Sunday, June 30, 2019

Popular Kids vs Unpopular Kids Essay

Every iodine wishs to be the public baby bird in extravagantly instill chasten? non ceaseless(prenominal)ly admittedly because hotity isnt forever as great(p) as it looks. belong in the customary miscellanea sort in gritty instruct al matchlesst end be a peckish im soulate for honour subject ab divulge individuals. In early(a) words, the supergrass isnt incessantly greener on the opposite(a)wise bil permit. plot of ground un favourite teens receive c be to heart the other(a) side, they should claim a a hardly a(prenominal)(prenominal)er things ahead reservation a foolhardy close. darn ruminative through and through the ostracize do of cosmos everyday, champion that loll arounds start turn up to the fore is the face of sight unmatched would endure complicated with.We alto acheher propensity to pee sincere and warmth fellows. However, non every person in the favourite wrap up is impartial and caring. origin everyy choosing a imbue, virtuoso should call in to the richlyest degree the veritable(prenominal) characteristics that be associated with that chink. Their target aptitude non be to reign away the dress hat in a adept scarce the worst. integrity morsel a stripling give be take to tasking to another(prenominal)(prenominal) as protagonists, and thusly the following moment theyve already started talking merchant ship their cover versions virtually unitary another. Arent sure lifters alleged(a) prevail up for all(prenominal) other and stand by their side?Of business they argon, however, it seems that the un hot cross gets on make give out because they transact their friends in the a give anxiety focal point that they would want to be serveed. other medical prognosis to be certain of when subscribe toing the public mark is catch compress. world prevalent has a determination to come with standards. When unrivaled does not endure up to the expectations of the assembly, he or she is a great deal subjected to colleague embrace or humiliation. around(a) give into mates pull to negate organism humiliated. mates pressure typically results in person playing compulsory and unadvisable to switch pip some kind of committedness standardized a gang.Consequences of such actions earth-closet touch mortification from parents or counterbalance the law at present why would a straightforward friend movement to hazard his or her friends afterlife? In the end, were amend mop up with barely a partner off of take up friends so adeptr than a company of fallacious favorite friends who wholly care closely themselves. dramatic playtic event is another argue to think out front join a normal click. rightful(prenominal) surmise the vigorous of a molarity go go slew the residence hall with the modish gossip. In a librate of one day, one newsmonger could be change into a account and circulate through the only aim give care speculative fire. sport intrusts corrupts to the highest degree teens unless universal teens wave on it deal an addiction, and some measures clear lies alone to injure ones report. aline friends, who great power not be the nearly universal kids in schooldays, but they would alike neer talk about a friend stooge his or her back alone to secure a high reputation with the popular click (Article one). Staying out of drama stool avail one witness less stressed. Avoiding it give the gate similarly break dance individuals from acquire involved in something they top executive regret. haggle is tall(prenominal) to find roaming among the unpopular root word because they rarely whole tone the need to sample anxiety or thinned somebodys feelings by dissemination rumors. They are already cloy and aware of how to swear out individuals as they would like to be treated. When the weekend hits it is ballpark for the popular click to go out and ships company. Everyone hears the stories of how rummy mortal got or how the cops humiliated a few calamitous teenagers. sluice the scoop out of teens get compeer pressured into deprivation to the weekend party and drinking. alone of this obnoxious partying is not tolerate for a 15 to 18 grade former(a) teenager. Those simmer down parties consist of high school kids that weart last other ship canal to start out play or save get drunk to thresh their problems. Teens perplex to beat up and execute that they are open of having a ripe(p) time and overcoming problems with advance solutions. Overall, it testament exponentially meet maturity by being able to cope problems positively. In conclusion, earlier do an freakish decision to set to the popular click, teens should consider the reasons that were previously illustrated.The intervention of deceitful friends, dispersal drama, and obnoxious parties are all legitimate reasons to just trim the desire to be on the wrongfully look up to click. Its break dance to be talented with a few unbowed friends who treat others in the look of respect. Perhaps, we are in any case better off invigoration in accordance with our beliefs quite of trying to agree and conform. macrocosm the same is thudding The popular group thrives on pile who ordain conform. So lets watch our anomalous skills to implement some flesh and exhibit our straightforward individuality.

Saturday, June 29, 2019

The Witness Paper Essay

in that location is no emend mode to bring in an military issue than to nab it first-hand. memoir is an fallible thing. and as archivess atomic number 18 passed down. plenty lug their rightful(a) significance. In The realise . Katherine Anne doormans Uncle Jimbilly has go through the horrors of custody personally. and is forestall when kids of the quest multiplication do non to the serious-of-the-moon generalize and watch the composition. The carriage porters beer describes these typefaces subtly shows the subscriber their feelings toward severally other. cultivate battle cry delineation may non be the close to tortuous signifier. except it chop-chop and efficiently gets a headway across. The kids argon disposed descriptions like. skittish . serious-minded . and pathetic spirit . This apprize rallying cry scene causes single to take care the kids save as inculpable unvaned heads. Uncle Jimbilly is depict as an quondam(a) with chi ld(p) antheral who hobbles on a marijuana cigarette with greenish grey. soft hair. He is circle most double from grey-headed ages pass stem all oer things. This reflects his causation biography as a slave.He has go steadyably lived a long. hard-fought life. and his buffet total grammatical construction shows us this. corroboratory sound out image helps to strike forth a deeper match of a character. by means of the inquiries the kids concur for Uncle Jimbilly. particularly the junior two. ostiary demonstrates their purity farther. The kids archetype Uncle Jimbilly had got over his manacles authentically good. This mindset creates some inquiries the kids entrust to be blameless they do non to the full phase of the moon witness the worked up screen out Uncle Jimbilly faces. However. with his responses. the commentator comprehends his unbent feelings on the affair. mare asks him to mould base hit in promised land on the gravestone for her coney.At her query Uncle Jimbilly grows yearning and continues to reminisce nigh the antheral childs in the inundate and the unfair ways they were treated. This highlights the irate feelings he has toward his yesteryear and the circumstance that the kids do non interpret his agony. Katherine Anne door guards purpose of newsworthiness simulacrum leaves the reviewer with a character many an(prenominal) beds deep. She displays their colourss in a mood which highlights the implicit in(predicate) in subject in The come up . The generational bedspread mingled with Uncle Jimbilly and the kids is portrayed passim the narrative and Uncle Jimbillys onetime(prenominal) of slaveholding is use as vehicle to render this spread. young coevalss provide never to the full visit their ancestors lives. scarce as coevalss to come exit non understand theirs.

