't matter. Molnijas or scars.† â€Å"You're a fast learner,† he said with approval. I swelled under his praise. â€Å"Why does she call you Dimka?† He laughed softly. I'd heard a lot of his laughter tonight and decided I'd like to hear more of it. â€Å"It's a nickname for Dimitri.† â€Å"That doesn't make any sense. It doesn't sound anything like Dimitri. You should be called, I don't know, Dimi or something.† â€Å"That's not how it works in Russian,† he said. â€Å"Russian's weird,† In Russian, the nickname for Vasilisa was Vasya, which made no sense to me. â€Å"So is English.† I gave him a sly look. â€Å"If you'd teach me to swear in Russian, I might have a new appreciation for it.† â€Å"You swear too much already.† â€Å"I just want to express myself.† â€Å"Oh, Roza†¦Ã¢â‚¬  He sighed, and I felt a thrill tickle me. â€Å"Roza† was my name in Russian. He rarely used it. â€Å"You express yourself more than anyone else I know.† I smiled and walked on a bit without saying anything else. My heart skipped a beat, I was so happy to be around him. There was something warm and right about us being together. Even as I floated along, my mind churned over something else that I'd been thinking about. â€Å"You know, there's something funny about Tasha's scars.† â€Å"What's that?† he asked. â€Å"The scars†¦they mess up her face,† I began slowly. I was having trouble putting my thoughts into words. â€Å"I mean, it's obvious she used to be really pretty. But even with the scars now †¦ I don't know. She's pretty in a different way. It's like†¦like they're part of her. They complete her.† It sounded silly, but it was true. Dimitri didn't say anything, but he gave me a sidelong glance. I returned it, and as our eyes met, I saw the briefest glimpse of the old attraction. It was fleeting and gone too soon, but I'd seen it. Pride and approval replaced it, and they were almost as good. When he spoke, it was to echo his earlier thoughts. â€Å"You're a fast learner, Roza.†

