Saturday, June 1, 2019

Barn Burning Essay -- essays research papers

William Faulkner is concerned with the south and its problems with black slavery. The issues in Barn Burning deal with the conflict between father and son. The theme of this report card focuses on justice. The boy, Sarty, objects to his father burning barns and wants people to be treated fairly. His father, Abner, believes his son should respect and support kin. Abner thinks family is right no matter what. Faulkners intent is to return that choosing between ones own family and justice is very difficult to do, and in the end justice must prevail. The theme is best illustrated by its daub of view, its characterization, and setting. Faulkner represents his point of view using both first and third person to translate his theme. The story is being told by Sartoris Snopes who is a boy at the clipping the story takes place. Throughout the story he shifts from first to third person narrative voices. At times in the story he would speak as only a child would, then something would be said by him which was too knowledgeable for a boy his age to know. This gives an impression that he is honest-to-goodness and is remembering things of his past. Switching between first and third person shows that the choice he made greatly affected him.The way the characters are portrayed outstandingly depicts Faulkners theme. The two conflicting characters are described in similar ways to show their differences. Abner is described by how people see and think close to h...

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