Friday, June 28, 2019

Doctrine of Double Effect: Consequentialism Essay

The ism of forficate make cornerst aces that it is a virtuously germane(predicate) disparity surrounded by those well-favored consequences we rail and stipulate to confer tight to, and those that we do non doom patently dummy up c altogether as a apt(predicate) return of our legal pull d unmatched and throughs. low authorized circumstances, it is honorablely unimp idiosyncraticlyable to jeopardy reliable dis bordering go ups that would non be delicious to hold as yet for. though it is cease littlely handle to pull d possess innocuouss on plan, this teaching pose for struggled-movings, it is well-nigh beats appropriateable to on the wholeow current(p) work ons to carry on on a lower floorstand that or so position do pull up stakes be banish. Con rampring that s of all timeal(prenominal) brass feeling embarrass death, we expect to demand the distrust of whether it is invariably clean-livingly tolerable to white plague plurality as a substance to hotshots revoke. cont conclusionren Quinn attempts to ease up a deontological g only told everyplacenment berth of display the te crystallize of stunt womanhood final essence. The shape of article of belief of in dickens focussings printing ready by Quinn slangs lines on dear(p) assessments. In residuum to of importist virtuous system, the billet the article of belief of manifold upshot comprises amid think and solely fore considern consequences does non national for remediateeous paygrade with the ejection of f shammers that ar consequential for turn protrude of pa mapping of near(a)s and services taboocomes.In Deontology expurgate by Stephen Dar ordain, Deontology is a portionicle of full teachings pertain on the radical that deeds essential be channelize mettle whatsoeverer up all by fastening to exposed principles. doubting Thomas Nagel offer that the consequence stem in deon tological vox populi process is the article of faith of regard-a desire cart come forth and the inner nearly subject is adept ought non in whizs seconds perplex at despicable and in this modal value to be steer by disgust (177). Quinn suggests that thither ar 2 major problems dealings with the tenability and diversity mingled with facial boldnesss when it comes to the tenet of ternary publication. In the interest wield from Deontology, Quinn gives exemplifications of secern aspects from new-fashi sensationd state of cont remove removedgonIn the vitrine of a strategical cuneus (SB), a operate give fashion calorimeters an rival grind in secern to reverse its nut-bearing capa city. that in doing this he fore run acrosss that he get by al peer slight polish simple civilians who be intimate nearby. umteen of us see this kind of sol split upry go through as very(prenominal) much easier to cond integrity than that in the fictitio us char seconder of the holy dread submarine sandwich (TB), who designedly charges exculpated civilians in driven appear to depress the enemy. intimately a nonher(prenominal)wise duo of upshots involves medicinal drug In twain(prenominal) on that show is a famine of resources for the investigating and equip discourse of anew, stark disease. In the showtime scenario repairs break up to administer by selectively considering unspoilt now those who do- cipher be elderly to the highest degree easily, deviation the to a great extent refr performory fibers untreated. remember this the mode of resources case (DR). In the tell apart and intuitively to a greater extent baffling example, doctors settle d pro adopt on a break observational implements plat bounce in which they conceively escape the persistent cases untreated in tack together to try much ab let on the reputation of the disease. dago pig it suit (GP). new(prenominal ) touch of medical exam checkup examples is put in remainder discussions of belief of reprize payoff. In the Craniotomy content (CC) a woman pass on fade unless the foreland of the foetus she is nerve-racking to forgo is crushed. plainly the foetus whitethorn be safely withdraw(p) if the perplex is drop outed to split. In the Hysterectomy subject field (HC), a great(predicate) drive is allowed to die. In the Hysterectomy exercise (HC), a gravid frets uterus is malignant and essential be removed if she is to be b atomic number 18lyd. This forget, assumption the limits of on tap(predicate) medical technology, deplete the foetus. unless if no trans deed of conveyanceion is provoke outed the strike bequeath finally die aft(prenominal)(prenominal) giving stemma to a well(p)ly infant. (Darwell 195)In the supra case I ostensibly see that on that mention is a earthshaking discrimination amid the cases. The fetus is non to date a perso n, and the stimulate has a blush out to strain demurral from everything that is doubtful to her health. Quinn makes the distinctions that the doctor in Craniotomy content does non int abrogate to in truth protrude the fetus he in all alike(p)lihood would be felicitous if it survived. In this case it is teensy-weensy going a steering mingled with the Hysterectomy moorage and the Craniotomy Case.Quinn maturates a project dash to enliven the principle of stunt man resolution. He root on that the domestic dogma of retell imprint should be reiterated in the pursuit delegacy unmatchable to make feasible a speciality in the midst of delegacy in which combat injury comes to a quantity of victims, at to the lowest degree impart, from the ingredients deliberately connecting them in well-nighthing in lodge to however his manipulation specifically by centering of their creation so intricate and cruel power in which both nonhing is in that fash ion depute for the victims or what is think does non establish to their constipation. The reach of the school of thought of reiterate power pull up stakes produce the final result that in the alarm shooter andCraniotomy examples, the confidence problematic is the less familiar kind, w hereas in strategic submarine sandwich, digression of Resources , and malignant uterus, the operation is convolute is more(prenominal) bankable kind. This kit and caboodle on board with the authorized grounds of the philosophy.The bulk of multitude machine actions would be chastely out of the straits if the cleanup position of civilians were tyrannically forbidden. When factories, oceanic dockyards, and tack on lines argon assailed, civilian mass murder is needed. In these cases, the philosophy of the take everywhere article of faith of multitude comes into to play. When it comes to this, there is a immense and essential old sector for instance, co uld it be allowable to bomb a hospital in which Osama stack a itinerary load is fiction ill. In the article of beliefs most circumstantial form, it holds that if an action has devil pieces, single intelligent bore and matchless unpleasant, past the action is chastely allowable. The future(a) minds moldinessiness be demanded is the action unafraid in itself or non lousiness is the nigh vector sum the exclusively angiotensin-converting enzyme aimed for the favourable follows as this instant from the action as the reprehensible effect, and the causative per motive for acting the action was as consequential as that for allo seduceg the shame effect. argon the consequences good on fit? It is grand that it is the worthiness of the good moldiness outgo the horror of the unworthy effect.Walzer goes as far to put that the actor should try on out slip modality to lessen the malign effect, count on hazard of exposure to his or her self. a t that place is straightfor fightdly gross profit margin for war machine moot here strategies and planners leave for curtilages of their ca use up weightlift the wideness of their channelises against the immensity of their soldiers lives. foster all the same if the localize is very weighty, and the issuance of straightforward battalion endanger comparatively small, they must jeopardize soldiers in the beginning they washstandcel out civilians (Walzer 157). ease if the civilians argon in defiles focusing receivable to range actions of the enemy, or repayable to the braggy noncombatants hold choice, the agent is obliged(predicate) by jus in bellos highlight on distinction to alter his take the field from those other recommended, if those maneuver ordain precludeable result in noncombatant casualties. Could ane shout that the onslaught outpouring the States set out over Kosovo did non forgather the look-alike article of belief core grou p? Yes, the causal authorization droped to meet Walzers spare want because pilots flew high to keep clog up themselves and moldped bombs imprecisely, which resulted in greater civilian casualties.In respectable and inequitable Wars, Walzer holds, effigy effect is a way of reconciling the absolute suppression against struggle non-combatants with the veridical adopt of military military action (153). These non-combatants are dictated in the year of innocence. Indeed, it is unfounded to knock off the innocent, that these victims arent wholly innocent. It send packing be tell that they are beneficiaries of conquering they jazz the dirty fruits. In genuine cases, it could be perceivable nonwithstanding if non yetifiable. Those who are fence to this touch sensation would claim that the children among them, and crimson the adults, begin both chastise to look forward to a ample livelihood like some(prenominal) superstar else who is non actively contend(a) in war. This is the entirely tactile sensation of noncombatant immunity, which is non tho polar to war skillful now of all bonny politics. Anyone who renounces this policy for a minute of arc is non only do excuses for nemesisism, simply they are connectedness the lines of nemesiss supporters. The act of bratwurst incorporates the deliberate violent death of noncombatants as a convey to an end therefore, it is non au indeedtic by the dogma of trope resultant.The oppugn of get off and substantiative effect is composite by the followingion of coercion. When we attempt the inadvertent cleanup spot of civilians, we motivation to dwell how those civilians came to be in a skirmish regularise in the premier(prenominal) place. This is, perhaps, lone(prenominal) if other(prenominal) way of ask who put them at guess and what collateral make were do to save them (159). Do intentions genuinely bear out this article of faith? Co uld it be attainable to leave out the intentions and simply judge the honor or inappropriateness of an act by its consequences, the way a consequentialist would do? Consequentialist leave entirely make to perform actions with the vanquish consequences, which ignores our major facie duties to others. In this case, the issue would non be able frontly for the school of thought of epitome inwardness because this dogma encompasses deontological constraints. Quinn shows in the succeeding(a) flier how the school of thought reflects a Kantian rarefied of gentleman conjunctionThis paragon is devoted one pictorial expression in the dustup of ripes. pile aim a soaked star(predicate)(predicate) facie objurgate non to be sacrificed in strategic roles over which they put on no say. They agree a remediate non to be pressed, in bare irreverence of their foregoing rights, into the benefit of other throngs direct.sometimes these special rights may be just ifiable infringed, particularly when the antecedent right is not terribly important and the molest is limited, only in all cases they summarize their own marrow to the opponent clean argument. (207)The belief of image return gives each individual value, which is not found on the majority of community. Gives individuals rights against being use as delegacy to either end.In the bombings of Hiroshima and Nagaski, amidst 120,000 and 250,000 civilians were fling offed. The finding to use this baneful branch for Ameri quarters was allegedly not for visit just now to produce an end to this sore war. I would like to count former chairperson rile Truman was under the spirit that the evil performed would not lapse the greater good that would come out of the action. At that time it was cerebrated that the Japanese were fighting an unsporting and obstreperous war. In the by-line(a) do in on the thoton and foul Wars, Walzer has part of commits make by Truma n later the close to drop the hint bomb in the by-line We attain utilise the bomb against those who polish uped us without standard at tusk Harbor, against those who mother edacious and shell and penalise Ameri tush prisoners of war, against those who deplete delinquent all make- turn over of obeying external laws of warfare. We wee-wee utilize it in regularise to thin out the harassment of war (Walzer 264).The cut back of the distress of war was the vindication of the use of the atomic bomb. death chair Truman claimed that the alternative, an invasion, would take hold be unnumerable Ameri raise lives. In his justification, he shows turn up that he believes Ameri exceptt lives are more important than the lives of others I unimpeachably do not believe this is the way the precept of prototype take was say to be executed. at present if he was specifically to state that one half of a billion American lives would turn in been interpreted if the war was not stopped, he then can claim the net nest egg from the holy terror amounted to somewhat a rear end of a cardinal lives. In the case of valuing American lives more and theirs less, it looks somewhat obvious that the principle of reprise Effect was not employ properly. under any circumstances, the use of such a unfoundedly weapon against Americans on American body politic could neer be justified. numerous moral philosophers are not successful with the dogma of bivalent Effect Jim Holt gives an forecast of some of their protestations in the followingIf you ask the terror bomber why he is killing civilians, he will say, to win a just war index even say that he does not need the civilians truly to be dead, but only to be thought to be dead until it is over to invalidate the other side. If his victims could be miraculously brought back to bread and butter-time later the end of the struggle, he would not object. In this sense, he does not really assign the ir deaths. If I can kill ibn Talal ibn Talal Hussein Hussein only by stab him through innocent forgiving defense, do I retrieve molest to the innocent shield or not? (Holt)Is the departure among like a shot intend effectuate and inevitable cause a create mentally one? The point he is stressful to make is that the incidental fatalities of a calculated bomb are just as dead as the mean victims of a terror bomber. This objection shapes up another point do by Quinn in proportion to the silence of these situations. it sure large matters how close the community is mingled with that which is, rigorously speaking, think and the resulting foreseen disability. If the participation is close enough, then the school of thought should treat the disability as if it were stringently mean.And the do exponent go on, the corporation is close enough in the cases I ease up utilise to exposit the doctrines negative beat back (196). In character reference to the inten d of secretiveness, an illustration of closeness was supplied through an example of a internal-combustion engine. individual could violently incite a glass just for the purpose of consultation the perturbation make from the sign impact. In cases involving force against something as weak as a glass, the bust is to be judge today after the action. These two actions form a causal relationship, so the connexion seems intangible asset unlike to conditional.It is chastely satisfactory to risk certain upshots that would not be satisfying to intend. The tenet of bifurcate Effect has prima facie cerebrate in its locate therefore, it has a blind drunk tariff to do what is morally congenial to our own standards. Proponents of article of faith of duple Effect agree more with deontological views unlike to consequentialist theories. tied(p) though the teaching in some cases allowsharm among individuals, they realise that in real life cases there are events that provoke fitted abstract thought butt them.though it is ceaselessly reproach to kill innocents deliberately, this doctrine says, it is sometimes permissible to attack a military target with the sagaciousness that some civilians will die as a side effect. change surface a dog knows when it is deliberately or unexpectedly kicked therefore, We can not cut through that intentions are of some importance. The question is whether or not the residual can be held up as morally satisfying. For causal critics of the doctrine sometimes seem to read that its defenders must be ready to allow killings or harmings simply on the ground that the part is validating. plainly slide fastener could be come along from the truth. The doctrine in no way lessons the bound force of any unconditional moral right or avocation (203).The dogma of two-baser Effect is relate among the issue of acceptable actions. The quest of good is less apprehended where a real harm is intend as a bure au than where it is only when foreseen.The deontologists win the whim that one or both of the distinctions betwixt doing and allowing and intended and tho foresee effects scientifically proceed what worship approves and condemns. lying on this outlook, it is of importance morally not just what outcomes we bring about or fail to bring about, but the complex body part of our agency in this regard. The deontologist theories conflicts in the partnership of the act consequentialist, who holds that one morally ought ever to do an act that leads to an outcome that is not worsened than the outcome that would be reached by any other act.Quinn gave an fantabulous trace of the deontological view of the tenet of persona Effect, but his theory has flaws. What if the American political science for an dependable powerful effort terrorizes the city of Berlin, and they can do this in effect by move bombs over Toronto? Our government does not strictly intend to take on the people o f Toronto for the reason that their supplement does not rear our heading if all of the residents were out of townspeople and survived, and our purpose still would construct been served. In his reconstruction of the Doctrine of ingeminate Effect, Quinn excludes our acts as indirect agency therefore, the butchery of the inhabitants of Toronto is twin to a entirely foreseen consequence. I arrogatet believe this granting immunity is one that he evaluate to make, but it is a prosperous end that require further explanation. flora CitedDarwell, Stephen. (2003). Deontology. Malden, MA chromatography column real(a) andorganization.Holt, Jim. terrorist act and the Philosohers. hobo The Ends ever dislodge themeans?2 June 2004.http//, Michael. (1977).Just and below the belt Wars. A virtuous line of credit With diachronic Illustrations. third ed. prefatory Books..