Friday, November 8, 2019

USS Yorktown (CV-10) in World War II

USS Yorktown (CV-10) in World War II USS Yorktown (CV-10) was an American Essex-class aircraft carrier that entered service during World War II. Originally dubbed USS Bonhomme Richard, the ship was renamed following the loss of USS Yorktown (CV-5) at the Battle of Midway in June 1942. The new Yorktown took part in the majority of the Allies island hopping campaign across the Pacific. Modernized after the war, it later served during the Vietnam War as an anti-submarine and sea-air rescue carrier. In 1968, Yorktown acted as the recovery vessel for the historic Apollo 8 mission to the Moon. Decommissioned in 1970, the carrier is presently a museum ship in Charleston, SC. Design Construction Designed in the 1920s and early 1930s, the U.S. Navys Lexington- and Yorktown-class aircraft carriers were constructed to conform to the restrictions set forth by the Washington Naval Treaty. This agreement placed limitations on the tonnage of various types of warships as well as capped each signatories’ overall tonnage. These types of restrictions were affirmed through the 1930 London Naval Treaty. As global tensions worsened, Japan and Italy left the agreement in 1936. With the collapse of the treaty system, the U.S. Navy began creating a design for a new, larger class of aircraft carrier and one which drew from the lessons learned from the Yorktown-class. The resulting design was longer and wider as well as included a deck-edge elevator system. This had been used previously on USS Wasp. In addition to carrying a larger air group, the new design possessed a greatly enhanced anti-aircraft armament. Dubbed the Essex-class, the lead ship, USS Essex (CV-9), was laid down in April 1941. This was followed by USS Bonhomme Richard (CV-10), an homage to John Paul Joness ship during the American Revolution on December 1. This second ship began to take shape at Newport News Shipbuilding and Drydock Company. Six days after construction began, the United States entered World War II following the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor. USS Yorktown (CV-5) under attack during the Battle of Midway, June 1942. US Naval History and Heritage Command   With the loss of USS Yorktown (CV-5) at the Battle of Midway in June 1942, the name of the new carrier was changed to USS Yorktown (CV-10) to honor its predecessor. On January 21, 1943, Yorktown slid down the ways with First Lady Eleanor Roosevelt serving as sponsor. Eager to have the new carrier ready for combat operations, the U.S. Navy rushed its completion and the carrier was commissioned on April 15 with Captain Joseph J. Clark in command. USS Yorktown (CV-10) OverviewNation: United StatesType: Aircraft CarrierShipyard: Newport News Shipbuilding CompanyLaid Down: December 1, 1941Launched: January 21, 1943Commissioned: April 15, 1943Fate: Museum ShipSpecificationsDisplacement: 27,100 tonsLength: 872 ft.Beam: 147 ft., 6 in.Draft: 28 ft., 5 in.Propulsion: 8 Ãâ€" boilers, 4 Ãâ€" Westinghouse geared steam turbines, 4 Ãâ€" shaftsSpeed: 33 knotsRange: 20,000 nautical miles at 15 knotsComplement: 2,600 menArmament4 Ãâ€" twin 5 inch 38 caliber guns4 Ãâ€" single 5 inch 38 caliber guns8 Ãâ€" quadruple 40 mm 56 caliber guns46 Ãâ€" single 20 mm 78 caliber gunsAircraft90-100 aircraft Joining the Fight In late May, Yorktown sailed from Norfolk to conduct shakedown and training operations in the Caribbean. Returning to base in June, the carrier underwent minor repairs before practicing air operations until July 6. Departing the Chesapeake, Yorktown transited the Panama Canal before arriving at Pearl Harbor on July 24. Remaining in Hawaiian waters for the next four weeks, the carrier continued training before joining Task Force 15 for a raid on Marcus Island. The crew of the US Navy aircraft carrier USS Yorktown (CV-10) stands at attention as the National Ensign is raised, during commissioning ceremonies at the Norfolk Navy Yard, Virginia (USA), on 15 April 1943. Yorktown is freshly painted in Camouflage Measure 21. US Naval History and Heritage Command   Launching aircraft on August 31, the carriers planes pounded the island before TF 15 withdrew to Hawaii. Following a brief voyage to San Francisco, Yorktown mounted attacks on Wake Island in early October before joining Task Force 50 in November for the campaign in the Gilbert Islands. Arriving in the area on November 19, its aircraft provided support for Allied forces during the Battle of Tarawa as well as struck targets on Jaluit, Mili, and Makin. With the capture of Tarawa, Yorktown returned to Pearl Harbor after raiding Wotje and Kwajalein. Island Hopping On January 16, Yorktown returned to sea and sailed for the Marshall Islands as part of Task Force 58.1. Arriving, the carrier launched strikes against Maloelap on January 29 before shifting to Kwajalein the next day. On January 31, Yorktowns aircraft provided cover and support the V Amphibious Corps as it opened the Battle of Kwajalein. The carrier continued in this mission until February 4. Sailing from Majuro eight days later, Yorktown took part in Rear Admiral Marc Mitschers attack on Truk on February 17-18 before embarking on a series of raids in the Marianas (February 22) and Palau Islands (March 30-31). Returning to Majuro to replenish, Yorktown then moved south to aid General Douglas MacArthurs landings on the north coast of New Guinea. With the conclusion of these operations in late April, the carrier sailed for Pearl Harbor where it conducted training operations