Sunday, June 2, 2019

My Philosophy of Education Essays -- Educational Educating Teaching Es

My Philosophy of Education Your school work is much better today, Mr. mooring Bear. Im glad to see youve been paying attention. I have spoken these kinds of words many of times during my youth, as I pretended to brave out out my dream of being a teacher. Lining up my stuffed animals and dollies, I would go over the daily lecture with my attentive class, making up training and grading papers with the greatest of joy. These memories motivate me to fulfill my dream of preparing students for a live after high school, opening up the world of literature, and succeeding in ways my previous teachers did not. Because Literature is my passion, I plan to graduate from Concord College with a degree in side Education. After graduation, I would like to go away my feet we teaching or substitution at a middle or high school while I apply to graduate schools. I trust to continue doing this while I take graduate classes so that I may gain experience in the study field. I hope to target my masters to that I can eventually become a college professor of literature. I have also toyed with the idea of acquiring my doctorate. I believe that English is a subject that all students need a firm grip upon to succeed in the real world. Reading and writing are major skills that everyone should occupy because they can either move a person forward or hold a person back. Obviously, reading is essential because we are faced with this unavoidableness day after day. Whether it is road signs, cooking instruction, mailing addresses, or television advertisements, reading is something that a person cannot escape. Speaking properly is also very important because one can be judged by how well they speak. In simple terms, it ... ...tion is extremely important, because it instills important knowledge where it is lacking, so that a person can right properly in the real world. Without primary educational knowledge, a person can become alienated from so ciety, and left to feel embarrassed. The possession of good education had become so dire that it is required for almost any occupation, especially one that is highly respected. As a teacher, I hope to convey basic English skills, critical thinking skills, and basic values that will remain with my students throughout their lives. In short, I have always dreamed of becoming a teacher, and with every day my desire grows. Teachers mold students, who are our future, so we must prepare them well. After all, would you want an uneducated person running our country or performing open heart surgery? I think we can all agree on that answer.

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