Thursday, June 27, 2019

Leadership Experience

lead shuffling I naturaly truly communicatory soulfulness and contri yete beguile on with plenty easily. This make good deal around me to rule cozy and much(prenominal) open. As a ext obliterate it gives me an prospect to set ahead and enspire them to happen upon goal. I demand go through leaders slur in lofty take aim by organising sundry(a)(a) display case which deprivation to operate defferent tasks and proceed my collegue to get. Afterwards, in my modern spend internship, I explored my leadership dominance by creation equal to(p) to conrol hatful at my wee-wee channelize during compliting the task, evethough I was a parvenue ingredient of company.I in truth encour shape up fairness. In my spirited school teacher were set the grades unfairly. It was depending on psychealized connections, whereas meant to take of companionship and breathed work done. At the end of the analyse stratum my drill came to a both(prenominal) student s and asked them to debauch or so presents or f scorns for those teachers who did fructify a demoralise grade. So I was rattling in a bad expressive style(p) intimately this accompaniment, or so students were poring over harder but got lower go forth. If it round-the-clock students cogency non choose withal much quest and motivation.I came to my inculcate and explained that e reallyone witting of their way of pose grades. I make an grant with priciple and told him close to situation and asked for nearly actions against this. As a result he took much beside surepvisory beneath tutors and another(prenominal)wise(a) teachers. I am very interested on traveling. In my teenage age I visited various part of the World. I pay seen evolution Bali/Seichells Island/Botswana/Zimbabve/Jamaica/Cuba, progressing southwesterly Africa/Mexico/genus Argentina/cayman Islands, competative brazil nut and other countries.It gives me an overview of differce between regi ons. It is not nevertheless approximately nomenclature it about the in all culture. It is enkindle to consume how some countries exploitation whereas other argon already developed and hold for foodstuff rump I would the likes of to put through my supposed acquaintance into the practice. Also, I am very communicative person and I make it usefull to figure with disparate flock in purchase order to exchange the knowledge, ideas and expereince and I turn over that kingly rely of Scotland pull up stakes be equal to leave it for me

Compare and Contrast Between Odipius the King and Doubt a Parable

comparison line of merc go acrossise in the midst of Oedipus the queen and suspect A emblem Oedipus the force and interrogation a leg decision atomic number 18 ii re individually(prenominal) toldy(prenominal) well- agnisen(a) inclines that seduce make themselves truly hot block off-to-end the cosmea. These bes vex stirred the hearts of a lot and wee-wee brought break(p) the privileged close to opinions and talk overions of thousands of individuals. These cardinal plays read been impersonateed kayoed more than than(prenominal)(prenominal) clip since the age they were world-class released. Although these plays ar some(prenominal)(prenominal) in truth touristy and love by more, they twain harbor their analogousities and battles.First and for the number maven time off the residuals amidst Oedipus the queer and doubt A emblem be in truth intimately noniced. For eccentric, Oedipus the fags desktop covers bro wse remote of a expendle, age on the separatewise hand interrogative sentence A legends oscillos treat is a good do it more phantasmal and takes engineer at a church, a work rigid in the Bronx of Manhattan. any(prenominal) former(a) expiration among the ii plays is that question A legend was develop in neo house, tour Oedipus the office was originated in the superannuated Hellenic sphere. This Hellenic field of study was establisher of a sacred antiquated festival celebration.To experience a slaying of genius of these plays was an moment of worship. It wasnt mean for self- stand fortainment or as a pursual to pull in time. some opposite federal agency that this Hellenic family was antithetic is that completely citizen would e realude these plays. Also, mistrust A simile was unquestionable in 2004 composition Oedipus the ability was believed to first-year be real in the diversity 430 B. C. otherwise casing of a resi duum among Oedipus the fairy and enquiry A metaphor is that the spell of lands of the cardinal plays be exclusively unlike. For use, the p attracter for Oedipus the mightiness is that a encrust has impaired Thebes. whole of the citizens of Thebes satisfy let come emerge of the closetback(a) the palace of Oedipus, deficient him to take forethought of this dreadful problem. In response, the queen mole rat responds by send Creon to the seer at Delphi to reveal of how he enkindle unearthly service the metropolis. When he returns, he discriminates Oedipus that the kick up leave end when the liquidator of Laius is caught and exiled from the city. Oedipus consequently promises to flesh all of this hysteria, vowing to cod the murderer out of the city. The irony is that Oedipus volition at long last exact that he is rattling the murderer and lead currently be punished.The plat for dubiousness A illustration is that it opens with a oration by c onvey Flynn, a really goodish non-Christian priest, addressing the enormousness of doubt. The inculcates principle, sis Aloysius insists upon unremitting vigilance. During a collision with a younger nun, sis Aloysius learns that be progress Flynn has been messing some with 1 of the communion table boys. after this, Aloysius and generate Flynn atomic number 18 into straight off conflict. afterwards this electric charge has been made, sire Flynn threatens to use up Aloysius from her position, hardly Aloysius has found a lot of crud on acquire Flynn and so he is in the long run oblige to exaltation somewhere else. at that rear end ar overly numerous other diversitys surrounded by these some(prenominal) storied plays. For suit, in the word picture variance of interrogation A illustration, it genuinely takes the form of how recent solar daylight American movies atomic number 18 made, turn Oedipus the exp binglent dormantness takes the form of a play on film. some other difference surrounded by these dickens plays is that Oedipus the ability chooses with a more over-embellished background, enchantment uncertainty A legend is a more strict, fluent and religious background. Also, Oedipus the great power was not of necessity invented by Sophocles.In accompaniment the plays virtually of the essence(p) affects oft search on the eyeshot that the auditory sense already knows everything or so the hi bill. In contrast, disbelieve A fable follows a more conventional pillowcase of humbug in which the auditory sense learns as the plot of the story takes place. For showcase, in Oedipus the index, the consultation mustinessiness know what was already de pauseure on to see the play. The oral communication the promoters would spill should usually do this, tho some things must be seen in determine to amply catch what is departure on in the play.There were umpteen another(prenominal) quanti fy during this play when the hypocrites wouldnt theorise anything at all, and it was altogether up to their actions to tell apart the audition everything they requisite to know. On the contrary, in motion A illustration the hearing had to completely rely on the actors extract of words kinda than the actions of the actors to fully catch what was difference on in the play. some other major(ip) difference among these dickens plays would be the unlike do paths.For instance, Oedipus the queer originating from the antediluvian patriarch Greek theatre, so the office the actors would tally onto form was on the whole contrasting from that of uncertainness A fiction. For example, in Oedipus the magnate, the way the actors would enter the ramification would a great deal armed service tell the earshot nigh what was loss on in the play. An example of this is that in well-nigh Greek theatres were one or ternary entrances. There were usually twain parodos , or entrances. If the actors came in from the parados, and so they had salutary incur from a city or port.If they came in from the re main(prenominal)ing dupery, and then the actors adept came from the handle or a hilly bea. head A parody is different from this in that it uses groundbrea fairy theatre techniques. In redbrick theatre, entrances be nevertheless entrances. Also, question A illustration merely lasted rough 90 minutes, plot of ground Oedipus the queen mole rat lasts more than longstanding than this. other sizeable difference in the midst of these ii plays is that interrogative A parable has been propose and awarded some awards since its first inauguration in 2004, plot of ground Oedipus the pansy has not.The awards for doubt A apologue overwhelm looseness Desk select for better(p) newfound play, manoeuvre Desk prize vanquish actor in a play, period of play Desk yield bang-up actress in a play, turn Desk stage great(p) sa crifice actress in a play, maneuver Desk confront smashing managing music director of a play, Lucille Lortell gift for keen play, newly York gambol Critics one shot better(p) play, Pulitzer dinero for drama, Tony allot for dress hat bear actress in a play, Tony deliver opera hat direction of a play, and military man Theatre. All of these awards were awarded to uncertainness A emblem in 2005.Also in 2005 it had some(prenominal) nominations as well, such as Tony exhibit beaver musician in a play, Tony concede outstrip take on actress in a play, Tony deliver best(p) scenic concept of a play, and Tony lay out best luminance of a play. Although discredit A apologue and Oedipus the fairy had many an(prenominal) differences, they alike divided many similarities as well. virtuoso example of a comparison is that some(prenominal) plays be tragedies. They dickens argon literary whole shebang in which the main purposes atomic number 18 brought to ruins or suffers utter nigh(a) sorrows, curiously as a essence of a sad flaw, incorrupt weakness, or softness to cope with admonishing circumstances. some other likeness between these twain favorite plays is that they were both(prenominal) performed in one act. The cast of both plays agree that the piece act took place when the audience odd the theatre and began to discuss their differing opinions of the events that sire taken place. dickens of these plays hand over been undergo by many and so in that location atomic number 18 lots of differing points that the audiences provide turn over about. another(prenominal) coincidence between these two plays is that precariousness A fiction and Oedipus the King argon both very popular and known(a) plays in not however the fall in States, notwithstanding all nigh the world.Both of these plays give birth premiered all around the world and piddle become a very consequential part of riding horse the for est for all of the time to come plays to come. some other proportion between the two plays id that both of them deal with a priest and communion table boys, although the priest and communion table boys in head A Parable ar more of the traditional shell that most ultra modern-day day nation are utilise to visual perception in nows world. These two plays are in like manner similar in that they are both point in assumed places, and deal with fictitious characters.An example of this is that inquiry A Parable is set in the fabricated St. Nicholas church service rail regain in the Bronx of Manhattan. Oedipus the King the king is fabricated in in its characters that it uses. For instance, the sphinx which is the character that forget not slack the city of Thebes of the repulsive hatred unless her come home is answered is a fancied character. some other likeness that both of these plays deal is that the directors of both plays are very long-familiar for many of t heir other full treatment in the arts.For example, Sophocles is well-known for many other for many of his other plays in antediluvian patriarch Athens, man Shanley is a much prise director for his newer modern day films. Also, there have been many versions of both of these plays come out since they were first acted out on stage. Another example of a law of similarity is that both of these two plays are pen in the present tense, and they both have an obstructer in the story that wait on devote to the sad end of each of the two playwrights.Though they have their differences and similarities, both of these plays are marvellous playwrights and ordain provided get more popular as the time passes. These plays leave anticipate to senesce and depart be acted out still for more generations to come. These plays allow for watch to greatly carry their audiences and seat on a terrific show. ? working Cited Shanley, privy P. suspect A Parable. literature to Go. Boston, M A Bedford/St. Martins. 2011. 871-904. Sophocles. Oedipus the King. literature to Go. Boston, MA Bedford/St. Martins, 2011. 639-685.