for much of May. Rejoining TF 58 in early June, Yorktown moved towards the Marianas to cover Allied landings on Saipan. On June 19, Yorktowns aircraft began the day by mounting raids on Guam before joining the opening stages of the Battle of the Philippine Sea. The following day, Yorktowns pilots succeeded in locating Admiral Jisaburo Ozawas fleet and commenced attacks on the carrier Zuikaku scoring some hits. As fighting continued through the day, American forces sank three enemy carriers and destroyed around 600 aircraft. In the wake of the victory, Yorktown resumed operations in the Marianas before raiding Iwo Jima, Yap, and Ulithi. At the end of July, the carrier, in need of an overhaul, departed the region and steamed for Puget Sound Navy Yard. Arriving on August 17, it spent the next two months in the yard. The US Navy aircraft carrier USS Yorktown (CV-10) during the Marcus Island raid on 31 August 1943. US Naval History and Heritage Command   Victory in the Pacific Sailing from Puget Sound, Yorktown arrived at Eniwetok, via Alameda, on October 31. Joining first Task Group 38.4, then TG 38.1, it attacked targets in the Philippines in support of the Allied invasion of Leyte. Retiring to Ulithi on November 24, Yorktown shifted to TF 38 and prepared for the invasion of Luzon. Striking targets on that island in December, it endured a severe typhoon that sank three destroyers. After replenishing at Ulithi late in the month, Yorktown sailed for raids on Formosa and the Philippines as troops prepared to land at Lingayen Gulf, Luzon. On January 12, the carriers planes conducted a highly successful raid on Saigon and Tourane Bay, Indochina. This was followed by attacks on Formosa, Canton, Hong Kong, and Okinawa. The following month, Yorktown began attacks on the Japanese home islands and then supported the invasion of Iwo Jima. After resuming strikes on Japan late in February, Yorktown withdrew to Ulithi on March 1. After two weeks of rest, Yorktown returned north and began operations against Japan on March 18. That afternoon a Japanese air attack succeeded in hitting the carriers signal bridge. The resulting explosion killed 5 and wounded 26 but had little effect on Yorktowns operations. Shifting south, the carrier began focusing its efforts against Okinawa. Remaining off the island following the landing of Allied forces, Yorktown aided in defeating Operation Ten-Go and sinking the battleship Yamato on April 7. S Supporting operations on Okinawa through early June, the carrier then departed for a series of attacks on Japan. For the next two months, Yorktown operated off the Japanese coast with its aircraft mounting their final raid against Tokyo on August 13. With the surrender of Japan, the carrier steamed offshore to provide cover for the occupation forces. Its aircraft also delivered food and supplies to Allied prisoners of war. Leaving Japan on October 1, Yorktown embarked passengers at Okinawa before steaming for San Francisco. Postwar Years For the remainder of 1945, Yorktown crisscrossed the Pacific returning American servicemen to the United States. Initially placed in reserve in June 1946, it was decommissioned the following January. It remained inactive until June 1952 when it was selected to undergo a SCB-27A modernization. This saw a radical redesign of the ships island and well as modifications to allow it operate jet aircraft. Completed in February 1953, Yorktown was re-commissioned and departed for the Far East. Operating in this region until 1955, it entered the yard at Puget Sound that March and had an angled flight deck installed. Resuming active service in October, Yorktown resumed duty in the western Pacific with the 7th Fleet. After two years of peacetime operations, the carriers designation was changed to antisubmarine warfare. Arriving at Puget Sound in September 1957, Yorktown underwent modifications to support this new role. The US Navy aircraft carrier USS Yorktown (CVS-10) at sea off Hawaii (USA), some time between 1961 and 1963.   US Naval History and Heritage Command Leaving the yard in early 1958, Yorktown commenced operating from Yokosuka, Japan. The following year, it helped deter Communist Chinese forces during the standoff at Quemoy and Matsu. The next five years saw the carrier conduct routine peacetime training and maneuvers on the West Coast and in the Far East. With the growing American involvement in the Vietnam War, Yorktown began operating with TF 77 on Yankee Station. Here it provided anti-submarine warfare and sea-air rescue support to its consorts. In January 1968, the carrier shifted to the Sea of Japan to as part of a contingency force following the North Korean capture of USS Pueblo. Remaining abroad until June, Yorktown then returned to Long Beach completing its final Far East tour. That November and December, Yorktown served as a filming platform for the film Tora! Tora! Tora! about the attack on Pearl Harbor. With the end of filming, the carrier steamed into the Pacific to recover Apollo 8 on December 27. Shifting to the Atlantic in early 1969, Yorktown began conducting training exercises and took part in NATO maneuvers. An aging vessel, the carrier arrived in Philadelphia the following year and was decommissioned on June 27. Struck from the Navy List a year later, Yorktown moved to Charleston, SC in 1975. There it became the centerpiece of the Patriots Point Naval Maritime Museum and where it remains today.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Business Email Salutations to a Group [Updated 2018]

