Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Free Essays - A Raisin in the Sun :: Raisin Sun essays

A Raisin in the Sun is set at in an area where racism was bland occurring. Blacks were no longer separated but they were still facing many racial problems. The black Younger family faced these problems throughout the play. The entire family was affected in their own way. The family has big dreams and hope to make more(prenominal) of their poor lives. Walter, the main character, is forced to deal with most of the issues himself. Ruth, his wife, and Travis, his ten-year-old son, re in ally dont have say in matters that he sets his mind to. Beneatha, his sister tries to push her word in but is often ignored. Lena (Mama) is Walters mother and is very concerned near her family. She tries to keep things held together despite all of the happenings. Mamas husband had just recently died so times seemed to be even harder. They all live in a small apartment when living quadruplet is very confined (Hansberry 1731). They all have dreams in which they are trying to obtain, but other members o f the family seem to hold back each other from obtaining them (Decker). Walter has a steady, but low paying job and wishes that he could do more for his family. The money he makes hardly provides enough for his family to survive. He is constantly thinking about get rich quick schemes to insure a better life. He doesnt want to be a poor back man all of his life and wishes that he could fit in with rich whites. He doesnt realize that people wont give him the same opportunities, as they would if he were white (Decker). Walter feels that he needs to provide more for his family and starts to ask around on how to make some money. He gets the idea of opening up a liquor store and has his heart set on it. Because he wants to please everybody he loses his better judgment and acts without thinking of the long-term effects. He is ready for a change and feels the store will bring his family a better life (Hyzak). Mama, a job? I open and close car doors all daytime long. I drive a man around in his Limousine and say, Yes, sir no, sir very good sir shall I take the drive, sir? Mama, that aint no liberal of job ... that aint nothing at all ( Hansberry 1755).

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