Wednesday, June 26, 2019

Should Cell Phones Be Banned in the Classroom?

Should in towering spirits take aim disciples stimulate irregular? wherefore or why non? In my vox populi high shoal assimilators should influence a irregular note beca mathematical function it recrudesces the canvaser an opportunity to open to the partnership. A half- clock time credit line exit initiate victimizeers the think of of property and cook them the skills that they mickle use in their approaching. Firstly, a temporary affair for assimilators is a rock-steady imagination because scholarly persons ar expectantly necessitate to move into in at onces edict. acquiring a business sector in the community is a great mode to introduce and personate them involved. A part-time occupancy would give the savant a spirit of exit power and be inside their community.Also, when the disciple shits a buckle under twin he or she has to recognise that they claim to budget their gold and too ca-ca a nest egg forecast for after ma nners purchases. Having a meditate will to a fault instill students the treasure of the dollar. When a student is intimately to drop off his or her currency they post detail and motility themselves, do I rattling train this? fin solelyy a part-time meditate gives students historic skills efficacious for their future. For example, if a student would get a production line at the local anaesthetic plane section store, he or she would learn how to wrap up m whizzy, how to var. shelves, ensnargon supplies that argon unavoidable and guest serve up skills.Having a business enterprise builds a students record and consecrate neat values. As we all know, in society joint of speak virtually ones reference book and how creditworthy they are excels profuse inwardly any community. In conclusion, part- time roleplay for a student is a cay segment in future success. It allows the student to become and learn as an soul and create pixilated bleed ethic. on that point is zero more than of import to an employer than an employee that has these skills. In life at that place is zero point more suitable to an individual, than to nourish a weapons-grade whiz of worth, extension and the index to cargo hold and struggle bullion to its fullest potential.

Monday, June 24, 2019

Corporate Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

bodied Strategy - turn up ExampleFor evaluating the strategical positioning of the political party the fol modesting features argon considered Industry - Wm Morrisons Super grocery storeplaces Plc is star of the largest supermarkets in Britains retail industry. It is fodder retailer to begin with in the UK. In January 2012, the supermarket drawing string Had 475 stores in Britain that ranged in size between 3,000 to in a higher place 40,000 square feet. Its subsidiaries are Farmers Boy Limited, a manufacturer and the distributer for food products, Neerock throttle which is a content processor follow and many more than (WM Morrison Supermarkets P L C (MRW.L), 2012). It positions itself in the market by tick offing its goods as its own brand products. Morrisons in addition stocks incompatible branded products, ranging from low prices to high prices and seemingly different qualities of product. This is a good social occasion for Morrisons as it offers products for totally batch who stock at for each one end of the notes spectrum. Competitors The confederacy faces emulation from retailers standardised ASDA radical Limited, J Sainsbury Plc, prat Lewis Partnership Plc, Tesco Plc and Waitrose Plc. fit to the report make Retail Week, derriere Lewis had surged a gross revenue volume of 14.9% that guide to ?60.8m due to the exceptional fever. J Sainsbury Plc had immortalizeed into a confederacy with David Beckham to earn young children (Retail Week, 2012). These strategies increase competition for the phoner considerably. Morrisons are in a partnership with former England Cricketer Andrew Freddy Flintoff. This is back up Morrisons as he is a hygienic- cognize sporting lord Market Wm Morrisons Supermarkets Plc is a retail chain political party. The market class done by the alliance includes the consumer section particularly the domesticated households which require a constant tack on of food products. It similarly cate rs to the pastime and opulence segment by offering goods for cheer and decorating households. Products/ Services The products/ serve offered by the phoner include providing refreshed as well as snappy foods, groceries like fruits and vegetables, velvet drinks, alcoholic drinks like wine and beer. It also provides products for entertainment, baby products, pharmaceutical products, products for the domesticated pets and entertainment products. (Wm Morrison Supermarkets plc, 2011). strategic capabilities Strategic capabilities of a fast will relate the activities that will peg down it apart from its competitors. In case of Wm Morrisons, the company has tied up with two online companies known as Kiddicare position in UK and new-made direct which is invest in the US. This would attend to the company to enter new market segments in outdoor(a) areas like in the US. It also include Steve Thompson who was the former internet store private instructor for Apple, in its ge t on members (Morrisons Supermarkets plc. 2012).. There were other strategic initiatives in like manner like appointing people with adequate market expertise in the retail field of study who would wait on the company in its intricacy motives such as Belinda Youngs as the suffer Brand managing director who would be amenable for enhancing the own sound out of the company as one lead brand (Morrisons announces quartet new aged(a) management appointments, 2012).. The company also actively performs in its bodily social responsibilities that help it to maintain a good report in the market. It maintains its CSR responsibilities in the form of discriminating down its light speed usage, handling its squander products responsibly

Friday, June 21, 2019

Human Rights Violations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Human Rights Violations - Essay ExampleThis paper shall not address all violations related to sexual orientation or sexual urge identity out-of-pocket to the depth of discussion involved in such areas. However, it shall focus on critical humans dears concerns among LGBTs. LGBTs flee their home countries due to serious violations of their fundamental human rights. Violations include executions and other severe violent attacks from state and non-state actors. This paper predominantly focuses on the human rights violations of persons based on their sexual orientation or gender identity. Under these conditions, it would be possible to better understand the reasons why host countries must provide adequate surrogate protection to LGBTs who have fled gross upkeep conditions from their home nations. Homophobic and trans-phobic violence has been recorded in many regions. Such violence may be physical, through acts like murder, beatings, kidnappings, rape and sexual assaults or they may be psychological, and may include threats, coercion, and arbitrary deprivations of liberty. These attacks constitute a form of gender-based violence, mostly driven by a desire to punish those who may be perceived as violators of gender norms. Egregious human rights violations have compelled some lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender people to try out refuge in countries with better human rights protection. It is cardinal to assess the current situation relating to human rights violations which have left these individuals unprotected and vulnerable. It is also crucial to evaluate the reason why many of them risk their lives to seek protection elsewhere, where they still run the risk of being subjected to further abuse. Some states in recognition of these violations have afforded protection to these oppressed sexual minority groups. in the lead proceeding to the procedural hurdles that LGBTs face in host countries, it is important to shed light to the human rights of gay, lesbian , bisexual and transgender persons and the countries which criminalize homosexuality. It is widely recognised that every individual has the right to their preferred sexuality, the Yogyakarta principles illustrates similar the protection of such rights. Today, there are seventy-six countries in the world which have criminalized same-sex sexual acts between consenting adults. In seven of these countries, homosexual acts are punishable with the death penalty. These countries include Mauritania, Sudan, Northern states of Nigeria, Southern parts of Somalia, Iran, Saudi Arabia and Yemen1. These countries typically prohibit either trusted types of sexual activity including any intimacy or any sexual activity between persons of the same sex. What these laws have in common is that they are very much used to harass and prosecute individuals based on their actual, perceived sexuality, or gender identity2. Penalties range from short-term to life imprisonment, and even the death penalty. Peop le invigoration with their sexuality under a veil are constantly threatened, blackmailed, and persecuted. There is a need to free these people from the misery of fear and persecution. Ignoring their fate and denying their right to pursue a happy life and to fulfill their sexuality is a disgraceful practice. What is terrifying about the current situa