Business Email Salutations to a Group [Updated 2018] I wrote about correct salutations for business letters and business email, prompting a few clients to ask about which salutations work well for a business email to a group. Small Group Salutations If the group is small enough – five or less – the very best salutation is to use recipients’ names. This also indicates the message is relevant for all of them. Dear Carmen, Anita, Sean, James, and Roland: Note: using Dear [title, last name] or [first name] followed by a colon is the preferred salutation for all business salutations in email for formal communication when communicating outside your company on first contact. If your subject is a more personal business issue, such as group congratulations, condolences or thanks, use Dear [title, last name] or [first name] followed by a comma. If you know your recipients very well, you are all in the same company, the subject is light, and your company culture informal, you can also use Hello or Hi [first name], followed by a comma. When in doubt about formality, opt for Dear [title, last name] or [first name] and a colon. Group Salutations to a Team If all your recipients belong to the same group, use the group name: Dear Sales Team: Dear Profile Committee: AcknowledgementGroup Salutations Sometimes, endearing or encouraging group salutations work well, but use discretion with this approach: Dear Marketing Mavens: (To a marketing group, in a message announcing a new contract, which compliments their ability and skills that earned the contract.) Dear Road Warriors: (To a sales group that had been traveling non-stop for the past month, with a message announcing the sales results. This salutation works because it sincerely acknowledges their hard work.) Dear Sales Dudes: (Be judicious using personalized group salutations. A sales rep shared this salutation with me recently, which his sales manager uses for all group messages to the sales team. He told me he â€Å"cringes† every time he sees this, which proves the importance of a good salutation. We really can lose a reader at hello.) Group Salutations for Positions If your recipients are in various positions or groups: Dear Colleagues: Dear Coworkers: Ladies: (if all the recipients are women) Gentlemen: (if all the recipients are men) Neutral, Classic Group Salutations Always Work â€Å"Greetings† as a group salutation is neutral, succinct and not too casual, so always a good choice: Greetings: Greetings All: Summer Greetings: (Suitable for a seasonal group announcement message.) For more informal business writing, these salutations are warm and engaging: Hello, everyone: Hi Team, Dear Friends:

Sunday, November 3, 2019

How are robots involved in medicine Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

How are robots involved in medicine - Term Paper Example The level of technology in the first robotic leg prostheses made it the first artificial leg controlled by the human thought after it integration with an interface. Researchers at the institute acknowledge the fact the technology in the first robotic leg was high-tech. The robotic contained lithium-powered batteries that provided powerful electricity that powered the machine. It also had powerful electric motors and micro sensors that acted as muscles and nerves respectively. Such duplication of the human leg allowed the robotic to a viable alternative for a human leg for amputees (Salisbury, 2013). The first robotics leg prosthesis is better than the passive artificial leg in many aspects. In addition to moving independently and sync with movements of the user, it also recognizes the intentions of the user to switch activities. The robotics allows the user to walk faster, uses less energy and reduces the rate of fall among users. Therefore, the ability of the robotic to move like a natural human leg makes it a viable option to amputees. However, various factors limit the adoption and usage of robotic leg prostheses. There are strict regulatory requirements set by government authorities regarding the use of multi-joint devices such as the first robotic leg prostheses. Clinicians also require additional training in robotics before prescribing the prostheses to patients. After development of the first robotic lower-leg prostheses, the Center for Intelligent Mechatronics also developed an advanced exoskeleton that allows paraplegics to stand and walk upright. The Indego exoskeleton was an award-winning piece of technology in 2013 (Ward, 2013). For people paralyzed from the waist down to the legs, this technology can be a source of hope. The exoskeleton can fit around the torso and extend down to the legs and ankles. The level of technological advancement in this machine is high to the extent that it integrates an individual’s movements

Friday, November 1, 2019

Business Strategy Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Business Strategy - Article Example This is so because success is based on an organisation's ability to create, rather than predict the future by developing those products that will literally transform the way the world thinks and view it self and the needs (Kanter 1995:71). Within the context of today's global competition, businesses and firms no-longer compete as individual companies but try to corporate with other businesses in their activities (Wu & Chien 2007:2). These researchers went further to argue that, this strategy has become quite common in many businesses including the retail clothing chain stores. The conventional vertical integrated company based business model is gradually being replaced by collaborative relationship between many fragmented, but complementary and specialized value stars and constellation (Wu & Chien: 1). This paper focuses on Subway Franchise Company. The paper examines the strength weaknesses opportunities and threats of this chain of restaurants. There after the paper examines its competitors at various level of the chain, the third section of the paper uses Porter's five forces framework to identify the sources of competition in the industry while the last section provides the conclusion and recommendation. According to the Compa... 1.1 Overview of Subway Sandwich Franchise According to the Company's (2008) report, Subway Sandwich Franchise is owned and operated by Doctor's Associates, Inc. (DAI). This chain of restaurant has been rated as one of the fastest growing franchises in the world with approximately 30,881 restaurants in 89 countries. The restaurant is the second largest restaurants after the Yum restaurant brands having 35000 locations. Many analysts have attributed the restaurant's fast growth to the growing concern by restaurant customers and the community. This has been capitalised on by the company's marketing department. Subway today is noted as a health concious restaurant chain. The restaurants are managed by Doctor's associates founded in 1965. The restaurant do not follow just the traditional restaurants, Subway operates in many non-traditional locations. For instance, the Company's (2008) reports states that, there are over 900 Subway locations inside of Wal-Mart stores and 200 on military bases, including several in Iraq, in addition to three located inside the Pentagon, some universities and other shops (Company Report 2008). 1.2 SWOT Analysis of Subway Franchise Strengths Better Value, in the form of lower prices. Fresher merchandise and wider assortments of sandwiches. Superior Locations Better physical appearance of the restaurants themselves. Good will, exclusive rights with some of their suppliers. Maximisation of the four Ps of Marketing at all front. High capital and a pool of reserves, and cheap credit facility offered in some locations. The Employees, 30,881 restaurants around the world. cheaper, better