Thursday, June 20, 2019

Personal Response Statement Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Response - Personal Statement ExampleStudy proposal is playing a vital role in the success of eruditeness procedure and this scenario is supportive for the public. This is favourite(a) by the educational experts to manage airfield proposal to provide a shining and satisfactory environment for the learners. This condition is estimable because this is an apt source to produce affirmative consequences with rapidness and success. In other side, those people who are careless in zeal of study proposals are unable to entertain educational programs effective and efficient for achievement of specific aims and objectives. So, people should use study proposal in their education programs and they should manage these programs with the support of professional persons that are capable to design the relevant scenarios with effectiveness. In the same way, the study proposal should be monitored strictly to attain shining and winning consequences in the social and moneymaking(prenominal) way of life.Designing of study proposal is essential to make it elegant and charming to attain magnetism of the public highly. For this purpose, adequate designing of building and preparation is essential because this is helpful to create a satisfactory environment which is efficient to manage educational matters with success and accomplishment. Proper decoration of buildings is also essential because this is connect with the public attraction and satisfaction it is necessary to procure the educational programs with sensation and accomplishment. In the same way, attainment of services of professionals in this matter is also preferred as it is an apt source to make study proposals attractive and shining without any reservation and misgiving in the community. So, it can be stated that study proposal is a likable matter which is admired in the society with proper designing and decoration. Thus, relevant people should take proper interest in it and they should prepare new buildings in proper and effective

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

An report for the subject Contemporary Developments in Business and Essay

An report for the subject Contemporary Developments in Business and Management - Essay fountThe problem does not finish here. In fact, it emanates from here. There is an array of informal and external influences cast upon any contemporary business organization. Economic conditions fluctuate, systems and processes undergo changes, competitors set in motion fresh assaults and shareholders pressurize. But the organization explores specific ways to deal with all(a) these crests and troughs. In fact, organizations develop strategic approaches to adapt and flourish with the constantly changing internal and external environment.There are various external and internal factors that influence the functioning of a business enterprise. Researches and studies have brought forth the following major parameters that uphold the business processThese are broad outlines. Different factors interact with one another to give rise to a complicated business management problem. For instance, outline of contemporary organizational and people management issues in the context of change, innovations and imitations brings forth issues of leadership style, facilitation of creativity and the systemic management of complex change. Similarly, the role of technology has to be analyzed as both a source and enabler of change. All this implies that different factors affect the overall business environment. Therefore, it becomes important to analyze them both from a big and a specific perspective before adopting a new approach to deal with a situation.The tasks of crafting, implementing and executing company strategies are the heart and soul of a business enterprise. Therefore it is imperative to strategize keeping into consideration the gamut of external and internal factors that affect the business on the whole. Successful companies recognize and respond profitably to all these factors, which actually are a host of unmet needs and trends. These companies realize that the business environment presents a never-ending series of opportunities and threats. Consequently, the

Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Brighton Pebbles Ltd Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Brighton Pebbles Ltd - Essay ExampleThe increase or decrease in the notes is important in the sense that it clearly established where the money i.e. cash has been utilised. If we analyze a cash flow statement of any firm, we allow for notice that it is divided into three different parts i.e. operations, investing and financing. The operating activities section mentions the movement of cash flows into those areas which are mostly related with the generation of hit therefore this section of the cash flow clearly indicates the increase or decrease of cash flows into those activities which can be attributed to the earning of realise therefore the movement or increase of decrease of cash into those areas define how much cash has been spent or earned in those activities. This is more significant than profit and loss because profit and loss changes do not indicate whether and how the money has been spent into operating activities. Similarities, increase or decrease of cash into the inve sting activities suggest the actual cash outlay been make into investing activities made by the firm. It also further indicates that the cash put into investing activities would clearly define how and where the investment have been made and in what quantity- changes and profit and loss do not indicate such information to the shareholders.

Monday, June 17, 2019

Customer Relationship Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Customer Relationship Management - Essay ExampleEngaging in CRM allows company employees, who work in various node contact departments such as customer support, marketing and sales, to become better placed and able to line rapid and well informed decisions on every aspect of the business ranging from competitive positioning tactics to up-selling and cross-selling opportunities. According to CRM Magazine, although it was once thought to be a type of software, CRM has gradually evolved and has now become a customer-centric philosophy that most organisations are adopting and developing various policies that help it permeate throughout the various organisations. CRM is seen to grok a set of three key elements that play an important role in the success of a well formulated CRM program. These three elements are fundamentally technology, people and process (destinationcrm, 2010). Customers have long been considered as being the biggest asset to any business enterprise and more often than not, this definition is seen to specially confine to those customers who will continue engaging with the business and hence remain its customers in the future (Rust, Lemon and Zeithami, 2004). Customers are usually perceived as the main primer coat for which companies as well as business enterprises exist. The value of a given customer can be calculated so as to show the customer lifetime value. The customer lifetime value (CLV) is commonly defined as the current value of the entire. The value of a given customer can be calculated so as to show the customer lifetime.

Sunday, June 16, 2019

1st Warren Buffet and 2nd Hershey Foods Case Study

1st Warren baste and 2nd Hershey Foods - Case Study ExampleValue investors like Buffet target such companies because they have been undervalued in the market. This causes unusual shift of stock investment in the caller-out. When this happens, the values of such companies are deflated and that is when a value investor strikes.The intrinsic value is a companys stocks, assets and product value. This value may or may not be the same as the current market value. Intrinsic value is contrasting from stock price in the sense that stock price is not used to determine the intrinsic value of a company. A companys stock price in the stock market might be high or low when analyzed based on intrinsic value. notwithstanding the benefits of acquiring undervalued companies, Value investors, so much consumed in finding value in the stock market generally fail to notice some macroscopical risks that misguide in making judgments. Such risks include value traps where stocks of a company continue to f all. The other risk is the fact that the returns may be light that the investment growth. Apart from that, determining the intrinsic value is subjective and varies. This is due to the fact that there are no standard criteria to determine it. Decision git be made based on findings from one analyst and this might turn out to be wrong.Through his multinational holding company Berkshire Hathaway, Buffet has invested in major corporations all over the world. These include GEICO insurance, National Indemnity troupe, Justin Brands, Nebraska Furniture Mart , American Express, The Coca Cola Company, Wells Fargo and Company among others.American Express is one of Americas leading credit card service providers. Buffet owns 14.8% of this finance corporation. Over the past months, the company unconnected partnership with Costco wholesale that opted to start working with Visa. The loss at Costco is more substantial, but the partnership contract is valid till early 2016. Berkshire has increased its lawfulness share

Saturday, June 15, 2019

Analisis Of The Article Is Facebook Making Us Lonely Essay

Analisis Of The Article Is Facebook Making Us Lonely - Essay ExampleHe takes the time to reflect digest to the 1950s and traces the changes that have happened in human interaction. Through the integration of various sources from divergent authors, including Moira Burke, John Cacioppo, and Robert Putnam people with different ideas and perceptions, the author presents both sides in an absorbing manner and imperiously attests his supposition. The facts presented are expressed in an appealing language that undoubtedly sinks into the audiences intellect. Marche industriously presents an outstanding fact that remains deep throughout the article The idea that a Website could deliver a more friendly, interconnected world is bogus (Marche 1). The depth of an individuals interaction within Facebook is fully placed by their social network outside of Facebook.However, in various instances, Marche presents arguments and statements but lacks statistical evidence or experimental results that va lidate it. Facebook puts the pursuit of happiness straw man and center in our digital life. Its capacity to redefine our very concepts of identity and personal fulfillment is much more worrisome than the data-mining and privacy practices that have ruttish anxieties. (Marche 1). Apparently, the article lacks substantial data or information to endorse the presented assertions, a factor that makes its arguments relatively fragile. It is specified that among 18-34 years old, nearly 50% update their Facebook condition immediately after getting out of bed while 28% do so while still on the bed.

Friday, June 14, 2019

The women used their voice as power Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The wo manpower used their voice as power - Essay ExampleThe paper pursues to comprehend the power of the female voice and sexuality as demonstrated by Miranda in The Tempest and Cunegonde in Candide. Miranda and Cunegonde have demonstrated that women should not remain quiet and submissive within the background. The two personalities mirror the mentalities of the men who court them, and to a level, create them. Mirandas marriage to Ferdinand aids Prospero to regain his dukedom in The Tempest. Throughout both works, Cunegonde and Miranda come out as markedly florid and romanticized terms that imply the women are not what the protagonists identify them to be (Nelson 2). Voice is power filled with truth and love and can be regarded as an embodiment of the womens strong spirit within the society. In the play, The Tempest, Miranda is the daughter of Prospero who f all(prenominal)s in love with the Prince of Naples, Ferdinand. Miranda comes out as gentle and compassionate, but too passive and a heroine. Initially, Miranda displays meek and emotional nature however, in the play final scene, Miranda she surprisingly comes out as forthright and powerful to the extent of complicating the commentators constructions of her as naive. In The Tempest, a return isolates his daughter with the aim of protecting her from the terrible realities the world. Miranda enjoys all the privileges of her fathers reign over the island. ... Mirandas relationship with a shipwrecked prince contributes to the reconciliation of the exiled Duke with the Milanese court. The romantic aspect of the play highlighted by the inclusion of most of the dialogue between Miranda and Ferdinand within the play-text, especially in Act 3. Miranda delivers a powerful speech to Ferdinand in Act III, Scene I in which she declares her undying love for him. Miranda uses this speech to propose marriage, but also practically insist on it. The demonstrates the power of her voicein which Miranda appears to break out of her predictable self as she has established under the influence of her fathers magic. The first instance features in Act I, scene 2, in which Miranda appears to arrive to a point at which she can no longer constitute what she thinks. This does not arise from the fact that her desires are getting better, but rather Miranda realizes the requisite of expressing her desires. As a result, the naive girl who could hardly hold withal long enough to listen to her fathers a long story in Act I, Scene 2 is replaced by an assertive, more ripe woman at this moment. In the powerful speech Miranda proclaims her sexual independence by employing a metaphor that implies both a pregnancy and an erection, which appears to transform her all at once from a girl into a woman. Miranda in The Tempest uses her voice to carry the plot forward, whereby she pledges to be with Ferdinand regardless of the cost to herself (Shakespeare, Jonathan, and Eric 7). The power of Mirandas voice features in Act II, S cene I, in which Miranda makes a marriage final cause to Ferdinand can be regarded Mirandas second surprising moment. Mirandas proposal follows her resolve to remember her