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

The Economic Downturn Effects on I.T Projects in Singapore Case Study - 1

The Economic Downturn Effects on I.T Projects in Singapore - Case Study Example Beginning November 2008, global demand and investments in trade had been paralyzed and in turn had an adverse impact on several economic sectors in Singapore such as wholesale, retail, transport, and storage sectors. For instance, the manufacturing sector is estimated to have contracted by 3.7% in 2008 and is a bit better than the 5.8% contraction for the year 2007 (Bradley 2009). The services and construction sectors also registered a slower rate of growth by as much as 5.3% (the figures were an incredible 17.3% in 2007) (Bradley 2009). Laying a primary emphasis on mitigating job losses, the government of Singapore responded to the crisis by adopting several measures. Amongst them, one of the most significant initiatives implemented included a job-retraining program aimed at improving the professional skills of workers and to reduce the burden on businesses by paying for related expenses incurred over job training. In several other cases, the government also closed down several proj ects or instructed business to do so if it felt that they were to resource intensive or hampering the reversal of the crisis (include author). A broad review of related literature and news reports (include authors) suggests that the IT industry was generally favored and supported by the government during this period of economic recession and restructuring. For example, a tender to provide passive fiber grid for the next generation of the national broadband network in Singapore was awarded in September 2008. Decisions like these clearly indicate a high level of trust and commitment on the part of the Singapore government to support the IT sector and use of IT services despite and signifies the relevance of IT as an instrument for emerging out of the crisis. Further, a passive ICT infrastructure was to be implemented in Singapore by Netcom OpenNet to deliver speeds of 1Gbps and beyond. The government committed itself towards extending a grant of S$750 million to the contracted company so as to support the network implementation (James 2009) in the hope of opening up several opportunities along the way for many other I.T proj ects.

Monday, October 28, 2019

Ethical and Legal Issues on the Internet Essay Example for Free

Ethical and Legal Issues on the Internet Essay Plagiarism is probably the main concern when it comes to blogging and academic assignments. Should it be our responsibility to minimize plagiarism, yes it is. Academic Integrity helps keep higher learnings foundation strong. That is why it is very important to minimize or even try to eliminate plagiarism. Academic integrity surely includes issues like cheating and plagiarism, copyrights, patents, intellectual property. But it concerns the way in which we present ourselves to the community of which we are a part of. Its the obligation of students, administrators, faculty, and staff, to come together to educate students for personal and social responsibility. Schools offer to the learning community information about academic and research integrity, the responsible conduct of research, and about the ways in which our individual actions have an effect on our participation with, a vibrant and creative academic and social community. Plagiarism, the use of anothers words, ideas, data, or product without  appropriate acknowledgment, such as copying anothers work, presenting someone elses opinions and theories as ones own, or working jointly on a project and then submitting it as ones own. Cheating, the use or attempted use of unauthorized materials such as annotated or instructor editions of the course textbook, information, or study aids; or an act of deceit by which a student attempts to misrepresent academic skills or knowledge. Fabrication is the intentional misrepresentation or invention of any information, such as falsifying research, inventing or exaggerating data, or listing incorrect or fictitious references. There are ways for responsible blogging; as long as people can be ethical and follow them blogging may become more credible. First Bloggers should check their facts before blogging. It is so simple to produce and share content why not make sure it is 100% facts before sharing. Bloggers should respect all copyright laws, people associate online content with public domain content which can get the blogger in hot water. Bloggers should include links to a more detail source of the material that is being written. Giving credit where credit is due is very important in responsible blogging. The blogger should always reference their sources, this practice is important under an ethical point of view, but also give the reader a place to get the main source of facts.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

William Wordswoths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud versus The Solitary Re

I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are both written by William Wordsworth and enjoy great popularity among the readers. When reading the two poems, the readers can feel that the tones of them are different. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud affects the readers with the happiness of the daffodils, while The Solitary Reaper transfers a sense of sadness. Apart from the language of the poems and the figures of speech used, the use of sound and stanza also contributes a lot to the creation of different tones. Firstly, the length of each stanza of the two poems has much to do with the creation of the tone. Shorter stanzas are easier to read compared with longer ones. And it is a suitable form to carry such tones as happy, light, and peaceful and so on. On the contrary, longer stanzas always appear denser, and the feelings conveyed are often heavy and sad. Thus, longer stanzas are fit for the expression of sad feelings. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are two typical examples of this. The former has six lines in each stanza while the latter has eight. When the readers read the two poems, it is easy for them to grasp the happiness of the daffodils as well as the sadness that is conveyed by the ?solitary reaper?. The readers can always quickly finish reading each stanza of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the same way that the daffodils are ?fluttering and dancing in the breeze? sprightly. Similarly, when reading The Solitary Reaper, the readers cannot help but feel that the many lines of the poem are just like the much sadness that seems to last on and on. And it is difficult for the readers to get out of the sad feeling that the poet has set in the poem. The lengths of the stanzas alone are of great help i... ... varies more. This also contributes to the overall tone of the poem. When reading I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the readers can easily grasp a sense of happiness, because the sentences, which are neatly written, are more music like and are pleasant to read. However, when reading The Solitary Reaper, with the varying of the lengths of the lines, the readers? feeling cannot help being ?varied? and become quite complicated. The length of each line also helps create the tone of the poems. To sum up, the tone of a poem is not simply connected with the meaning of each line, in other words, even though the readers don?t quite get the meaning of one poem, they can still know the tone of it. Because the basic elements, such as sound and stanza also play very important roles in the poem. Compared with the words of a poem, they are the muted messengers of the beauty of poem. William Wordswoth's I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud versus The Solitary Re I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are both written by William Wordsworth and enjoy great popularity among the readers. When reading the two poems, the readers can feel that the tones of them are different. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud affects the readers with the happiness of the daffodils, while The Solitary Reaper transfers a sense of sadness. Apart from the language of the poems and the figures of speech used, the use of sound and stanza also contributes a lot to the creation of different tones. Firstly, the length of each stanza of the two poems has much to do with the creation of the tone. Shorter stanzas are easier to read compared with longer ones. And it is a suitable form to carry such tones as happy, light, and peaceful and so on. On the contrary, longer stanzas always appear denser, and the feelings conveyed are often heavy and sad. Thus, longer stanzas are fit for the expression of sad feelings. I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud and The Solitary Reaper are two typical examples of this. The former has six lines in each stanza while the latter has eight. When the readers read the two poems, it is easy for them to grasp the happiness of the daffodils as well as the sadness that is conveyed by the ?solitary reaper?. The readers can always quickly finish reading each stanza of I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the same way that the daffodils are ?fluttering and dancing in the breeze? sprightly. Similarly, when reading The Solitary Reaper, the readers cannot help but feel that the many lines of the poem are just like the much sadness that seems to last on and on. And it is difficult for the readers to get out of the sad feeling that the poet has set in the poem. The lengths of the stanzas alone are of great help i... ... varies more. This also contributes to the overall tone of the poem. When reading I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud, the readers can easily grasp a sense of happiness, because the sentences, which are neatly written, are more music like and are pleasant to read. However, when reading The Solitary Reaper, with the varying of the lengths of the lines, the readers? feeling cannot help being ?varied? and become quite complicated. The length of each line also helps create the tone of the poems. To sum up, the tone of a poem is not simply connected with the meaning of each line, in other words, even though the readers don?t quite get the meaning of one poem, they can still know the tone of it. Because the basic elements, such as sound and stanza also play very important roles in the poem. Compared with the words of a poem, they are the muted messengers of the beauty of poem.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Ethical Issues in Research Essay

Ethical issues are essential factors that must be given due and proper consideration in research. This becomes even more applicable when researchers deal with studies that involve human beings and animals. Numerous experiments are being made to achieve progress in various fields of discipline, including psychology. In doing so, human beings and animals must be protected, especially since using them in these experiments involves their well-being. For this reason, ethical standards are established. Ethical standards serve as the guidelines that govern the proper and improper participation and utilization of these life forms in research (University of Alberta, 2008). These standards ensure that studies which involve human beings and animals are subjected to limitations so that they would not be taken advantage of. According to the British Psychological Society (BPS) (2008), ethical guidelines give importance to respecting an individual as the researchers should not express any sign of prejudice toward the participants due to differences in racial descent, sexuality, language, and such. The privacy of the participants should also be respected. Thus, researchers must only acquire the personal information necessary for the study, and this information must be kept confidential. The researchers should also obtain the consent of the individuals who will participate in the study. During the study itself, participants should also be protected from any kind of harm, may it be psychological (e. g. , stress and anxiety) or physical. Moreover, the researchers also have to respect the participant’s right to leave an experiment any time that he or she wishes to. In another perspective, ethics tend to limit the advancement of psychological science. Since there are many guidelines and rules that have to be followed, researchers do not have full control over their participants. This sometimes hinders and impedes the experimentation process. Furthermore, obtaining the necessary license for this kind of research could be time-consuming, which can be used for the study itself (BPS, 2008). Scientists should accept and follow the limitations brought about by ethical guidelines because these guidelines only give due importance to the life of the participants. The main justification for these research studies is that the findings obtained from these would contribute to the knowledge and information on various fields of discipline and help improve the lives of individuals. This gives such studies an objective that is morally good (National Academy of Sciences, 2006). Hence, scientists should value the lives of the people they claim to help. Lastly, the one responsible in identifying the parameters of the participants’ protection are competent organizations that are familiar with the field of study being researched. In the case of the United States, the American Psychological Association (APA) (2008) is an organization that represents the psychologists in the U. S. APA (2008) implements an ethics code that every member of the organization must adhere to. References American Psychological Association. (2008). APA Ethics Office. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. apa. org/ethics/.British Psychological Society. (2008). Ethics. Scienceaid. co. uk. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://scienceaid. co. uk/psychology/approaches/ethics. html. National Academy of Sciences. (2006). Scientific and ethical justification for using animals in research. Online Ethics Center for Engineering. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. onlineethics. org/cms/16216. aspx. University of Alberta. (2008). Human Ethics, Biohazards, and Animal Welfare. Retrieved September 15, 2008, from http://www. rso. ualberta. ca/certification. cfm.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Cypriot Banking Crysis Scr