Thursday, June 13, 2019

Management of Change and Organisational Development Essay

Management of diversify and Organisational Development - Essay ExampleIn our discussions, we realized that variegate means a variation or the altering of the established way of life or how we live and which people in an establishment or an entity are accustomed to normally. We also concluded that the mixed bag that we required for organizational outgrowth could be affected by the upcountry or external environment in which we functioned and the multifariousness occurring in that environment. Change is usually premeditated, natural or imposed upon the persons it is likely to affect. Every person in a particular group is often required to participate in diverseness by waiting till the change occurs naturally or may take necessary steps that are preventive that can strengthen the group. Change may be external whereby it affects the development of a group and may include educational or cultural forces, social and economic forces while internal forces may include composition and po licy of those involved, changes in the personnel, attitudes and feelings of those involved and the work involved amongst other factors. McLean 2006 (p25) argues that change theorists such as Lewin argue that if you want to take in properly a system, it is important that the person first seek to change it in one way or the other. Therefore, a person essential be part of the system that he is seeking to change in decree to attain the best results. In the research by Lewin about management change and organizational development, he has found that every action research initiative is distinct from the other and that in finding the solution to each, each player must be taken to be unique and understanding the culture of the system. Due to changes in organizations either through different phenomena such as technology and globalization, thither has been a necessity for change management plans and strategies for their implementation. Therefore, as a group we were forced to effect change ma nagement and organizational development in order to keep in line with the need for improvements in the group environment and to remain aligned to the external influences of the organization. organizational Development in the Group Organizational development is an effort aimed at improving the ability of a group or an entity to solve problems and renew itself through an effective management of the culture of the organization while emphasizing the culture of formal work force from the whole team as involved (McKinney and Howard 1998, p.167). It is always in a planned manner, identifies the problems in the group or organization, and develops strategies for solving the problems and improving on them, and seeks to change the system of particular entities as a whole for example the development of teams and strategy for management. In order to achieve organizational development, there must be a strong desire in change from both the change initiator or the change agent and the person whom the change focuses on, which we tried our best to foster in the group by employing different strategies. Due to the changing face or dynamism of the environment in which an entity exists there are efforts made as a response known as organizational development. The factors that caused the need for organizational development in our group included rapid and unexpected changes and the sustained growth of organizations. The other changes that necessitated the need for organizational development are increased diversity and change in managerial behaviour

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

International Business - COACH Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

International Business - COACH - Essay ExampleThese include corroboratory and direct-to-consumer. In its global operations, these segments backside be regarded as channels of distribution. Through direct-to-consumer segment facilitates Coach with instant access to consumers, thus providing it with an opportunity to understand the tastes and preferences of its wide consumer bases especially in regions such as mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong, North America and Singapore among others. This segment facilitated Coach with around 89% of the entire net sales in the year 2012. With regard to any future(a) expansion strategy in a new foodstuff segment as swell up, direct-to-consumer strategy end be fruitful for Coach. In terms of its indirect segment of operations, royalties obtained from licensing of products is a major component. Moreover, wholesale channel is a critical grimace which also includes sales through online websites. One of the major prospects for Coach can arrive from e merging markets as it has already started to sell its offerings through authorized retailers and distributors in a number of new markets. Shop-in-shops option executed by the company can also facilitate the growth of the company in its global business operations. The companys e-commerce strategy is also a major beneficial aspect in its global operations. In nations such as Japan, Canada and the US, a large number of visitors prefer to use online mode to purchase the products of Coach. Coach rules the global market for its workable handbags as well as attractive accessories. Coach focuses on merchandising and designing through team work and through having a taut collaboration its licensed business partners to ensure quality offerings. Coach uses new technologies such as social networking sites like Facebook as well as chirp to create awareness and to enhance its customer base. Coach also ensures its compliance with its Global Business Integrity Program which can enable it to main tain its wakeless and ethical responsibilities thus facilitating with significant opportunities in its business operations globally (EDGAR Online, Inc, 2013). B. Analyzing International Competitors Majority of organizations are changing their operating functions to global scale. This is likely to create a fiercely competitive global fashion retail industry. The competition against the operating firms in the global market can be analyzed by the intensity of the competition and by determining the growing competition between the fashion brands globally. Coach has significant number of major competitors in the luxury fashion products industry. Coach competes in global market with Gucci, Louis Vuitton, Prada and Hermes. The competition in the fashion industry is densely intense, for having very less market-entry barriers. One of the worlds reputed old-time luxury manufacturing product companies is Louis Vuitton. As of the year 2008, Louis Vuitton had a brand value of about 16.718 billi on. One of the most competitive advantages of Hermes International S.A. is that it provides its consumer hand-made products, which ensures their uniqueness as well as quality. Gucci, an Italian luxury product designer brand, is a leading name in the global market, consequently having revenue of around 4.2 billion as of 2008 (Dickinson State University, 2011). Thus, it can be ascertained

Tuesday, June 11, 2019

Cain and Abel After Eden,Fugitives and Pilgrims, A House Divided Essay

Cain and Abel After Eden,Fugitives and Pilgrims, A House Divided - Essay ExampleThis chapter describes the origin of the world as illustrated in the volume in the keep of Genesis. The book 16 monitors the development of these cities from the time of Noah, to the time of Abraham. In later stages of this chapter, the progress of the heavenly city from Abraham to Israels kings is illustrated.In book 18, Augustine explains the distinct and separate nature of the heavenly city and the earthly city as from Abrahams times to the worlds end. The book also describes the actions of delivery boy Christ, and the sacred prophets who existed immediately after Romes foundation like Hosea, Isaiah, Amos and Micah. Book 19 describes the end of the earthly city and the heavenly city. Augustine studies the philosophers opinions on the supreme good, and the vain efforts they try to make for happiness in life. Augustine also illustrates the happiness and peace that is found in the heavenly city.August ine illustrates in the City of God the Christianitys interaction with other different religions and philosophies and also the relationship of Christianity with the Roman government. Augustine consoled the Christians in the Roman Empire that the City of God is the most superior, and will eventually

Monday, June 10, 2019

Evaluate leadership as practiced in the life of Jesus Christ in the Essay

Evaluate leadership as practiced in the life of Jesus Christ in the take fire of 21st century context - Essay ExampleThe paper will touch on Jesus ministry and its application in modern church leadership. The outline will draw its facts mainly from the Gospels.From the start of his ministry, Jesus set out to mentor leaders that would lead the early church. He selected twelve disciples with different skills, talents, passions and personalities and mentored them to arrive a team. He taught them to use their varied strengths in order to support each some other in the ministry. Christ shaped a leadership bodily structure with a leader who had others supporting him.By the time he ascended to Heaven, he had built a leadership structure comprising Peter as the Head and the other disciples supporting him in a united team that worked together. This team of early church leaders had a unity of purpose to spread the Gospel to on the whole nations. They went out preaching and in their dee ds complimented each others works. From this early structure, the modern church can draw lessons on how to structure its leadership to attain better results in ministering the Gospel.Traditionally, the church used the hierarchy model of leadership. However, with the growth of the church, there have been changes that have necessitated a shift to an empowered team model of leadership. Many leaders have found they overwhelmed and overworked under the hierarchy model. With the empowered team model, the problem is solved as the leaders work with others in a team. This model emphasizes mentorship of new leaders and the development of a team spirit among the leaders to enhance good working relations to boost rescue of the vision of the church. Empowerment means that leaders drop bureaucratic structures so that people develop a sense of ownership and belonging in the leadership process. It enables them put into use their skills, experiences, energies and ambitions. Active participation by the different members of the team will make them accept the responsibilities that come with the leadership (Maxwell, 2005, p.

Sunday, June 9, 2019

Negotiating a Disciplinary Procedure Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Negotiating a Disciplinary Procedure - Essay Example consort to the paper, alleged inadequacies of performance, which include proficiency and competence as set out in the Unfair Dismissal dally 1977 and conduct are grounds for penitentiary action, meaning that the disciplinary procedure may be initiated and that a sanction may follow if the case against the employee is found to have substance. It should be noted that meek instances are normally dealt with informally for a ticking-off incident for an isolated incident of lateness for example and this is because they will not require numerous procedures in coming to a decision. There is an obligation under section 14 of the Unfair Dismissal Act 1977 that within 13 weeks of starting employment in any organization, the employees moldiness be given the procedure and rules used for disciplining or dismissing them from the workplace. Such procedures may be contained within a collective agreement, which is normally after a dialog between the employer and employee or be established by custom and practice. Other than this, there is no formal guidance on what the procedure should contain the Act is silent, and currently there is no code of practice on the subject, although there is an area where the Labor Relations Commissions may take action. The guidance that is not provided for comes from decisions of the conflict Appeals Tribunal, which stipulates the rules of engagement. Conveying a clear punitive policy is important to define workplace expectations and the methods the employer will use in correcting behavior that is not in logical argument with the organizational standards. This ensures that all employees are aware and adhere to the code of conduct in the organization failure to which they face sanctions or the disciplinary actions that the misconduct accrues.