CY ————————————————- [ ] ————————————————- CSR essay Kozhevnikova E. , Sadokhina A. , Yatisyshina P. [ ? . . ] The problem2 Time-line2 Reasons of crisis in Cypriot banking sector:4 Moral Dilemmas4 The problem The current crisis of banking system in Cyprus had raised difficult moral dilemmas for Cypriot government, members of Euro Union and other affiliated governments.Cypriot banks became unable to secure the deposits due to several reasons: the Greek crisis, crisis in real estate sector. It provided relatively high income on deposits, which is always associated with risky investments. The macroeconomic situation in the world only worsened the situation. To sum up, the some of the banks simply lost the money of the depositors. In this case, the problem o f allocation of losses appeared. Who should bear the losses for the mistakes made by Cypriot banks, which were aggravated by the multiple unfavorable circumstances?The depositors who brought their money to banks? All of them? Prosperous European countries? We should remember, that the ones who are in charge of this situation simply can’t cover that costs (banks have no liquid assets cover the losses). In this paper we discuss the impacts of different possible solutions of this problem from the point of ethics theories. We start we describing the background of the problem including time-line of facts, the reasons for crisis of Banking System, than we move on to reviewing different options of how to save Cypriot economy using theories of ethics.Time-line * 14-15 March – EU-summit as a result of which was reaching the deal between Cyprus Euro Zone and IMF (International Monetary Fund) for a 10 billion Euro bailout on condition that Cyprus imposes a one-off levy of 6,75% t o insured deposits (under 100 000 Euro) and 9,9% to uninsured deposits (over 100 000 Euro). So that Cyprus will provide 5,8 billion Euros to secure the 10-billion bailout. * March 16 – first day of Cyprus Bank closure after the government announced Bank holidays. The idea of imposing a tax on ordinary depositors resulted in mass protest-demonstration of Cypriots, citizens also protested against Germany dictating such hush conditions. It had also caused anxiety in other countries – for setting such an extraordinary and threatening precedent. * March 19 – the Cyprus Parliament rejects a 10 billion Euro bailout package (lawmakers voted 36 against 19 abstaining) arguing that it is unacceptable to take money from regular account holders.The chairmen of the Cyprus Investor Association said Parliaments’ rejection of the deal  «will buy us some time to see if we can come up with a better agreement » * The President of Cyprus Nicos Anastasiades proposed to mak e an exception for deposits with less that 20 000 Euros to calm the public, but that didn’t work out either * The failed vote intensified the relationship between Cypriot government and EU. Cypriots accused EU for pressing them to accept an unacceptable deal that heats ordinary savers and pensioners.In return, German officials and IMF stated that they didn’t force Cypriot government to impose the deposit on depositors but that one way or another the country must come up with the rest 5,8 billion Euros to secure the bailout. * The next step included testing to which extent Russia would be willing to assist Cyprus in this difficult situation. Investments of Russian depositors accounted for about 20 billion Euros in Cypriot banks, so Russia is for sure an affiliated party.Russian officials reacted furiously to the proposed tax deposit bank * March 22 – Cyprus adopted legislation that allows the government to split the Cypriot lenders into good banks and bad banks a nd creates resolution framework to wind down banks. * March 24 – a new bailout deal between Eurozone and Cyprus. Cyprus will get a 10 billion Euro bailout on condition that Laiki (Popular) Bank, the second largest bank in Cyprus will be wound down.The deposits under 100 000 Euros will be fully compensated by the government, the depositors with more than 100 000 Euros on their accounts will face extremely huge losses. In this case Cyprus successfully avoided being excluded from EU, which occurred to be highly probable. What is more, this solution pensioners and clients with small deposits (which mean with low income level) won’t be affected, so the anger of the public will be reduced. Finally, two biggest Banks will be restructured: Laiki Bank will be wind down, Bank of Cyprus will capitalize at the expense of it’s clients; insured deposits of Laiki Bank will be transferred to Bank of Cyprus, owners of uninsured deposits of Laiki Bank will lose up to 80% of their deposits; 37,5% of uninsured deposits of Bank of Cyprus are transferred into stocks of Bank of Cyprus which actually cost nothing, 22,5% will be frozen so clients have no right to use that sums of money.In this case the costs of bank mistakes lay down on clients with deposits over 100 000 Euros. By the way, most of such clients are Russian (Russian investments in Cypriot bank sector are estimated 26 bn Euro, they exceed Cypriot GDP which is around 18 bn Euro). Russians were happy to use Cyprus as an offshore – due to double taxation agreement. This was a place where nobody asked where that money came from. At the same time EU and Cyprus were happy to transfer the costs to Russian depositors by expropriating their depsits.Is it ethical? Not the easiest question to answer One more concerning fact: . ? 1 15 ( ) ? . , ? . , . ? ? . - - ? . - Reasons of crisis in Cypriot banking sector:The Greek financial crisis had put in danger the stabil ity of all Eurozone. But the greatest impact was imposed on Cyprus due to their strong economic and financial bonds. Cyprus's banking sector was affected the most. It became quite clear that banking system of Cyprus is in danger a couple of years ago. Stavrakis   -the Finance Minister of Cyprus said:  «We are a small country and most importantly, we have a banking system which has invested heavily in Greek bonds ». Nevertheless, the minister assured that Cypriot anking system was safe and sound, that it had a strong capital base and that there was a huge inflow of foreign deposits which helped to stabilize the situation. Anyway, the prime reason of crisis in Cypriot banking sector is cancellation of Greek bonds. It was not a secret that Cypriot banks invested heavily in long-term Greek bonds, so when a default in Greece was announced and it was stated that Greece is not going to fulfill its bonds obligations, and, as a result, the trust in Cypriot banks declined. As the trust in banks decline, depositors tend to take back their money.But this is a trap: something happens in the banking industry, depositors leave, at the same time a lot of bank assets are frozen in long-term obligations. Theoretically, the bank has or practically has enough assets to return everything to clients, but these assets are not liquid, so at the moment when clients start to panic and claim for their money, the bank is under threat of running out of liquid assets to pay to clients. This can happen to any bank, even the most reliable one. The moment panic begins – the bank is under great threat.This is why laws that don’t allow taking back deposits at any moment may be quite reasonable. Here is a breath summary of reason of Cypriot banking sector crisis: * Huge investments of Cypriot banking sector in Greek default economy =; sufficient losses and asset write-downs of Cypriot banks * A strong offshore orientation of Cypriot economy: total sum of deposits heavily exce ed GDP * As a result the government (does it have to? ) is not able to compensate the losses of depositors * Unfavorable macroeconomic situation in EU and world The fact that Cypriot banks haven’t revalued their assets for a long time, so the assets were overestimated * And many other reasons that we will understand 20 years after Moral Dilemmas Here is a list of moral dilemmas occur in such a complicated situation: 1) Who should bear the risk of bank bankruptcy? Government/all customers/the richest customers/other countries’ governments/†¦ 2) Can expropriation be ethical? 3) 4) ——————————————– [ 1 ]. http://online. wsj. com/article/SB10001424127887323605404578384331402208120. html [ 2 ]. http://www. nytimes. om/2013/03/20/business/global/cyprus-rejects-tax-on-bank-deposits. html? _r=0 [ 3 ]. http://www. bbc. co. uk/news/world-europe-21916102 [ 4 ]. http://lent a. ru/news/2013/03/25/threat/ [ 5 ]. http://somo. nl/dossiers-en/sectors/financial/eu-financial-reforms/newsletter-items/issue-17-march-2013/innovative-approach-in-cyprus-bailout [ 6 ]. http://www. cyprusnewsreport. com/? q=node/4239 [ 7 ]. http://www. mondaq. com/x/231362/Financial+Services/The+Latest+Developments+In+The+Cyprus+Banking+Sector [ 8 ]. http://www. reuters. com/article/2013/03/22/us-column-cyprus-investing-saft-idUSBRE92L0UV20130322