Saturday, June 8, 2019

Recreation and Sports Essay Example for Free

Recreation and Sports EssayWhile it whitethorn be true that the stonemason City government ought to devote to a greater extent money to riverside unpaid facilities, this powers telephone circuit does non play a cogent case for increased resources based on river social function. It is easy to understand why city residents would want a cleaner river, scarce this phone line is rife with holes and assumptions, and thus, non strong enough to lead to increased funding. Citing surveys of city residents, the author reports city residents love of water system sports. It is not clear, however, the scope and validity of that survey.For example, the survey could take a leak asked residents if they prefer using the river for water sports or would like to see a hydroelectric dam built, which may convey swayed residents toward river sports. The sample may not switch been representative of city residents, enquire only those residents who live upon the river. The survey may have be en 10 pages long, with 2 school principals devote to river sports. We just do not know. Unless the survey is fully representative, valid, and reliable, it can not be dropd to effectively back the authors argument.Addition solelyy, the author implies that residents do not use the river for swimming, boating, and fishing, despite their professed interest, because the water is polluted and smelly. While a polluted, smelly river would possible cut down on river sports, a concrete connection betwixt the residents insufficiency of river use and the rivers current state is not effectively made.Though there have been murmurts, we do not know if there have been numerous complaints from a wide range of lot, or perhaps from one or two individuals who made numerous complaints. To strengthen his/her argument, the author would benefit from implementing a normed survey asking a wide range of residents why they do not currently use the river.Building upon the implication that residents do n ot use the river due to the part of the rivers water and the smell, the author suggests that a river clean up pass on conduct in increased river usage. If the rivers water quality and smell result from difficultys which can be cleaned, this may be true. For example, if the decreased water quality and scent is caused by pollution by factories along the river, this conceivably could be remedied. But if the quality and aroma results from the natural mineral deposits in the water or surrounding rock, this may not be true.There are roughly bodies of water which emit a strong smell of sulphur due to the geography of the area. This is not something likely to be afffected by a clean-up. Consequently, a river clean up may have no impact upon river usage. Regardless of whether the rivers quality is able to be improved or not, the author does not effectively show a connection between water quality and river usage. A clean, beautiful, safe river often adds to a citys property values, lead s to increased tourism and revenue from those who come to take advantage of the river, and a smash overall quality of life for residents.For these reasons, city government may decide to invest in improving riverside unpaid facilities. However, this authors argument is not likely significantly persuade the city goverment to allocate increased funding. reader Commentary for Essay reply Score 6 This insightful reaction identifies important assumptions and exhaustively examines their implications. The proposal to spend more on riverside amateurish facilities rests on three questionable assumptions, namely THAT THE SURVEY PROVIDES A RELIABLE BASIS FOR cipher PLANNING THAT THE RIVERS POLLUTION AND ODOR ARE THE ONLY REASONS FOR ITS LIMITED RECREATIONAL USE.THAT EFFORTS TO CLEAN THE WATER AND REMOVE THE ODOR WILL BE successful By showing that each assumption is highly suspect, this look for demonstrates the weakness of the entire argument. For example, paragraph 2 points out tha t the survey might not have used a representative sample, might have offered limited choices, and might have contained very few questions on water sports. Paragraph 3 examines the nice connection between complaints and limited use of the river for recreation.Complaints about water quality and odor may be coming from only a few people and, even if such complaints are numerous, other completely different factors may be much more significant in reducing river usage. Finally, paragraph 4 explains that certain geologic features may prevent effective river clean-up. Details such as these provide compelling support. In addition, careful organization ensures that each sore point builds upon the previous ones. For example, note the clear transitions at the jumpning of paragraphs 3 and 4, as well as the logical sequence of sentences within paragraphs (specifically paragraph 4). Although this probe does contain minor errors, it still conveys ideas fluently.Note the effective word choices ( e. g. , rife with . . . assumptions and may have swayed residents). In addition, sentences are not merely vary they also display skillful embedding of subordinate elements. For example, note the sustained parallelism in the scratch line sentence of the concluding paragraph. Since this response offers cogent examination of the argument and conveys essence skillfully, it earns a score of 6. Essay Response Score 5 The author of this proposal to increase the work out for Mason City riverside recreational facilities offers aninteresting argument but to move forward on the proposal would definitely require more information and thought.While the correlations stated are logical and probable, there may be hidden factors that prevent the City from diverting resources to this project. For example, consider the survey rankings among Mason City residents. The thought is that such high regard for water sports will translate into usage. But, survey responses can hardly be used as indicators of actual behavior.Many surveys conducted after the winter holidays reveal people who list course session and weight loss as a top priority. Yet every profession does not equal a new gym membership. Even the articulate of the survey results remain ambiguous and vague. While water sports may be among the residents advanceite activities, this allows for many other favorites. What remains unknown is the priorities of the general public. Do they favor these water sports above a softball field or soccer field? Are they willing to sacrifice the municipal golf course for stop riverside facilities? Indeed the survey hardly provides enough information to discern future use of improved facilities.Closely linked to the surveys is the bold assumption that a cleaner river will result in increased usage. While it is not illogical to expect some increase, at what level will people begin to use the river? The answer to this question requires a survey to find out the reasons our residents use or do not use the river. Is river water quality the aboriginal limiting factor to usage or the lack of docks and piers? Are people more interested in water sports than the recreational activities that they are already active in?These questions will help the city government forecast how much river usage will increase and to assign a proportional increase to the calculate. Likewise, the author is optimistic regarding the state promise to clean the river. We need to hear the source of the voices and consider any ulterior motives. Is this a drift year and the plans a campaign promise from the state representative? What is the timeline for the clean-up effort? Will the state fully fund this project? We can imagine the misuse of funds in renovating the riverside facilities only to watch the new buildings fall into dilapidation while the state drags the river clean-up.Last, the author does not consider where these additional funds will be entertained from. The current budget situation mu st be assessed to determine if this increase can be afforded. In a sense, the City may not be willing to draw money away from other key projects from road improvements to schools and education. The author naively assumes that the money can simply appear without forethought on where it will come from. Examining all the various angles and factors involved with improving riverside recreational facilities, the argument does not justify increasing the budget.While the proposal does set off a possibility, more information is required to warrant any action. Reader Commentary for Essay Response Score 5 Each paragraph in the body of this perceptive essay identifies and examines an unstated assumption that is crucial to the argument. The major assumptions discussed are THAT A SURVEY CAN ACCURATELY PREDICT BEHAVIOR THAT cleanup spot THE RIVER WILL, IN ITSELF, INCREASE RECREATIONAL USAGE THAT STATE PLANS TO CLEAN THE RIVER WILL ACTUALLY BE REALIZED THAT MASON CITY CAN AFFORD TO drop dead MO RE ON RIVERSIDE RECREATIONAL FACILITIES.Support within each paragraph is both thoughtful and thorough. For example, paragraph 2 points out vagueness in the choice of words of the survey Even if water sports rank among the favorite recreational activities of Mason City residents, other sports may still be much more popular. Thus, if the low assumption proves unwarranted, the argument to fund riverside facilities rather than soccer fields or golf courses becomes much weaker. Paragraph 4 considers several reasons why river clean-up plans may not be successful (the plans may be nothing more than campaign promises or funding may not be adequate).Thus, the weakness of the thirdly assumption undermines the argument that river recreation will increase and riverside improvements will be needed at all. Instead of dismissing each assumption in isolation, this response places them in a logical order and considers their connections. Note the appropriate transitions between and within paragr aphs, clarifying the links among the assumptions (e. g. , Closely linked to the surveys or The answer to this question requires ). Along with strong development, this response also displays facility with language.Minor errors in punctuation are present, but word choices are apt and sentences suitably varied in pattern and length. The response uses a number of rhetorical questions, but the implied answers are always clear enough to support the points being made. Thus, the response satisfies all requirements for a score of 5, but its development is not thorough or compelling enough for a 6. Essay Response Score 4 The bother with the arguement is the assumption that if the Mason River were cleaned up, that people would use it for water sports and recreation.This is not necessarily true, as people may rank water sports among their favorite recreational activities, but that does not mean that those same people have the financial ability, time or equipment to pursue those interests. Ho wever, even if the writer of the arguement is correct in assuming that the Mason River will be used more by the citys residents, the arguement does not say why the recreational facilities need more money. If recreational facilities already exist along the Mason River, why should the city allot more money to fund them?If the recreational facilities already in existence will be used more in the coming old age, then they will be making more money for themselves, eliminating the need for the city government to devote more money to them. consort to the arguement, the reason people are not using the Mason River for water sports is because of the smell and the quality of water, not because the recreational facilities are unacceptable. If the city government alloted more money to the recreational facilities, then the budget is being cut from some other important city project. Also, if the assumptions proved unwarranted, and more people did not use the river for recreation, then much money has been wasted, not only the money for the recreational facilities, but also the money that was used to clean up the river to attract more people in the first place.Reader Commentary for Essay Response Score 4 This competent response identifies two unstated assumptions THAT CLEANING UP THE MASON RIVER WILL LEAD TO INCREASED RECREATIONAL USE THAT EXISTING FACILITIES ALONG THE RIVER NEED MORE FUNDING Paragraph 1 offers reasons why the first assumption is questionable (e. g. , residents may not have the necessary time or money for water sports). Similarly, paragraphs 2 and 3 explain that riverside recreational facilities may already be adequate and may, in fact, produce additional income if usage increases.Thus, the response is adequately developed and satisfactorily organized to show how the argument depends on questionable assumptions. However, this essay does not rise to a score of 5 because it fails to consider several other unstated assumptions (e. g. , that the survey is relia ble or that the efforts to clean the river will be successful). Furthermore, the final paragraph makes some extraneous, unsupported assertions of its own. Mason City may actually have a budget free so that cuts to other projects will not be necessary, and cleaning the river may provide other real benefits even if it is not used more for water sports.This response is generally free of errors in grammar and usage and displays sufficient control of language to support a score of 4. Essay Response Score 3 Surveys are created to speak for the people however, surveys do not always speak for the whole community. A survey completed by Mason City residents cogitate that the residents enjoy water sports as a form of recreation. If that is so evident, why has the river not been used? The blame can not be soley be primed(p) on the city park department. The city park department can only do as much as they observe.The real issue is not the residents use of the river, but their desire for a mo re pleasant smell and a more pleasant sight. If the city government cleans the river, it might take years for the smell to go away. If the budget is changed to accomodate the clean up of the Mason River, other problems will arise. The residents will then begin to complain about other issues in their city that will be ignored because of the great emphasis being placed on Mason River. If more money is taken out of the budget to clean the river an assumption can be made. This assumption is that the budget for another part of cit maintenance or building will be tapped into to.In addition, to the budget being used to clean up Mason River, it will also be allocated in increasing riverside recreational facilites. The government is trying to accommodate its residents, and one can warrant that the role of the government is to please the people. There are many assumptions being made however, the government can not make the assumption that people want the river to be cleaned so that they can use it for recreational water activities. The government has to realize the long term effects that their end will have on the monetary value of their budget.Reader Commentary for Essay Response Score 3 Even though much of this essay is tangential, it offers some relevant examination of the arguments assumptions. The early sentences mention a questionable assumption (that the survey results are reliable) but do not explain how the survey might have been flawed. Then the response drifts to irrelevant matters a defense of the city park department, a prediction of budget problems and the problem of pleasing city residents. Some records even introduce unwarranted assumptions that are not part of the original argument (e. g. ,The residents will then begin to complain about other issues and This assumption is that the budget for another part of city maintenance or building will be tapped into).Near the end, the response does right on note that city government should not assume that re sidents want to use the river for recreation. Hence, the proposal to increase funding for riverside recreational facilities may not be justified. In summary, the language in this response is reasonably clear, but its examination of unstated assumptions remains limited and therefore earns a score of 3. Essay Response Score 2.This statement looks like logical, but there are some wrong sentences in it which is not logical. First, this statement mentions raking water sports as their favorite recreational activities at the first sentence. However, it seems to have a ralation between the first sentence and the setence which mentions that increase the quality of the rivers water and the rivers smell. This is a wrong cause and result to figure out the problem. Second, as a reponse to the complaints from residents, the state plan to clean up the river. As a result, the state expects that water sports will increase.When you look at two sentences, the result is not appropriate for the cause. Third, the last statement is the conclusion. However, even though residents rank water sports, the city government might devote the budget to another issue. This statement is also a wrong cause and result. In summary, the statement is not logical because there are some errors in it. The supporting setences are not strong enough to support this issue. Reader Commentary for Essay Response Score 2 Although this essay appears to be carefully organized, it does not follow the directions for the designate childbed.In his/her vague references to causal fallacies, the writer attempts logical analysis but never refers to any unstated assumptions. Furthermore, several errors in grammar and sentence structure come in with meaning (e. g. , This statement looks like logical, but there are some wrong sentences in it which is not logical). Because this response does not follow the directions for the assigned task and contains errors in sentence structure and logical development, it earns a sc ore of 2. Essay Response Score 1 The statement assumes that everyone in Mason City enjoys some sort of recreational activity, which may not be necessarily true.The statement also assumes that if the state cleans up the river, the use of the river for water sports will definitely increase. Reader Commentary for Essay Response Score 1 The brevity of this two-sentence response makes it fundamentally deficient. Sentence 1 states an assumption that is actually not present in the argument, and sentence 2 correctly states an assumption but provides no discussion of its implications. Although the response may begin to address the assigned task, it offers no development. As such, it is all the way extremely brief providing little evidence of an organized response and should earn a score of 1.

Friday, June 7, 2019

Crime and Hand Unemployment Rate Essay Example for Free

Crime and Hand Unemployment Rate EssayMany contemporaneous macro-level theories of criminal behavior and empirical tudies pf crime strides address the relationship between economic factor and crime. Relationship between economic circumstances such(prenominal) as wage pomposity and unemployment to criminal activity is the main subject matter of this study. Wage inflation and unemployment taken as predictors of crime rates. Unemployment and inflation are two intricately linked economic concept. In economics, inflation is a rise in the general level of prices of goods and services in an economy everywhere a period of time and it is also erosion in the purchasing power of money. And unemployment occurs when a person is able to and willing to work but urrently without work. Unemployment is ordinarily measured using the unemployment rate which is defined as the percentage of those in the labor for who are unemployed. One causes of unemployment is inflation. Over the years there h as been a snatch of economists trying to interpret the relationship between the concepts of inflation and unemployment. This relationship is also known as the Phillips curve. Phillips curve is an inverse relationship between rate of unemployment and rate of increase in money wages.The higher the rate of unemployment, the lower the rate of wage inflation. In other words, there is a radeoff between wage inflation and unemployment lead to a problem that individual do such a thing Just to endure it. It means that if you are unemployed you will do anything to earn and to survive for everyday living. For this, some people tend to commit crimes especi whollyy crime against property. It is a common observation of many countries that unemployment rates and all crime rates are positively associated but negatively in the wage inflation.

Thursday, June 6, 2019

Building models for integration in counseling Essay Example for Free

Building models for integration in counseling EssayAs we embark on this second week of Coun506 we are going to concentrate on building models for integration in counseling. Our beginning point in this is to visualize more specifically how ourworldview impacts the models that we use in counseling. The way we interpret behavior has a lot to do with our worldview, and a lot to do with our expectations of our clients. One of the first steps in applying worldview questions to counseling is that we excite to begin to think in terms of the bigger questions that are involved, starting off with Who am I? Those who approach the question of world universes nature from a theological perspective think of slew as created in the image of divinity. The focus of those who are theologically-trained and oriented is the belief in people being a free creation imbued with a free will, but in like manner as fallen beings created for a purpose. This is true even when we see a person in a coun seling situation and it is clear by the problems they are having or created for themselves that they are far from achieving the purpose for which they were created. It does non remove the position that this is a person with a purpose for which they are created.From a psychological standpoint the question Who Am I? raises the issue of rationality the idea of valet as essentially a self, not a creation but a rational self. Some theories of psychology stresses that when people begin their lives, they begin as blank slates where from the moment they are born, their experiences, their environment, and their relationships begin to fill the pages of their mind and lives. So there is a sense in psychology that people are alike to self-creating social organisms that interact with people and systems around them.From the perspective of Christian spirituality, identity questions are phrased in terms of the spirit, in terms of the God-breathed life. Recall the image in Genesis where God form s Adam from the ground and breathed life into him. That is an image specific to Christian Spirituality the depression of human beings as children of God and temples of the hallowed Spirit. Next we look at the worldview question Where am I? referring to the world in which we live. From a theological perspective the world is considered to be a goodly creation by God In the beginning God created the eavens and the earth and God saw that it was good that phrase is repeated many times in that first chapter of the book of Genesis.When God created human beings he saw that it was very good. So it is a good world created by God that while stock-still under His sovereignty, He has charged us to have dominion over the world. From the perspective of psychologists, the question is addressed in terms of two environments one being the internal environment of the person, or their soulfulness heredity and the second being the external the physical, social, and relational environment in which t hey live.For Spirituality, the world is described as a community, while for us who are believers in Christ, our fundamental identifying terms of our environment is as members of the Body of Christ. It also emphasizes that the world in which we live and see is not one realm, but that we exist in a two-realm world the physical world and the spiritual world. Rarely does anyone come to counseling simply for the fun of it, or because they have nothing else to do. Anytime you see a client, it is because they are having a problem. Theologians looking for from the Whats wrong with the world? perspective, refers to problems in the terms of sin and rebellion to Gods law. Jay Addams emphasize this in nouthetic counseling that anytime a person comes to you with a problem, the problem is sin. This problem of sin shows up not only in that individuals rebellion to Gods law, but also in terms of the larger work of Satan and the presence of evil in their life. Psychologists on the other hand empha size that when a person is having problems, the fundamental issue is pointing toward some type of disorder, or their failure to cope in adequate ways, or they are living in a dysfunctional environment.In spirituality, when there is a problem in life, the problem is broken relationships and alienation from God, self, and others. The problem is also phrased in cosmic terms that in fact part of the problem in life is really the bequeath of spiritual warfare or the result of quenching Gods guiding and comforting Holy Spirit. So where does that lead us in seeking solutions to our problems? In terms of theology, the way to call for with problems are solutions that only come from God. The grace of God is freely given to us, with the cover human response being repentance.Repentance leads to redemption in Christ, and indeed we can embark on the life-long bidding of becoming sanctified, or more like Christ. From a psychological perspective, the solution to problems is known as self-actua lization, or the notion that we are self-controlled persons who need to unleash the self within us. Then we can understand and conquer our problems and recover through psychological interventions. Spirituality peachs of the solution to human problems in terms of communion with Christ, and reconciliation with others coming through abiding in the Spirit and through the power of prayer.Next we need to look at a change that has taken place over time from what is known as a modern worldview to a post-modern worldview. Here you see a saucer-eyed typology comparing the two. This sort of typology is very important in counseling, especially concerning the various generations of our clients. Those who were born in the first part of the 20th century are some(prenominal) more likely to have a dominant modern view. Those born in the latter part of the 20th, or are just coming into maturity now in the 21st century, typically lean toward the post-modern viewpoint.For those who come from the mo dern worldview, their focus is on the rational. If they can figure it out and think it through, THEN they have the direction to live. They seek to discover the impartiality, and from that truth they THEN know how to live and make decisions. The priority is on the individual, learning to be responsible for yourself and your own, not looking to others for help. Modern people believe that there is objective truth, and that we can be objective in our search for that truth.Modernists tend to think that there is a correct way to live, and that there is the possibility of living a moral life. On the other side, post-modernists feel that life is much more experiential. The real source in life is their experiences, not thoughts or reasonings. For example, my experiences are not the same as your experiences so my experiences are THE authoritative source for ME. Because of their emphasis on experience, they seek to understand life from their experiences and then to discern truth FROM those ex periences. In other words their experiences become the means for understanding truth.More and more they place an emphasis on community rather than individuality, which can be seen as a positive shift in the sense that seeking counsel from another person is satisfying instead of embarrassing. Also, post-modern people see life in subjective terms, in that there are many ways to live, all of equal value, and that it is arrogant to speak in terms of there being only one way to live. Now please keep in mind that what was just presented to you is a simple(a) typology, a way of conceptualizing the shifts in thinking so if you see things a little differently from this, it is okay.It is simply a quick way to help you process the shifting of worldviews that is occurring in our lifetime. Be aware that there are five keys to a Christian integrated worldview that you will be hearing about throughout this course. To study a bit deeper on this, refer back to Entwistles book. The first as has bee n mentioned before that all truth is Gods truth this is key to a Christian worldview. The second is the notion that human abilities are gifts from God importation we are not completely independent beings but are creations of God, so our abilities are gifts from our Creator and given to us for a purpose.A third key is the belief that human life is a unified whole, where clients are to be approached holistically and as part of a family and community. The fourth key focuses on the reality of sin, meaning human sin IS a limiting factor in all of our pursuits. This fifth and final key is humans and our behavior can be understood to a great degree through rational means, meaning through empirical observation, through scientific methods, and through the revelation we receive from God. Unfortunately, the way in which we interpret those facts is going to be limited and flawed because of our fallenness.